Corona demonstrations in Berlin: the police clear the meeting in front of the Russian Embassy – Berlin


Saturday afternoon recap: tens of thousands of people against crown policy on the streets of Berlin

They cry loud “Resistance!” and “We are people!”. The thousands of protesters who gathered in central Berlin on Saturday are upset, many have banners with them. Takes them to the street Protest against state crown requirements, you want to Put an end to annoying daily restrictions – and chalk the government openly violating the law. “Guilty” is also on the posters Portrait of government scientists and politicians read, all of them, including the Chancellor, they are in striped prisoner clothing in the photo.

The weather had already warmed up before the demonstration because the police wanted to ban gatherings, especially with reference to health protection. The courts overturned the ban order at the last minute.

Police show up with around 3000 emergency services the weekend of protest blocks entrances and streets. the The number of protesters is growing rapidly on Saturday morning.: First, the police talk about around 18,000 participants at Friedrichstrasse and Unter den Linden, later in the afternoon of “several tens of thousands”.

“Stop the madness of the crown!” it can be read on posters, among other things. On the streets where the demonstration participants gather, it becomes apparent due to the tension in the crowd: Many do not adhere to the minimum distances indicated due to the risk of infection. Therefore, the planned demo train is not allowed to start initially. Then the police solve the demo in. But are the protesters also leaving voluntarily? In the afternoon a large demonstration was supposed to follow nearby, on Straße des 17. Juni between the Victory Column and the Brandenburg Gate.

The protesters have traveled to the capital from many parts of Germany. Organizer of the Lateral Thinking Initiative 711 of Stuttgart had called the meeting against the state requirements of the crown. The mix is ​​diverse: Men and women, young and old, including families with children there are. Many dialects can be heard. At Unter den Linden State Opera meet again People who demonstrated against the protests of lateral thinking.

Around noon, the first broadcast on social networks. False reports on the number of participants: 8.5 million protesters therefore, they are supposedly in the capital. Even the one from Thuringia AfD’s right wing Björn Höcke speaks of hundreds of thousands, “if not millions”. At the Aug. 1 demo, the number of participants was massively inflated to over a million, though only a few tens of thousands were there.

On Saturday diving between the bourgeois-looking protesters also People with imperial eagle flags From now on, you can see T-shirts with gothic writing. How far right protesters but make one, according to the demo watchers very small part outside.

Interior Senator Andreas Geisel (SPD) had previously expressed concern several times over “A mobilization of right-wing extremists.” In the run-up to the demo, there were voices on social media yearning for political upheaval. In some cases, that had little to do with criticism of the crown measures. (Andreas Rabenstein and Lukas Dubro, dpa)
