Protests against crown politics: the chaotic balance of shame show – internal politics


Corona Chaos demonstration in the capital:

Tens of thousands of people demonstrated against the government’s crown protection requirements in Berlin on Saturday. According to estimates by the authorities, a total of about 38,000 people participated.

▶ ︎ The result: as Interior Senator Andreas Geisel (SPD) reported in the evening, around 300 people were arrested throughout the day, around 200 of them just in front of the Russian embassy.

What happened there: From a crowd of around 3,000 of so-called Reich citizens and right-wing extremists, stones and bottles were thrown at the police, as Geisel said. According to the police, prisoners were also released there.

Noted conspiracy theorist and vegan chef Attila Hildmann was also detained there, having previously ignored instructions from the police.

Proteste gegen Corona-Politik: Die Chaos-Bilanz der Schande-DemoPhoto: dpa

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Photo: dpa

▶ ︎The sad climactic moment on Saturday, however, was different: at night, the protesters managed to break a cordon in the Reichstag building and storm the Reichstag stairs!

Only on the doorstep of the Reichstag did the police manage to stop the mob that rioted on Saturday night. From one moment to another, the herd ran towards the entrance. There were only three policemen on his way!

In the Reichstag building, many of the so-called Reich citizens had previously demonstrated, waving the black, white and red Reich flags they used. Later, the police broke up the demonstration. Emergency forces cleared the space in front of the Reichstag building and pushed the protesters away. Pepper spray and sticks were also used.

Lay lock on the Victory Column

▶ ︎The very radicals even resisted until the night. Around midnight, about 200 people sat on the Victory Column in the direction of Hofjägerallee. They got hooked, yelled at the cops and called them out, criticizing the state and Corona’s measures. The emergency services took the protesters away. But as soon as they got carried away, they ran back and protested. The cat and mouse game lasted about an hour and a half. Also there: Several short-term arrests and some injured. The fire department was at the scene with three ambulances.

A police spokeswoman told BILD in the evening: “Today we had all the humor there: violence in front of the Russian embassy. Discontent, in the form of throwing bottles and loud slogans and peaceful protests, as in the Victory Column. The counter-demonstrations turned out to be smaller than announced by the organizers, and took place almost “in secret”. So you can say: Today we bring together everything the capital has to offer. “

The Stuttgart initiative “lateral thinking 711” called for a protest. She expected around 22,000 participants, but there were many more.

Sad: Robert Francis Kennedy Jr., nephew of former United States President John F. Kennedy, who is well known in the United States against vaccines, made an appearance at the rally. The opponent of the vaccine said that Corona was an invention that had been planned for decades.

The head of the Bund Deutscher Kriminalbeamter, Sebastian Fiedler, warned of the possible consequences of the crown protests: “These types of demonstrations are an ideal environment for radical movements to win more and more people to their ideologies,” Fiedler said of the ” Rheinische Post “(Sunday / Online edition). “There, the enemies of democracy mix with parts of the middle class, so conspiracy theories can spread faster and faster.”

Confusion in almost every part

Politicians from almost all parties have expressed dismay at the events in the Reichstag in Berlin during the protests against the Crown measures.

Berlin Interior Senator Andreas Geisel (SPD) described the events during the protests against the Crown restrictions in Berlin as predictable. “What happened today was to be expected,” he said in the ARD “Tagesthemen”. It was not the assembled people who criticized individual government decisions regarding the crown, but those who had “doubts about our basic free democratic order as a whole and wanted to attack it.”

Foreign Minister Heiko Maas (SPD) tweeted: “The Reich flags in front of the parliament are shameful.” SPD chancellor candidate Olaf Scholz wrote: “Nazi symbols, Reich citizens and imperial flags have absolutely nothing to do with the German Bundestag.”

Federal Interior Minister Horst Seehofer (CSU) thanked the police for defending the Reichstag against extremists. Seehofer on BILD: “Diversity of opinion is a trademark of a healthy society. However, freedom of assembly has its limits where state rules are trampled. The Reichstag building is the place of activity of our parliament and therefore the symbolic center of our free democracy. That chaos and extremists misuse it for their own ends is unbearable. “

SPD Secretary General Lars Klingbeil also thanked the police. You defended democracy. The fact that the protesters stormed the Reichstag made him “sad, angry”.

Police union: police protect freedom of assembly “to the limit of pain”

The deputy head of the police union (GdP), Jörg Radek, said: “The brave intervention of our colleagues prevented a ghastly breaking of the taboo.” It was “terrifying” that far-right groups could mingle without being bothered with the protesters.

The GdP deputy emphasized: The police protect the right of demonstration even of those who abuse it to the absolute limit of pain. “However, if important infection protection requirements are deliberately violated, my colleagues are forced to react.” Apparently many protesters showed a lack of appreciation for the great good of freedom of assembly, which concerned him.
