Navalnyj poisoned with chemical nerve agent


AForeign Minister Heiko Maas commented on the Navalnyj poisoning in no uncertain terms. “We condemn this attack very strongly,” Maas said in Berlin on Wednesday. “Russia itself should have a great interest in good relations with its neighbors in Europe. Now is the time to make a decisive contribution. “

Johannes Leithäuser

The German government had previously announced that it no longer had doubts that Russian opposition politician Alexej Navalnyj had been poisoned with a Novichok group neurotoxin and has urged the Russian government to explain the incident. It is obviously also considering a coordinated European response to the incident. The government announced on Wednesday that at the behest of the Berlin Charité, where Navalnyj has been treated since August 22, a special Bundeswehr laboratory had performed a toxicological test on samples from the sick person: Novitschok Group provided “.

After the results were announced, Federal Chancellor Angela Merkel, Vice Chancellor and Federal Minister of Finance Olaf Scholz spoke with the ministers of Foreign Affairs, Internal Affairs, Justice, Defense and the head of the Federal Chancellery and “agreed on additional steps” said government spokesman Steffen Seibert.

In its communication, the German government further states that it is “an alarming fact that Alexei Navalnyj was the victim of an attack with a chemical nerve agent in Russia.” The process must be condemned “in the strongest terms.”
