Demonstration in the Reichstag: good policemen


The mob on the right goes up the stairs of the Reichstag, there are only three men in police uniforms. Two have a helmet and baton, the third has neither. They are intimidated and harassed, but keep the crowd at bay until reinforcements arrive. Had they relented, there would have only been a glass door between the crowd and the plenary hall. What if in the end a bald neo-Nazi had sat on the government bench, instead of the chancellor?

A few years ago, Greenpeace unrolled a poster on the very façade (west) of the Reichstag. Such political objections are not appropriate, but they do not cause permanent damage, most of them will have forgotten the pictures of this action. The images of a mob inside the Reichstag are different: we would not have forgotten it in our lives. It would be a hair of the The moment of identities, the “Reichsbürger” and the right-wing extremists. He didn’t, Attila Hildmann ended up in a headlock from a strong official elsewhere and not in the Reichstag.

Then you can say quite seriously: the three policemen on the Reichstag steps saved the honor of the country. The three defended the upper house of German democracy, on the pediment of which is written: “Dem Deutschen Volke”. They did it with the baton that so many leftists like he Hold up a symbol of state repression. Yes, that’s possible: do something pretty good with the baton. Normal people may take this for granted, but in certain settings in our society it is not. The cop is always the racist or the neo-Nazi, therefore despicable or even fair play. Just because he’s a cop, it’s your fault.

How the three men on the Reichstag steps are thanked and by whom: That will say something about the state of these media in an age when the institutions of the republic are not only symbolically challenged.

After all, the federal president wants to receive the police, but an invitation from the chancellor would at least be the most appropriate, as would be the case of Greta Thunberg and Luisa Neubauer of the Fridays for Future climate protection movement. Why not?

An entire army of politicians expressed the greatest consternation and outrage after the incident: MPs, party leaders, half the cabinet. Luckily, at least the upper part of the parties seems to have understood what the men in uniform should. But above all, the Party of the Greens and the Left could now take a big step further and lead part of its milieu to prayer. There, all the important police actions in the country are discussed in detail, but when there is something to praise, their own narrow-mindedness leaves them speechless. You shouldn’t write “We love the police” on the board a hundred times, but the agonizing minutes on the Reichstag steps would be a very good occasion to verbally disarm: “All policemen are bastards,” really? However, I bet the relevant antifascist scene won’t pick up on this hate speech.

Or what about the president of the SPD, Saskia Esken? She also thanked the police, hopefully she was more honest than obedient. After all, recently she concluded from some serious attacks that the German police were totally racist in a latent way. Following the Esken axiom, one would have to conclude after the events of the weekend that the German police are completely heroic latent. One realizes: general judgments are wrong judgments.

And what are those representatives of critical discourse actually doing who clapped loudly when a columnist for “taz” publicly imagined that all the policemen were going to be trashed for being trash, including the three doing their duty on the Reichstag steps? ? . I wish they were at least a little to blame now. It would be a start.

For some people it can be unsettling when it comes to a police officer of all the people doing the absolutely right thing. This does not undo the discriminatory attacks by the police, nor does it make the piercing of the address details of a Turkish-born lawyer who then receives death threats downplayed. There are police officers in Germany who should not be allowed. However, the highly symbolic scene on the steps of the Reichstag should give pause to all those who generally no longer see the police as the guardian of law and order.

After all, what do the vast majority of police officers in Germany represent? The proven closeness of individuals to extreme right-wing groups and their thinking? Or the courage of people not to give way to the brown mob when it comes down to it? It must be the three on the Reichstag stairs.

Icon: The mirror
