Coronavirus / Bavaria: Söder skeptical – Free State wants to save cinemas and theaters


The cultural sector is particularly suffering from the crisis of the crown. Prime Minister Markus Söder announced more aid and booed Corona’s skeptics.

  • There will be more relief soon in the Corona * crisis in Bavaria.
  • Outside catering can reopen on May 18, followed by restaurants on May 25.
  • The cultural sector is particularly suffering from the crisis: Markus Söder announced more aid.
  • Here you will find the basic facts about the crown virus and the news from the crown of Germany. You can also find the current number of cases in Bavaria as a map. The following recommendations for crown protection measures are currently available.

Update 2:32 p.m.: From the point of view of Bavarian constitutional protection, it is good and correct that the people of the Free State also contribute to the times of the Crown. Manifestations express your opinion, keeping the minimum distance. “This is democracy in action,” said the president of the Bavarian State Office for the Protection of the Constitution, Burkhard Körner, the German Press Agency. A division in society through demonstrations and circulation. Conspiracy theories He doesn’t see.

However, it is important that as clearly as possible Acts And by providing adequate information, citizens have the opportunity to evaluate different opinions. As part of appropriate preventive measures, the Office for the Protection of the Constitution must also be careful that “extremists do not use some of the justified concerns of citizens as stirrups to convey their anti-state ideology to a larger group of the population “

Corona virus in Bavaria: stressful situation for children and teenagers

For many Children and adolescents The crown crisis is an extraordinary stressful situation. Jens Tönjes of the Child Protection Association criticized the state in an insufficient discussion of children and their basic needs in a technical discussion by the social committee in Munich on Thursday. The children were not asked what their needs were during this time. He cited as an example: “Access to emergency care was based, at least in the past, exclusively on the work of parents, but not on the needs of children.”

Emergency aid in the Corona crisis: Aiwanger defends itself against criticism of payment in Bavaria

Update 1:20 p.m.: Bavarian Economic Affairs Minister Hubert Aiwanger (free voters) opposes criticism for the slow processing of requests for emergency aid in the crown crisis. You have to take a closer look, otherwise you will end up paying money to scammers like this happened in Berlin, he said Thursday in the budget committee of the state parliament. “Then I’m fast if I transfer it quickly. But I could also throw it out the window.”

According to Aiwanger, 320,000 requests for emergency aid were processed in Bavaria. 230,000 were approved and around 1,700 million euros were paid. According to the minister, the remaining 90,000 requests were partially rejected but also partially withdrawn, in part because the requests had been submitted multiple times. However, some 10,000 applicants received nothing.

Corona Virus in the Free State: Bavaria increases aid program for the cultural sector

11.35 a.m. update: Bavaria is stopping its aid program for people in crisis Cultural industry clearly at: € 200 million instead of the previously planned € 90 million will now be made available to artists and creative artists in the Free State. That announced Prime Minister Markus Söder, Art Minister Bernd Sibler and Digital Minister Judith Gerlach (all CSU) in Munich on Thursday. Artists who are not organized in the artists’ social security fund should now also benefit. And there are millions more aid for places like theaters and cinemas, for music schools, amateur music groups and the failure of film productions.

Bavarian Prime Minister Söder confronts Corona skeptics: “There are areas in the world …”

Bavarian Prime Minister Markus Söder (CSU) also attended the press conference Skeptic of the crown applied the measures to contain the pandemic to criticize. “For those who think that maybe that would be an exaggeration, I can only say: there are areas of the world where we hear news that it is a Relapse I could give, “he said. There are still regions where “dramatic conditions” prevailed. “Are we happy and grateful” that the situation in Germany So far it has been relatively light. The decision to reopen the Limits it means a new freedom, but also a new challenge.

After long crown-related closings, Söder also plans to reopen Cultural institutions proceed very carefully, but rely on a slow restart from Pentecost. “The same principle applies here: prudence and caution.” He emphasized: “We believe that we should develop perspectives for the time after Pentecost.” According to the Ministers of Culture, the majority will prefer to continue the summer vacation or after or in the fall. “Little by little, with prudence, piece by piece,” emphasized the Prime Minister.

