More than 100 Republicans ally against the president


Resistance to Donald Trump is growing in the Republican Party. More and more former and current representatives want to prevent his re-election. They are rallying behind a new campaign.

More and more Republicans are turning away from US President Donald Trump, according to information from the Reuters news agency. Around 100 current and former top representatives of the ruling party and independent politicians want to launch a large-scale joint campaign on Thursday and openly call for the election of Trump’s Democratic challenger Joe Biden in November.

The group is called “Republicans and Independents for Biden.” First he wants to launch a website declaring that “Donald Trump’s daily attacks on the founding principles of our nation” represent an “existential threat to the future of the republic.” Campaign appearances, election publicity and opinion contributions in local and national media are also planned in favor of Biden.

Focus on “Battlefield States”

The group focuses primarily on states where the election result is likely to be particularly tight, as well as suburban women and voters who don’t like Trump but are still reluctant to support him. Biden.

The group is funded by the Lincoln Project, which was also launched by prominent Republicans with the goal of preventing Trump from being reelected. By the end of June, the project had raised nearly $ 20 million in donations. Other anti-Trump groups have also emerged from Republican ranks, such as the “43 Alumni for Biden,” which includes hundreds of former employees of 43rd US President George W. Bush, a Republican.

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Christine Todd Whitman is the director of Biden’s Republicans and Independents. The former New Jersey governor and former head of the Federal Environmental Protection Agency under Bush is one of Trump’s fiercest domestic opponents.

“Biden is a decent man”

She accuses him of betraying conservative values ​​by undermining the rule of law and national security, lying, driving a wedge between black and white Americans, and failing to fight the coronavirus. “Biden is a decent man, he’s a trustworthy man,” Whitman told Reuters. “Trump tries to paint Joe Biden’s world as a horror, but that’s Trump’s America now.”

However, it remains to be seen how influential Whitman’s group will be. According to polls, Trump still has a nearly 90 percent approval rating among the Republican base. Trump campaign staff spokesman Tim Murtaugh also emphasizes this. The president enjoys unprecedented support from “true Republican voters.” “Joe Biden was a failure in the Washington swamp for half a century. No one should be surprised when the swamp creatures band together to defend one of their own.”
