‘He’s a weak person’: Trump sees dark forces at play with Biden


Donald Trump faces his challenger Joe Biden again. In an interview, the current president of the United States accuses the top Democrat of being controlled by dark powers from the shady world. However, when asked specifically, it remains vague.

US President Donald Trump has harshly attacked his Democratic challenger Joe Biden, accusing him of being controlled by dark forces. “He’s a weak person, he’s been weak all his life … He shouldn’t be running for president,” Trump said in an interview with Fox News. In the conversation, Trump brought conspiratorial connections into play. Biden and the protest movement were manipulated by people who acted in secret. When asked who he meant by that, he replied, “People you’ve never heard of. People in a dark and gloomy world.”

The money for the protests comes from “some very stupid rich people,” according to Trump. They also financed a rally outside the White House last week at the end of the Republican Party congress. A participant at his party told him that numerous thugs in dark uniforms were heading to Washington on the plane he had traveled on. Trump did not say who this information came from.

Ahead of the November 3 presidential election and protests against racism and police violence, Trump repeatedly accuses Biden, considered a moderate, of being a puppet of the radical left. Biden belongs to the moderate wing of the Democrats. On Monday he spoke out clearly against violence: “The riots are not a protest, the looting is not a protest and lighting fires is not a protest (…) It is anarchy, plain and simple. And those who do it must be processed. come back. ”

Biden had previously accused current President Trump of incompetence and failure in the Corona crisis and violence in American cities. The president incited violence and followed a policy of fear.
