Protest against crown policy: horror of escalation in the Reichstag


Protests against the crown policy caused a stir in Berlin. The situation got worse several times. Numerous people tried to storm the Reichstag. Politicians called the attack “shameful” and “disgusting”.

Right-wing extremists and Reich citizens alongside vaccine opponents and families: According to police, up to 38,000 opponents of the federal government’s coronation policy demonstrated in the streets of Berlin on Saturday. The situation got worse several times. A clash between police and protesters broke out in front of the Russian embassy. At night, a group of protesters tried to storm the Reichstag. That drew severe criticism.

“It’s disgusting”

“The Reichstag building is the place of activity of our parliament and therefore the symbolic center of our liberal democracy. It is unbearable that chaos and extremists misuse it for their own purposes. I thank the police for protecting us quickly and consistently today, “said Federal Interior Minister Horst. Seehofer from “Bild am Sonntag”. “The state must take action against those people with zero tolerance and constant severity.”

Green MP Konstantin von Notz explained: “Participants in a demonstration also mobilized by the AfD and NPD tried to storm the Reichstag. Reich war flags mark the image in front of the building. # Summer2020 It is simply disgusting and disgraceful.” Foreign Minister Heiko Maas also condemned the fraternization with right-wing extremists: “No one should … persecute right-wing extremists, endanger police officers and expose many to the risk of infection. The flags of the Reich in front of the parliament are disgraceful, “he tweeted. SPD chancellor candidate Olaf Scholz wrote: “Our Basic Law guarantees freedom of expression and the right to demonstrate. It is the answer to the failure of the Weimar Republic and to the horrors of the Nazi era. Nazi symbols, Reich citizens and imperial flags have absolutely nothing to do with the German Bundestag. “

Before that, a group of protesters with black, white and red Reich flags stormed the Reichstag steps. Initially, only a few police officers stood in his way. Subsequently, the officers used pepper spray, which sparked fights. “We cannot always be present everywhere, it is precisely this gap that was used to cross the barriers here, to go through and then to reach the stairs in front of the Reichstag,” said police spokesman Thilo Cablitz.

According to Berlin Interior Senator Andreas Geisel, officers arrested a total of 300 people during the day, including conspiracy theorist Attila Hildmann. The Berlin police want to present an exact balance no later than Sunday afternoon.

No minimum distance is maintained

After a demonstration broke up at noon due to non-observance of minimum distances, many protesters gathered for an afternoon rally at the Victory Column. According to the police, the protection requirements of the crown were better observed in this meeting than in the previous demonstration.

The initiator Michael Ballweg of the Stuttgart-based lateral thinking initiative 711 called for the repeal of all laws passed to protect against the crown pandemic and for the federal government to abdicate immediately. He received great applause for this. At the same time, Ballweg thanked the Berlin police, “who made it possible for us to demonstrate peacefully here.”

The resignation of the federal government as well as the end of the protection conditions and the daily restrictions due to the corona pandemic were called on banners. The posters read “Stop the Crown Madness” and “End the Crown dictatorship.” Over and over the crowd chanted “Resistance” and “We are the people.”

Ban failed demos in court

In reality, the Berlin authorities wanted to ban the meetings in advance. The police stated that the reason for the ban order was that the gathering of tens of thousands of people, often without a mask or distance, posed too high a health risk for the population. This was already demonstrated by the demonstration against the Crown policy on August 1 in Berlin, during which most of the protesters consciously ignored hygiene rules.

However, the authorities were defeated in court. The decision of the Higher Administrative Court of Berlin against the prohibition order of the police was known on Saturday night. The judges argued that the protesters had presented “specific concepts of individual hygiene.” Neither the “sufficiently dimensioned assembly areas” nor the number of commissioners and de-escalation teams deployed would not justify the prohibition of assemblies.

Tagesschau24 reported on this issue on August 29, 2020 at 2:00 pm and Tagesschau at 2:29 pm
