Home Secretary Wöller: “Violent Hooligans” take demo in Pirna


Do not generalize and delimit more precisely.

Saxony Prime Minister Michael Kretschmer campaigned not to condemn all participants in the crown demonstrations. In an interview with the “Sächsische Zeitung”, he said: “I respect that people demonstrate and I warn against the accumulation of all protests.” Interior Minister Wöller also said that not everyone who participated in spontaneous or registered demonstrations was prepared to use violence.

Wöller called on organizers, crown critics and participants to look closely and differentiate themselves from anti-state, far-right and unconstitutional trends. The prerequisite for demonstrations is that it is peaceful and in accordance with the rule of law and that mouth guards and minimum distances are observed.

If you are in a protest event where attempts are made to achieve unconstitutional goals, then you are in the wrong event and clearly must distance yourself from it.

Roland Wöller
Saxon Minister of the Interior

The Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution watches the demons of opponents of the crown.

The Interior Ministry sees possible connections between the Pegida protests that have not yet taken place and the Corona walks. According to their own statements, the Office for the Protection of the Constitution is also watching the demonstration. As of Friday, there will be no restrictions on the meeting of participants with 50 people in Saxony. Wöller assumes that the protests will subside in the coming weeks, due to the far-reaching relaxation, he believes there is almost no reason to protest.
