Senior Vice President puts to vote the free movement agreement with the EU


“No experiments!” That was the slogan of the CDU campaign in 1957. Konrad Adenauer responded to the SPD, who at that time asked Germany to leave NATO. He prevailed. The Swiss government is currently struggling to successfully defend itself against a radical breakthrough, which is why Swiss Justice Minister Karin Keller-Sutter was heard at a press conference with the words: “This is not the time for political experiments.” .

Johannes Ritter

The experiment, which the policy of the FDP and with it the entire government and the vast majority of the parliament in Bern absolutely want to avoid, consists in the termination of the free movement agreement between Switzerland and the EU, which also links Switzerland with the European Union. . it was at stake.

The advance in this direction comes from the experimental laboratory of the national conservative Swiss People’s Party (SVP), the country’s strongest political force with a voter turnout of nearly 26 percent. The SVP has launched a popular initiative with the not entirely neutral title formulated “For moderate immigration.” In it, he calls for the free movement agreement, which has been in force since 2002, on the basis of which EU citizens seek work in Switzerland and Swiss citizens can easily live and work in the EU, be repealed. The vote on this initiative should take place in mid-May, but it was postponed until the end of September due to the corona pandemic.

24 percent of foreigners in Switzerland

According to the SVP, the free movement of persons has contributed significantly to the fact that a total of one million foreigners have moved to Switzerland during the last 13 years. 2.1 million foreigners currently live in the country. That corresponds to 24 percent of the total population. The share of EU and EFTA citizens in the total population is 17 percent. Most of the newcomers come from Italy (15.3 percent of foreigners), Germany (14.6), Portugal (12) and France (6.7).
