Berlin demo crown: Seibert speaks of abuse of the right of assembly


Germany Protests for the crown in Berlin

“Shameful images”: the federal government speaks of abuse of the right to demonstrate

| Reading time: 3 minutes

Curd Wunderlich.jpg

Federal government comments on crown protests in Berlin

Over the weekend, thousands gathered in Berlin to demonstrate against the policy of the crown. Now government spokesman Steffen Seibert has commented on the protests and the right-wing extremists’ attack on the Reichstag.

Hundreds of far-right protesters occupied the Reichstag steps on Saturday. The federal government speaks of “shameful images.” Federal President Steinmeier receives the police officers who were deployed in front of the Reichstag.

reThe federal government views the Corona demonstrations in Berlin at the weekend as an example of abuse of the right to assembly. Government spokesman Steffen Seibert said Monday morning in Berlin.

Seibert emphasized that the right to peaceful demonstrations was a valuable asset even during the pandemic. However, this right was abused on Saturday in Berlin. “The result was embarrassing images,” the government spokesman said, referring to the far-right protesters who broke through the barricades in front of the Reichstag and climbed the stairs of the building.

It is important to discuss pandemic measures in the current situation. Instead, there is democratic debate in parliaments, a critical press and public, and also demonstrations, in which the participants, however, have to stick to the conditions.

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Protesters in front of the Reichstag

Corona demonstration in front of the Reichstag

Thanks from the federal government goes to the three police officers, who had protected the Reichstag building as “resourceful and courageous,” as well as to all the other officers on duty. In addition, Seibert thanked the “overwhelming majority” of the population on behalf of the government, which behaved “with good sense, prudence and consideration.”

The situation worsened in front of the Reichstag building

According to Berlin Interior Senator Andreas Geisel (SPD), up to 38,000 people were on the streets of Berlin on Saturday in protest against Corona’s measures; The minimum distance was not respected, especially during the demolished demonstration on Saturday afternoon. Additionally, the attempt to enforce a mask requirement as a requirement failed.

The bans on demonstrations and rallies imposed by the Berlin assembly authorities had previously been lifted by a court.

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Pictures like this, Berlin on Saturday, would have wanted to prevent Interior Senator Andreas Geisel

Judges detain politicians

The nationwide horror was mainly caused by an incident on Saturday night: The situation escalated in front of the Reichstag building when hundreds of right-wing extremists stormed the steps of the Bundestag headquarters. “The Reich flags and the far-right mob in front of the German Bundestag are an unbearable attack on the heart of our democracy,” said Federal President Frank-Walter Steinmeier.

Government spokesman Seibert said everyone had to think carefully about who they would march with in demonstrations against the crown’s measures and who they would like to be seen on the street with.

Reich Flags in Parliament by Steinmeier “Unbearable”

Steinmeier repeated his clear criticism in a statement to the press Monday at lunchtime after a meeting with policemen deployed to the Reichstag building on Saturday: “The Reich flags, including the Reich war flags below, in the steps of the freely elected German parliament, the heart of our democracy, that is not only despicable, but in view of the history of this place almost unbearable. “

Anti-democratic turmoil and the degradation of the Federal Republic of Germany will not be tolerated in the Bundestag, Steinmeier said at his official residence at Schloss Bellevue.

Steinmeier speaks after meeting with police officers

Protesters with Reich flags on the steps of Parliament: Incidents during the Corona protests cause outrage. Federal President Steinmeier met with the police officers who prevented them from entering the building. See his statement here.

The federal president emphasized that anyone who is angry about the crown’s measures or doubts its need should speak out against it. However, his understanding ends where people let themselves be “hooked on the bandwagon by enemies of democracy.” “Those who seek to close ranks with right-wing extremists on the streets, but also those who simply run nonchalantly alongside neo-Nazis, xenophobes and anti-Semites, who do not clearly and actively delimit themselves, make common ground with them,” Steinmeier said.

He also thanked the thousands of police officers who defended the law at high personal risk. They showed that our constitutional state works, Steinmeier said. The defense of free democracy is not the sole responsibility of the police, he said. “It is the task and duty of civil society as a whole and of each individual. In an active, decisive and courageous way, we must face together the enemies of our democracy. “
