Crown / Border openings: now loosening, but one country stands in the way


Relaxation in the Corona crisis is progressing. Germany will carefully loosen its borders. This affects, among other things, crossings to Austria, Switzerland, Denmark and France.

  • In the Corona crisis, almost all borders between countries were closed in Europe.
  • Germany also isolated itself from its neighbors.
  • A plan is now being drawn up to open travel routes soon.
  • Here you will find the basic facts about the crown virus * and the news from the German crown *. You can also find the current case numbers in Germany here as a map *. The following recommendations for crown protection measures * are currently available. The most important on the subject is also available on our new Facebook page, Corona News. Become a fan now.
  • Update May 14, 9:47 p. M .: They seem like a couple of concessions Denmark want to do in the tourism industry. Vacationers with approximately one Rental agreement for a holiday home or with a hotel reservation he could afford to enter the country, according to Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen. However, this must first be discussed in political talks.

    Of course, the head of government does not simply want to open the borders and thousands of people travel and infect each other: “If we talk about a model that deals with people who when tourists come to DenmarkWhere you can help local communities is different. ” However, he warned about the risk of infection. “It is wonderful to welcome a German family who not sick is. It is a little difficult to say the least when a German family comes here and has Corona and infects others. “

    Update May 14, 8:23 p.m.: Denmark continues to open its limits. The government still doesn’t want to commit to a date. It was agreed that the news at the borders would be announced before June 1, he said. Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen Arriving at a television debate with the leaders of the other Danish parliamentary parties. That will be fulfilled.

    Several parties want Denmark to already have a Agreement with Germany so that the Tourism in the country can get going German tourists traditionally provide the majority of guests in Danish holiday homes, so Situation on the German-Danish border It is particularly important for the travel industry.

    Border openings in the Corona crisis: Germany is moving forward with plans in the south and west

    First registration from May 14, 6 p.m.:

    Munich: I already had a kind of trip to the past. Following the crown pandemic, European countries closed their external borders.
    * *. Country by country sealed – for the purpose of Rampant virus control.. In one fell swoop, hundreds of millions of EU citizens lost their favorite travel freedom *. Neighboring countries were still closer, but suddenly so far.

    These measures * helped ensure that numerous states, including Germany, quickly mastered the spread of SARS-CoV-2. The success of this strategy has positive consequences: the Federal Republic Gradually reopen borders with neighboring countries.. Of course, this will not happen as abruptly as the closings in the second half of March. coordination It is the magic word here. After all, the borders were closed on both sides and the barriers were only arranged vertically in exceptional cases.

    Border openings in the Corona crisis: plan with Switzerland, Austria and France underway

    There is already a specific schedule with Switzerland, Austria and France. Internal border controls are in accordance with all three countries. extended until June 15but they are already from May 16 at all crossings to these neighboring countries Relief requested. That means: only random checks are done. And in close coordination between the respective nations.

    “I really liked it and it is totally in line with the European spirit that four neighboring countries fight a dangerous virus togetherInterior Minister explains Horst Seehofer. There would be a good reason to enter, but there should be more exceptions for Travel for personal or family reasons. give. The Ministry cites unmarried students or couples as an example. The same time frame also applies to air borders with Italy and Spain.

    Pleased with cooperation with numerous neighboring countries: Interior Minister Horst Seehofer announces relaxation at the borders.

    © dpa / Hannibal Hanschke

    Border openings in the crown crisis: it all depends on the number of infections

    Of course, the prerequisite is always positive. Development of infection numbers. – but any relief with which we are currently being rewarded is affected anyway. Seehofer emphasizes: “Four countries in the heart of Europe are acting in the same direction: the aim is have free travel in Europe again in mid-June, if the infection situation allows it. “For the former CSU leader, who praises” discipline in the population “, it is also clear:” We also have to be prepared to react to deterioration. “

    And how is the situation in the other six neighboring countries? Fundamentally different. Already from May 15 controls end at the crossing Luxembourg. Thereafter, the federal police will increasingly switch to “search and control measures in the 30-kilometer border zone.” Even in one Solution for the border with Denmark Work is in progress The Federal Government is open at the end of the checks, but Berlin and Copenhagen want to determine the time for this together. Before that, however, the Danes must go with their other neighboring countries. Norway and Sweden to find a deal

    Border openings in the Corona crisis: good reasons for a necessary trip to the Netherlands or Belgium

    The way in Netherlands it’s officially free, but travelers should good reason be able to show Also, it can be used for both arrival and later return two-week quarantine * be imposed This applies to guests who are more than 30 kilometers from the border.

    In case of Belgium “Crossings are not absolutely necessary” are prohibited. How valid reasons for entry For example, a job in the neighboring country, school or doctor visits there, as well as urgent family matters are considered. The border police are responsible for the decision in individual cases.

    In the “ZDF” interview, Oliver Paasch, Prime Minister of the German-speaking community in Belgium, mentions the government’s conditions for opening the border: “First, the comparable epidemiological situation in the neighboring country to be. Second, the neighboring state must agree Let the Belgians in

    Border openings in the Corona crisis: Poland and the Czech Republic only stir exceptional cases

    The entrance to Poland becomes at least until June 12 It will only be possible in exceptional cases. Only people are greeted Special permissionFor example, for professional, school or student reasons. Travelers must have a negative crown test * every 14 days.

    That also applies to Czech Republic. The border crossing continues to open only in exceptionsfor example, for “cross-border travelers, employees in international freight transport, employees of critical infrastructure and integrated emergency services, and cross-border travelers in social and health care services”.

    Czech Prime Minister Andrej Babis does not want to rush anything. The online edition of the newspaper. Blesk said Wednesday that The situation regarding the crown pandemic seems “not ideal” in Germany and especially in Bavaria. The founder of the populist party ANO prefers a mutual opening of borders within the so-called Austerlitz format, which in addition to the Czech Republic Slovakia and Austria belong, but not Germany. Babis mentioned that as possible times June 8 or 15.

    To the dismay of some travelers, it only continues to open in exceptional cases: Polish citizens demonstrate at the border crossing.

    © dpa / Stefan Sauer

    A German study suggests that the coronavirus damages other organs besides the lungs.

    * is part of the national network of publishers Ippen-Digital.


    List of rubric lists: © dpa / Oliver Dietze
