Thuringia: Ramelow wants to allow carnival and Christmas markets


Thuringian Prime Minister Bodo Ramelow (left) wants to allow carnival despite the crown pandemic. “We clarify the how and not the yes,” Ramelow said in Erfurt on Monday after a meeting with the Thuringian president of the regional association of carnival clubs.

The association has already developed and presented three concepts that they now want to talk about, Ramelow said. It involves, for example, the stage, the public and the street parades. According to the president of the association, Michael Danz, this means, for example, that there are no penalty warnings, the alcohol service is limited and the number of spectators in the street parades is limited. In the end, the local health authorities have to decide whether carnival events can take place on site.

I can imagine carnival and I can imagine Christmas markets because I want to imagine life.

Bodo ramelow

The virus is dangerous, so everything that could cause its transmission lightly should be avoided. The talks on the Christmas markets are already in a final phase, wait for a recommendation on how the Christmas markets in Thuringia could be possible in the coming days.
