Trump calls for a double vote in North Carolina


AUS President Donald Trump has asked North Carolinians to try to vote in person after voting by mail. “And if their system is as good as they say, then obviously they won’t be able to vote,” Trump said on a state visit Wednesday.

If, on the other hand, there were no notes on voting by mail, they could re-cast their vote, argued the president. For months, Trump has been warning of an allegedly dramatically increased risk of counterfeiting by voting by letter in the November 3 presidential election.

“That’s right, and that’s what you should do,” Trump said in an interview with a local broadcaster at the Wilmington airport alongside his presidential plane.

Attorney General Barr was asked for a comment on Trump’s words a little later in a live interview on the CNN news channel. “It seems to me that you want to point out that the ways of monitoring the system are not good. And that you would be caught trying to vote a second time if it worked out well, “Barr said. When asked that trying to vote twice would be illegal, Barr said, “I don’t know what the law is like in this particular state.”

As legal professionals were quick to point out, it is a crime under federal law in the United States to vote more than once. In North Carolina, it is a suffrage crime to vote and incite more than one vote.
