Crown measures: the Bundestag decides a new package


This includes an increase in short-term job benefits, a bonus for nurses, and expansion of tests. An immunity card will not be inserted at this time.

The Bundestag approved more aid measures on Thursday to mitigate the effects of the crown epidemic. A package from Health Minister Jens Spahn (CDU) includes, among other things, a renewed expansion of crown tests to better protect nurses and those who need long-term care. A package by Minister of Labor Hubertus Heil (SPD) provides for a temporary increase in short-term labor benefits with a longer period of benefits. The Federal Council is also expected to pass the law on Friday.

Decisions at a glance:

Increased short-term employment benefits

Overall, there is already 60 percent of the last net salary or 67 percent for people with children as short-term job benefits. It should now increase to 70 percent and 77 percent from the fourth month of purchase. As of the seventh reference month, it should be 80 percent or 87 percent in the future. This should apply until December 31, 2020 at the latest. Among other things, the law also establishes a longer right to unemployment benefits.

Crown Trials Extension

The Federal Ministry of Health may require legal health insurance to pay for crown virus tests as a matter of principle. This makes testing possible, for example, even if someone shows no symptoms. In the area of ​​particularly vulnerable people, for example in nursing homes or hospitals, more tests should be done to detect corona infections.

In this way, infections can be recognized early and infection chains can be effectively broken. Health authorities should also be able to bill for tests through legal health insurance. The same applies to immunity tests as soon as it is clear that immunity is possible for a longer period of time and the person is no longer contagious. In the future, laboratories will also be required to report negative test results. Health departments must also report whether someone is considered cured. In the future, part of the reporting system will also include where someone has been infected. The data is transmitted anonymously to the Robert Koch Institute.

Bonus for nursing staff.

In 2020, all geriatric care employees will have a tiered entitlement to a single special benefit (premium crown) of up to EUR 1,000. Federal states and nursing employers can additionally increase Corona’s premium to the amount of the exempt sum of social security taxes and taxes of 1,500 euros.

The largest bonus is awarded to full-time employees in direct care and support. Apprentices, volunteers, volunteers and volunteers, as well as employees of service companies must also receive the bonus. Initially, the premium will be funded by legal long-term care insurance funds. In the second half of the year, the Ministry of Health and Finance wants to determine to what extent the federal government will contribute to the financing.

More help for those who need attention.

Dependents at level of care 1 can use the relief amount of 125 euros, deviating from the currently applicable requirements, in other ways, for example, for home-related services. This is valid until September 30. Access to care subsidy becomes easier.

More resources for health departments.

50 million euros will be made available to the 375 health authorities, mainly to promote digitization. In addition, a point of contact for the public health service is permanently established at the Robert Koch Institute.

Flu Vaccine Extension.

Doctors should be able to order more seasonal flu vaccines in advance without having to fear resorting to claims by health insurance companies because of an inexpensive prescription. Until now, health insurance companies have only covered the costs of a limited number of flu vaccine supplies. The government’s goal is for more people to be vaccinated against the flu so that health care is not affected by another wave of flu.

No immunity card at the moment

Federal Health Minister Jens Spahn (CDU) had stipulated in the bill that citizens who have survived Corona disease can receive an immunity passport. However, critics cautioned that it is not yet certain whether crown patients actually gain immunity after recovery. They also fear that there could be a division of society if citizens with an immunity card were able to move freely again and participate in events, people who were not yet ill but did not have permission to do so. This could also lead to healthy people consciously becoming infected with the virus. The minister wants to continue the project, but initially requested an evaluation from the German Ethics Council.

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