Corona virus: an overview of the new rules – politics


Even the chancellor has lost sight. Just over a week and a half ago, Angela Merkel gave prime ministers a broad hand to shape restrictions in their countries. And the heads of government use this freedom. Meanwhile, the various bans and permits have become so small that Merkel was unable to tell the Bundestag on Wednesday “if there are countries that have already promised to allow concerts again from a certain point in time.” But it is not easy either, because new rules are added almost every day. They will continue to relax over the weekend and Monday. Trying to get an overview.


Schools and nurseries: All students in the last school year have been allowed to return to school since May 4. Fourth graders will continue on Monday, but only half the class size and for two to three school hours a day. Day care centers will begin “reduced regular operation” from Monday, as the Ministry of Culture says. At most half of the children must be in a facility at the same time, the rest must be organized by the porters.

Gastronomy: Restaurants and cafes can reopen on Monday, but under strict conditions: a minimum distance of 1.5 meters must be observed, operators must wear nose and mouth protection. To be able to identify contact persons for potentially infected people later, operators must also record the names and contact details of the guests and save them for four weeks. Campsites and apartments can also open from Monday.

Business: Retail has already opened its doors, only individual areas are added. Driving schools, for example, may again offer theory lessons and two-wheeler classes next week.

Leisure: Theaters and cinemas remain closed, but museums have reopened since May 6, subject to conditions. There are indoor and outdoor pools, as well as gyms. Sports are only allowed outdoors, without physical contact.


Schools and nurseries: On Monday, students in levels five, six, and eight can, or should, return to school. Previously, current candidates, fourth grade students, ninth grade students in middle and high schools, as well as eleventh grade students could return. All others must follow after the Pentecost holiday, that is, from mid-June. In addition to emergency care, nurseries are only open in exceptional cases, for example, for children with disabilities.

Gastronomy: The Bavarian soul should be particularly pleased that from Monday the gastronomic companies can open their doors, at least outdoors, which includes beer gardens. A week later, cafes and restaurants can also serve guests indoors.

Business: There are no other business openings in Bavaria.

Leisure: There are no innovations for leisure facilities either: museums are open, theaters remain closed. Outdoor sports are allowed.


Schools and nurseries: In schools, the rules in effect since Monday of this week remain. Students in levels two through four, as well as seven, eight, and ten will continue to be taught from home for now. Since Thursday, the children have been allowed to return to the daycare, which is enrolled in the summer, as have their siblings.

Gastronomy: Already on Friday, restaurants and other cafes with gastronomic options can receive guests once again according to the rules of distance and hygiene.

Business: Here it is with the openings already decided.

Leisure: Also starting this Friday, sports clubs can start training, without contact and in groups of eight. The restrictions do not apply to Bundesliga clubs Hertha BSC and Union Berlin. From Monday onwards, not only are outdoor gatherings allowed, even up to 50 people can gather in closed rooms.


Schools and nurseries: Here, fifth, sixth, ninth, and twelfth grade students can return to school at least daily. There are no more facilities at the moment, and the nurseries should not gradually open until May 25.

Gastronomy: In Brandenburg, the same dates and rules apply to the hotel industry as in neighboring Berlin. The campsites and apartments can be reused from Friday.

Business: For the moment, the existing loosening remains: all stores can open if the rules of distance and hygiene are observed.

Leisure: Outdoor sports facilities open this Friday, gyms and swimming pools remain closed.


Schools and nurseries: Regular classes have not yet taken place, but by May 25 all schoolchildren must be taught at least temporarily in schools again. Starting Monday, Bremen will expand its right to emergency care in kindergartens. It also applies to children starting school in the summer, but only if the nursery has a social focus.

Gastronomy: The gastronomy businesses can open from Monday. Guest data is saved so that contacts with infected people can be tracked. Hotels, campsites and holiday apartments can also be revisited.

Business: All retailers can operate their stores.

Leisure: Outdoor sports are allowed. Unlike other federal states, Bremen continues to ban all events with more than 200 participants, elsewhere the limit is 1,000.


Schools and nurseries: Hamburg is slowly becoming one of the first federal states to return to regular daycare operations: Starting Monday, children ages five and six must be cared for again. Four-and-a-half-year-olds are expected to return on June 8, as long as the number of new infections remains low. Only then can the three-year-olds and the children in the crib follow. Many children have been able to return to school for a few days, but next week it will be a vacation. After that, on May 25, the remaining children must follow.

Gastronomy: From Wednesday you can return to restaurants in Hamburg. Hotels are also open again and excursion boats can sail.

Business: Stores with more than 800 square meters of retail space have also been able to open since Wednesday.

Leisure: Starting Monday, people can visit relatives in nursing homes. In addition, the sports fields can be reused from Wednesday.


Schools and nurseries: Students in fourth through tenth grades return to schools on Monday. Furthermore, the right to child care is gradually expanding.

Gastronomy: Starting Friday, restaurants, cafes, breweries, and game rooms can welcome guests. Accommodation establishments can also open.

