Clash with the Kretschmann convoy: one year after a life-threatening car accident


The Prime Minister of Baden-Württemberg, Kretschmann, survived an accident with his company car unscathed. A few moments later, another car skidded in the same spot, with dire consequences for a one-year-old girl.

After a car collided with a stationary support vehicle of Baden-Württemberg Prime Minister Winfried Kretschmann, an injured one-year-old girl is in danger of death. This was announced by a police spokesman. A 33-year-old man traveling in the same car was seriously injured in the crash Monday night, and a 29-year-old man was slightly injured in the passenger seat.

According to police, the boy was sitting in the back seat of a car that had slid into the support vehicle parked on the wet road from Autobahn 81 north of Heilbronn. Before that, Kretschmann’s company car skidded, hit the railing, and then stopped on the shoulder. Then the escort vehicle and a police car also stopped at the roadside. The head of government, who was not behind the wheel, was unhurt.

According to police, the driver of the company car and the other seriously injured driver are being investigated on the initial suspicion that they have not adjusted the speed of their cars to the weather conditions. “Unfortunately, we have accidents of this type every day,” said a police spokesman. “And these investigations are then a normal process.”

At the time of the second accident, Kretschmann was slightly ahead of the road. “All my concern is the two seriously injured,” said the green politician after an appointment in Tuttlingen. “My thoughts are with you, of course.” The conversation in Tuttlingen remains the only point on the day’s program of his summer tour that he perceives that day. The rest of the show was canceled.
