Christian Drosten’s Proposal: Health politicians advocate for shorter quarantine periods


Health politicians from various parliamentary groups now support Drosten’s proposal. “I think it makes sense to limit the quarantine period to five days,” said Karl Lauterbach, a member of the SPD, of the daily “Die Welt”. “We know that the vast majority of people are no longer contagious within five days of the onset of symptoms, even if the PCR test still shows a positive result.”

The health policy spokesperson for the FDP parliamentary group, Christine Aschenberg-Dugnus, also spoke in favor of a five-day quarantine. This increases public acceptance and “at the same time clears the ground for conspiracy theorists and crown deniers,” he told the “world.”

Greens health politician Kordula Schulz-Asche said: “For the great mass of the population, it may make sense to first enter a shortened quarantine and end it with a negative test if there is suspicion of contact with an infected person.” . Health policy spokesman for the AfD parliamentary group, Detlev Spangenberg, believes that Drosten’s statement confirms the AfD’s view that “the measures taken so far have been hasty and not balanced.”

The health policy spokesperson for the Union’s parliamentary group, Karin Maag, referred to a review on the subject: the federal government and the states had commissioned the Federal Ministry of Health and the Robert Koch Institute to “evaluate existing studies on quarantine – and then, in exchange with the European partners, a report to be sent. ” On this basis, a decision will be made whether an abbreviated quarantine can be recommended.

On his NDR podcast, Drosten said that his proposal was “on the edge of epidemiology pain.” He also suggested that the five days should not be “wasted” on testing, but only after the end of the test to see if those affected were infected and are still infectious.

Icon: The mirror
