Corona: New Zealand reports first death in three months


menorth New Zealand A Covid-19-related death was confirmed on Friday for the first time in three months. The victim was a man in his 50s who died in an Auckland city hospital, Pacific state health authorities said. The case is related to a new source of infection that appeared in the metropolis in August, he said. Several weeks of restrictions came back into force in Auckland, lifted a few days ago.

The last death was registered at the end of May. A total of 23 people have died in connection with the virus. New Zealand has weathered the crisis relatively lightly so far. Until the new cases of infection in August, the country had not registered any local infections for 102 days. In total, around 1,700 cases have been confirmed since the pandemic began.

The Robert Koch Institute (RKI) has significantly corrected its reported morning infection numbers upward. Due to technical problems, around 650 cases were not reported enough on Friday, the RKI announced on its website. This almost doubles the number reported and is therefore above 1400. This is within the scope of the cases published in recent days. Previously, the RKI had given 782 new infections.

The authority reported on the technical breakdown: As of 4:00 p.m., no more data was read that came from the responsible state authorities. “Therefore, with the data at midnight on 04.09.2020, approximately 650 cases are not shown enough.”

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The number of deaths related to a corona infection is 9319. The institute corrected the number downwards: the day before, the RKI had reported 9,321 deaths. Since the beginning of the Corona crisis, around 247,600 people in Germany have been shown to have been infected with the Sars-CoV-2 virus. According to RKI estimates, around 221,900 people had survived the infection by Friday morning. Whether this information would need to be corrected after the data breach was initially opened.

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The reproduction number, in short R value, according to RKI estimates in Germany, according to a statement late Thursday 0.77 (Previous day: 0.80). This means that an infected person infects less than another person on average. The R value represents the infection rate approximately one and a half weeks earlier.

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In addition, the RKI gives an assumption in its current management report. R. seven days in. The value refers to a longer period and is therefore less subject to daily fluctuations. According to RKI estimates, this value was in 0.91 (Previous day: 0.91). It shows the infection process from 8 to 16 days ago.

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Landshut on early warning value

The city Landshut it exceeds the early warning value for new infections and therefore has the most new cases in Bavaria. According to the State Office of Health and Food Safety, the seven-day incidence in the independent city was included on Thursday. 41.43. This means that in the last seven days for every 100,000 inhabitants, more than 41 people were recently infected with the corona virus.

In Bavaria, the government has given the value 35 as a limit. If exceeded, a plan should be developed, depending on the outbreak, of how infections can be minimized.

In response, the city decided Thursday night that travelers returning from risky areas should have two tests. In addition to a test immediately after entry, a second test must now be performed from the fifth to the seventh day. The home quarantine should only end if both test results are negative. In addition, only groups of up to five people are allowed in public spaces and in the restaurant sector. According to the city, members of your own household, life partners and siblings from another household are excluded from the regulation.

Besides Landshut in Lower Bavaria, the cities also crossed Memmingen and Ingolstadt on Thursday just below the limit.

Brazil exceeds four million infections

According to Johns Hopkins University, the number of infected people worldwide rose to more than 26 million. Most of the cases were in the U.S reported (6.11 million), followed by Brazil (4.04 million) and Yes (3.85 million). At least 865,000 People around the world have died as a result of infection.

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At U.S they were within 24 hours 39,711 New registered infections. A total of 6.087 million people have been shown to have been infected with the corona virus, as announced by the CDC. The death toll increased by 1,009 to 185,092.

The number of coronavirus infections recorded in Brazil it has passed the threshold of four million. As announced on Thursday by the Brasilia Ministry of Health, in almost 24 hours 44,000 new registered infections. The total number increased 4.04 million. However, there is little hope that the peak of the virus’ spread has passed for now. According to the ministry, daily infection rates have dropped somewhat recently.

In the largest country in Latin America, the number of corona deaths recorded each day has also decreased since the end of August. For months there had been more than a thousand cases each. In the last week, the daily average was according to the Ministry of Health. 869. On Thursday the number of deaths just counted was included. 834. In total, more than 124,600 Registered Corona deaths.

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In France registered with the Ministry of Health 7157 New infections in one day. That’s slightly more cases than Wednesday with 7,017, but less than the end-March peak of 7,578 cases. A total of 300,181 people have been shown to have contracted the coronavirus. The number of deaths is 30,706. 12 schools had to be closed in France.

Britain reported 1735 New infections detected in one day, as many as not since June 4. The day before, the government had indicated that the number of new cases of infection was 1508. 13 people who tested positive for the virus died.

For the first time since the beginning of the pandemic, Israel More than 3,000 new corona virus infections were recorded in one day. The Ministry of Health announced this Thursday that it was the day before 3150 new cases have been registered. For the third day in a row, a record was set. There were 2,252 cases on Tuesday.

In the Middle East, more than 50,000 people have died as a result of a virus infection. The AP news agency’s count on Thursday was based on official information from health authorities in the region. This number is likely to be significantly lower than the actual number, and very little testing for the corona virus is being conducted in civil war countries like Libya and Yemen.

In the Middle East, the Iran the hardest hit. More than 21,900 people died there after being infected with the virus, according to authorities, more than 380,000 cases have been confirmed and 328,000 people have recovered.

In Pakistan the figures have fallen, baffling the expectations of the authorities in mid-June. They received a massive increase in cases. In Afghanistan, recreational facilities and most stores have reopened. Experts are also assuming significantly higher figures than officially declared.

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