SPD: Olaf Scholz Wants Higher Taxes for High Earners: Union Criticisms


In case Olaf Scholz is elected chancellor next year, he wants to tax those who earn more more. “In view of the many tasks that the state is now taking on, it should be clear that people who earn a few hundred thousand euros can make a greater contribution to the financing of the community in the future,” said the SPD politician and Federal Minister of Finance of the “Rheinische Post”. .

“We need a tax system that is more performance-based,” he said. Pragmatic politics does not mean that you save the top earners and therefore incur additional debt.

Linnemann: “Absolutely counterproductive” tax increase

Coalition partner Union and the FDP criticized the initiative. It doesn’t go far enough to the left. The vice chairman of the CDU / CSU parliamentary group, Carsten Linnemann, told the publishing network in Germany that tax increases are now the least necessary.

“Artisans and medium-sized companies are happy if they survive Corona. If we now threaten higher taxes than they might expect at the end of the Corona tunnel, that would be absolutely counterproductive,” he said. But Germany needs a real tax reform to relieve small and medium incomes.

Future FDP Secretary General Volker Wissing criticized Scholz’s tax plans as doubly unfair: “He wants to raise taxes for the corporate middle class and deny more justice to the working middle class. Such a tax policy makes everyone a loser.” . Bavarian Finance Minister Albert Füracker (CSU) said: “This is again typical of Scholz: there are no creative concepts in this difficult situation, only the classic moth box tax increases.”

Bartsch asks for load balancing

The leader of the left-wing parliamentary group, Dietmar Bartsch, welcomed the announcement in principle. “However, this is not enough to finance the crisis,” he said. “Corona costs billions, so we need a historical equalization of charges, since the Basic Law provides for such situations.”

You have to “take advantage of the assets and inheritances of billionaires and billionaires.” Many became even richer during the crisis, but many also wanted to pay higher taxes. “If we don’t do this, Olaf Scholz will have to present the crown bill to the common man.”

Scholz also said he wanted to meet the debt brake again starting in 2022. Thanks to government action, there are signs that the economy is recovering. “We can now assume that our swift government action will result in better economic development than we feared.”

Icon: The mirror
