Corona Canarias: pending travel warning: will Tenerife become a risk zone?



Canary Islands: the situation worsens – does the travel warning arrive?

The travel warning issued by the government does not apply to the Canary Islands, until now. That could change, the crown numbers go up.

Peninsular Spain and the Balearic Islands become corona risk areas

The entire Spanish mainland and the Balearic Islands with the holiday islands of Mallorca and Ibiza are classified as a corona risk zone by the federal government. The Canary Islands are excluded.

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  • The number of new corona infections is also increasing in the Canary Islands: in 24 hours more than ever were reported
  • This could now have consequences: the critical value for issuing a travel warning for the islands has long been exceeded.
  • In no other European country is the incidence rate as high as in the holiday destination Spain: thousands of new infections are reported every day

The Canary Islands have registered a new record of new infections. Regional health authorities reported 338 new cases in the 24 hours of Thursday night. That’s the highest number since the pandemic broke out in March.

The Atlantic islands belonging to Spain must now fear losing their privileged position and, like the whole country, including the Balearic Islands, being included in the list of risk areas by Germany.

Corona in the Canary Islands: does the travel notice arrive?

The associated travel advisory would be “the knockout blow” for the already seriously ill tourism industry, which contributes about 35 percent of regional revenue, as the media warned on Friday.

“It is not going well,” says Fernando Simón, Spain’s chief epidemiologist and spokesman for the health authorities.

  • In some parts of the country it is epidemic out of control again.
  • In the last seven days alone, around 51,600 new infections were recorded, making an average of about 7,370 infections per day.
  • In no other European country is the incidence rate as high as in the holiday country Spain. National health experts are already warning of a new “viral tsunami.”

Spain: The number of corona cases is also increasing rapidly in the Canary Islands

As the situation continues to deteriorate, there is now a threat to the idyllic Canary Islands a Travel warning. These volcanic islands are located about 1500 kilometers from Spain and were previously considered a largely virus-free area.

However, in the Canary Islands, where last year 13 million foreign tourists holidays did, the number of corona cases is now also increasing rapidly. In such a way that in seven days the critical mark of 50 cases per 100,000 inhabitants was passed. From this threshold, Germany and other European countries usually impose Travel advisories.

At noon on Friday, 1,737 new infections had been registered in the Canary Islands in the last seven days. There are 82 cases of infection per 100,000 inhabitants. Already on Tuesday he had Risk value for the Canaries at 60. Across Spain, this benchmark number has now risen to 110. That is why several European countries, including Germany, have been warning against travel to the mainland and Mallorca for some time.

Madrid: Epidemiologist expects “drastic measures” in the fight against Corona

Currently the situation is more worrying in the capital Madrid, the absolute national hotspot, and in the northern part of Spain. “If the number of cases continues to increase, drastic measures will have to be taken,” warns epidemiologist Simón, who coordinates the state’s anti-crown fight. New Curfews therefore, they are not excluded in Spain.

  • So far, authorities have tried to counter the new virus outbreak with appeals, meeting restrictions, a general closure of nightclubs and nightclubs and a total Mask requirement to struggle.
  • Meanwhile, there is even a wide one throughout Spain smoking ban in public to reduce the potential risk of infection from exhaled smoke.
  • Smoking is only allowed if there are no other people within two meters.

However, all these measures could so far be the second largest Viruswelle Don’t stop in Spain.

Corona: Diseases in Spain are easier than in spring

Even if daily case numbers are already approaching highs in spring. Most diseases are now easier, which is reflected in the number of victims – the number of registered Crown-Toten 10-20 a day is currently well below the horror figures from the end of March, when 900 did not survive the Covid 19 disease every day.

The less dramatic development of the second Epidemiewelle According to Spanish experts, it has to do with the fact that most patients are now less than 40 years old and not more than 60 years old and, therefore, are more stable in terms of health.

And that, thanks to increased testing and monitoring capabilities, a significantly higher number of infected people are now registered without symptoms of the disease.

  • Currently, only about five percent of the sick need to be treated in the hospital.
  • The Spanish The intensive care unit therefore, they are not yet crowded with patients as they were during the first wave of illness.
  • But local health centers, which are responsible for the initial diagnosis of the infection and for monitoring contact persons, are on the brink of collapse.
  • also read: Corona Hazard Area Vacations – What Employees Need to Know

Holidays: Half of the parents in Spain do not want to send their children to school

The worst could still come. After the traditional Spanish holiday month of August, public life resumes in September: millions of employees will return to theirs in the coming days Workplace back. schools and open universities. Local buses and trains are filling up again. A nightmare for state virus expert Simon, who describes it as an “explosive mixture.” Read here:
More recently, the festivities caused a stir during the Corona crisis.

According to a survey by the newspaper “La Razón”, around half of the parents do not want to send their children to school. Meanwhile, teachers’ unions are threatening strikes because schools for the lessons They are not prepared in the Corona era. The summer did not serve to create concepts of security, they complain. In fact, for example, it is not even clear if there is one for students and teachers. Mask requirement I’ll give. Before school starts, “La Razón” describes the state of mind, “chaos, fear and insecurity”.

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