Coronavirus / Bavaria: Söders Sonderweg – new rules after Merkel’s summit in the Free State


The federal and state governments want to enter the first fall and winter of the corona pandemic in a uniform line; the Prime Minister has repeatedly urged it. In Bavaria, however, many things remain different.

  • Prime Minister Markus Söder * had called for uniform measures from the crown throughout Germany.
  • The heads of government have finished Mask requirement, Returnees on vacation and Penalties for infractions discussed.
  • Bavaria goes its own way to crown.

Berlin – Markus Söder Take a deep breath. “It was a very, very intense discussion,” says the Prime Minister of Bavaria. Then look briefly at Angela Merkel. “But I am glad that we are now following a unified path.” And the Chancellor also seems relieved. Behind them is a grueling video conference with the prime ministers of the federal states, around six hours in which the heads of government discussed the mask requirement, people returning from vacation and penalties for violations. They were able to agree on most of the regulations.

Corona: In Bavaria, the fine remains extremely high

Söder has been pushing for a while: uniform rules throughout Germany; one was still very far from them. For example, in some federal states there were no fines for violating the mask requirement, while the Bavarian prime minister recently increased the fine from 150 to 250 euros. Now at least almost all federal states have been able to agree on a lower limit of 50 euros.

Free Corona Trials for Returning Travelers: Bavaria Keeps It Longer

However, many things are still different in Bavaria than in the rest of Germany. Not only because of the fines, which are not as high in any other federal state as in the Free State. Söder also wants to abolish free corona tests Not drag along. The other prime ministers have agreed that tests for travelers returning from safe areas should no longer be free. “From my point of view, the previous strategy was correct,” says Markus Söder. “Despite some setbacks.” Until October 1st therefore, it must continue in the Free State everything can be tried for free – then you can search more.

The numbers are too high and too early, he says. Especially because “we are facing a winter that cannot be calculated.” A second lockdown can only be avoided if there is a national framework in which measures can be “regionally adapted”.

Corona Crisis – Class Mask Requirement

This idea was also in the proposals of the Federal Chancellery. According to a draft resolution, a large number of infections requires and legitimizes other measures in addition to a small number of infections. Accordingly, uniform hygiene concepts should be designed for schools, for example, but whether pupils ultimately also need to wear a mask in class should be decided according to the seven-day cutoff value of the respective region. Now the Permanent Conference must reach an agreement; In Bavaria, the councils of teachers, parents and students meet on Monday to debate.

It is one of the topics that must be refined. This also applies to travel: there has been a huge uproar recently because the state is responsible for the Quarantine of returnees from risk areas pays. Markus Söder had criticized him harshly. The federal and state governments now want to write a change in the law so that all those who travel to a designated risk area are still not compensated for their loss of income in their quarantine.

The regulation has sparked debate mainly because Minister Jens Spahn (CDU) wants to abolish the obligation to test for returnees and replace it with a more extensive quarantine. Söder emphasized that he only wanted to adopt a quarantine regulation if it also worked. You have to be careful “that there is no more evidence at the end and no one goes into quarantine.” He doubted that the controls necessary to enforce quarantine in the communities were possible with the current staff. Digitizing departure cards on airplanes should also work first. The remaining agreements are for the moment a success for him, even if he regulates some things differently in Bavaria.

Contact restrictions

Bayern: Groups of up to ten people can meet in public spaces. There are no strict numerical restrictions in private rooms and gardens, but the number of people must be limited so that a minimum distance of 1.5 meters can be maintained.

Sedan: There are no contact restrictions. However, the rules of distance and hygiene still apply.

Schools and kindergartens

Bayern: After school holidays there should be a mask requirement out of class. All children can go back to kindergartens and nurseries. As of September, children with colds and runny noses should no longer be automatically excluded from daycare.

NRW: Mandatory mask even during lessons. Only elementary schools are excluded. The scheme will initially run on a trial basis until August 31. Regular operations are applied again in the nurseries.

Celebrations and events

Bayern: Weddings and other celebrations can take place with up to 100 people indoors or up to 200 people outdoors. And innkeepers and discos can rent their rooms for private and cultural events. Professional or business-related events, such as conferences or congresses, are allowed under the same conditions as cultural events, that is, with assigned seating with up to 400 guests outdoors and 200 indoors. Without an assigned seat, the upper limit is 200 or 100 people. Non-folk festival markets, such as smaller arts and crafts markets or flea markets without large numbers of visitors, are allowed outdoors subject to conditions.

Thuringia: Private celebrations in closed rooms must be announced two days in advance with the respective municipality for 50 or more participants, outdoors for 100 or more participants.


BayernDecisions about demonstrations must be made on a case-by-case basis. The meeting places should offer enough space for the minimum distance.

Schleswig-Holstein: Meetings and demonstrations can be held with up to 500 participants outdoors and up to 250 in closed rooms.


Bayern: Whoever does not wear a mask in shops or on public transport must pay 250 euros, in case of repeat offense 500 euros. In the case of violations of quarantine measures, for example for those returning from vacation, 2,000 euros are owed.

Saxony: In case of non-compliance with the mask requirement, 60 euros must be paid from September 1.

New crown rules in Germany

At today’s federal and state conference, Chancellor Angela Merkel and prime ministers decided on new crown measures. New Crown Rules in Germany – Returning Travelers, Mask Penalties, Major Events – Here’s an overview after the Merkel summit.

Because of Corona, covering your mouth and nose on buses and trains has been mandatory for months. But many passengers ignore this protection measure, even if the tickets cost 250 euros.

Rubriklistenbild: © Michele Tantussi / dpa
