But prison instead of psychiatry – Horror House by Höxter: the sadist Wilfried W. totally guilty – Ruhr area


Höxter / Munster – Almost two years after the verdict in the Horror House trial, the Criminal Execution Chamber of the Münster Regional Court decided that Wilfried W. (50) was guilty of committing the crimes! He does not belong to psychiatry with that.

The “Westfalenblatt” reports online. Wilfried W. is now being transferred to an ordinary prison. His defense attorney, Dr. Carsten Ernst to BILD: “Immediate arrest was ordered.”

The lawyer wants to reverse this: “I will file an immediate complaint against you. Now you can be threatened with a subsequent preventive detention. The Paderborn prosecutor’s office has to answer that in the end. “

Defense attorney Ernst wants to make sure his client remains in psychiatry: “Experts have determined that reduced guilt cannot be ruled out.”

Wilfried W. and his ex-wife Angelika W. (51) had tormented women at their home in Höxter-Bosseborn for years, two had died. In October 2018, the Paderborn Regional Court sentenced Angelika W. for murder and attempted murder to 13 years in prison and her ex-husband to 11 years. However, due to reduced intelligence and personality disorder, his guilt was considered to be reduced and therefore he went to the Christopherus Clinic for Forensic Psychiatry in Münster.

Angelika W. (51) wurde zu 13 Jahren Haft verurteilt, u. a. wegen Mordes durch UnterlassenPhoto: Ralf Meier

“data-zoom-src =” https://bilder.bild.de/fotos/angelika-w-51-wurde-zu-13-jahren-haft-verolzent-ua-wegen-mordes-durch-unterzüge-201489775- 72704230 / image / 1.bild.jpg “/>

Angelika W. (51) was sentenced to 13 years in prison, among other things for manslaughter by omissionPhoto: Ralf Meier

During the periodic review of the placement, the Münster Penal Execution Chamber had doubts. Because the doctors who treated him said that Wilfried W. was completely guilty, that he belonged to an ordinary prison. Even a court-commissioned expert could not rule this out, so treatment has now been suspended.

Wilfried W.’s lawyers are now examining the possibility of filing a complaint with the Hamm Higher Regional Court. In the coming weeks, the Prosecutor’s Office wants to examine whether they intend to impose preventive detention after the sentence expires.