Business: Hessen has long allowed all retailers to operate.

Leisure: After the outdoor sports facilities, bowling alleys and climbing rooms, fitness studios can also reopen on Friday. The pools, however, remain closed. But you can already spend this weekend in the amusement park.

Lower saxony

Schools and nurseries: Classes three, nine and ten will again receive face-to-face classes on Monday, in addition to levels that can already go back to school anyway. In nurseries, there is only emergency care until the summer holidays.

Gastronomy: Restaurants, pubs and cafes have been open since Monday this week.

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Business: Here it is with the openings already decided.

Leisure: There are also no innovations in this area.

North Rhine-Westphalia

Schools and nurseries: At NRW, almost all students have alternately attended school since Monday of this week. Preschool-age children from financially weak households have been able to enter daycare since Thursday. Two-year-olds can return to the nursery.

Gastronomy: The restaurants have been open since Monday. Hotels will continue next Monday, but only people residing in Germany can stay there.

Business: Here only the rules of distance and hygiene apply.

Leisure: Sport is allowed inside and outside, even in gyms. The outdoor pools will open next Wednesday.

Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania

Schools and nurseries: Preschool children can go to the nursery starting on Monday, one week later, the opening should apply to all children in the nursery. At the moment, only test takers and fourth graders can go to school.

Gastronomy: Hotel operations will start again in Germany’s most popular vacation region on Monday, for the time being, however, only for locals. A week later, guests from other federal states can stay in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania again. The restaurants are already open.

Business: They are open again.

Leisure: From Monday, up to 150 people can gather outdoors, for example, for demonstrations.


Schools and nurseries: It is until May 25 that only the final and transition classes receive face-to-face classes. Until now, there is only emergency care in childcare. The state government plans to present new steps in the coming week.

Gastronomy: Restaurants and cafes have been open since Wednesday of this week. Guest data is stored here for one month. Starting Monday, overnight stays are allowed for tourists in hotels.

Business: Pedicures, massages and other “body-related services” have been allowed since Wednesday. Stores were allowed to open in advance. If you don’t have a home network, you can switch to the internet café starting Monday.

Leisure: While museums and galleries can be visited again, you should be patient when going to the cinema or theater at least until May 27, as well as visiting the gym or the outdoor pool.


Schools and nurseries: Also, only seniors and upper secondary students can attend school. Starting Monday, even students with special needs can return. Emergency care is expanding in day-care centers: the group size can be increased up to ten children.

Gastronomy: Restaurants and hotels can open from Monday onwards if they meet hygiene standards. Visitor data is stored in restaurants and cafes.

Business: There are no more facilities here.

Leisure: Many leisure facilities remain closed and events are still prohibited.


Schools and nurseries: Saxony wants to be one of the first federal states to return to normal school life. From Monday onwards, almost all types of schools are at least alternately in classrooms. In the future, day-care centers should be able to decide for themselves how many children they will care for. According to the state government, the right to care applies “without restrictions”.

Gastronomy: Restaurants, hotels and pensions can already open this Friday, as anywhere else, in accordance with the usual security precautions. Most of the easing was not planned until Monday, but the government preferred it.

Business: Retail was already allowed to open. Driving schools can offer lessons on Fridays.

Leisure: Also from this Friday you can go to theaters, cinemas and other cultural institutions in Saxony. Gyms, dance schools, and outdoor pools can also be re-operated.


Schools and nurseries: By Friday, at the discretion of the school administration, all children must return to face-to-face classes, at least alternately. Pentecost begins on Monday. The nurseries will reopen on May 27.

Gastronomy: The Saxony-Anhalt state government is stricter than others when it comes to restaurants. They can reopen on Monday, but municipalities must individually check for each company whether all safety regulations have been met. From next Friday it will be enough if the operators report the opening. They are only allowed to open in Magdeburg. Hotels and pensions can also receive guests on Friday, but only from Saxony-Anhalt.

Business: There are no major facilities here at the moment.

Leisure: Theaters, swimming pools and many other leisure facilities remain closed.


Schools and nurseries: From Monday onward, there is also the right to emergency care at the nursery for children with special needs. Only in June will there be a “restricted regular operation”. Only children in the final and transition levels go to school.

Restaurants: Starting Monday, hosts and hotel operators can unlock again. However, as in other places, you must observe the hygiene rules. And: “Operators do not allow excessive consumption of alcohol,” says state government guidelines.

Business: Retailers have already been allowed to open, and driving schools will be added on Monday.

Leisure: “Gathering” events and up to 50 participants are allowed from Monday onward, according to the state government. You can at least rehearse in theaters.


Schools and nurseries: Students are returning to schools in stages. In nurseries, the return to regular operation begins on Monday, when all facilities must arrive again in mid-June, at least on a restricted basis.

Gastronomy: From this Friday it is possible to eat again in restaurants; Tourists can also stay in a hotel again.

Business: The retail sector can now open.

Leisure: Theaters, cinemas and indoor pools will be closed for now. In June, you should at least be able to play sports in gyms and swimming pools.