Virus Corona in Bavaria: the digital minister asks for a national concept for the opening of the cinema

Bavarian digital minister Judith Gerlach (CSU) is calling for the reopening of Movie theaters A national concept in the Corona crisis. “We need uniform starts,” he said Thursday. Cinemas need attractive movies. But movies only start if they can be shown across the country. ” Therefore, it considers that “a coordinated approach” of the federal states is “absolutely sensible”.

Coronavirus in Bavaria: the press conference with Markus Söder to read

Update from 11.03 a.m.: The press conference is over.

Update 10:56 a.m.: A journalist asks about children’s programs. Children with poor reading ability or children from distant families are feared to be left behind. There is a lot of discussion about this, Sibler explains to launch the appropriate programs: “It is a matter close to my heart.”

Update from 10.46 a.m.: Söder explains why Bavaria is more careful when asked. One has with Kindergarten and school closings it had positive effects after about two weeks. Trade opening has also gone well so far.

Against the Nockerberg, the policy was partially criticized for the cancellation. “It could have been a Heinsberg,” says Söder. Currently, it is still being considered whether the number or the time is decisive. Even a small strong beer festival has a different impact than an event at the state theater, Söder explains the difficulty of weighing it up.

Update from 10.43 a.m.: According to a journalist, the industry has been criticized for being a Important event not exactly defined This would hinder legal regulations for industries. Events of 1,000 or more people have been canceled until August 31, Sibler explains. You have to look at the individual events according to how many people really want to come. It also puts the shift operation into operation, for example an afternoon performance for the classic evening event.

Söder explains how to deal with the crown crisis: perspective and plan are particularly important

Update 10:39 a.m.: When asked by journalists, Markus Söder explains that there are people who want to relax faster and others who feel bad about it. You have to be on both sides, that’s why Perspective and plan especially important, he explains.

“It depends on which areas are lighter and which are heavier,” he says. A rock concert is more likely to be seen in later chronologies than a performance by Don Carlos. “Try first to see these concepts,” he explains. Caution is particularly important.

Update from 10.30 a.m.: Judith Gerlach, Bavarian Digital minister, speaks like a third party. Theaters have already received support and reports of new bonuses. “We want quick help, effective help,” says Gerlach. “Not only have the theaters been closed for weeks, but they don’t have the opportunity to make offers either,” they can’t delivery offer, like restaurants.

Talking about the timing of a possible reopening. However, many movie operators would not push for an immediate opening, they advocate opening nationally.

Press conference with Markus Söder All the live broadcast to listen

Virus Corona in Bavaria: the minister gives prospects for the future for art and culture

Update from 10:27 a.m.: “We will not have the 1,000-person room completely full,” Sibler offers a perspective on the future. The goal is to be able to start small things again after Pentecost, give an example Outdoor events – Always subject to conditions. These concepts have to be resolved. For the autumn there is “the great hope” of being able to resume the events in the houses.

Update 10:23 a.m.: Now the Minister of Culture Sibler goes into detail. For example, music schools are financed with 10 million euros. Traditional music, such as amateur groups, is also supported, as Söder already mentioned.

Update from 10.17 a.m.: Minister Bernd Sibler repeats Markus Söder. It is about the support of the artists, but also about the places themselves. You want to give perspectives and Fear of existence react. “The theater thrives on compaction,” but this cannot be answered in the crown crisis.

Applications will be launched and work can start next week. Self-employed workers, who have so far not benefited from aid programs, can now be included.

Corona virus in Bavaria: how does cultural life continue in the Free State? Söder speaks

Update from 10.13 a.m.: How are things going in Bavaria in general? You have one Calendar presented, explains Söder. “Step by step, don’t rush anything.” You should think about how you can get the substance despite the tax losses. A Tax increase Söder excludes for Bavaria that they will speak in favor of a sustainable economic stimulus program. They would consider what could be done about the federal program specifically for the Free State.

Finally about culture: innovative concepts must be promoted “to strengthen Bavaria. Even in the crisis, we will not save on culture. ” Culture is systemically important and strengthens society, especially in times of false news.

Update from 10.11 a.m.: “How is cultural life going?” Asks Söder. This is the question that many face. A concept was developed “what can be the way to go when opening culture,” explains Söder. They are also supposed to be ministers and Chancellor be introduced. “I think the church model could be a good model there,” says the Bavarian prime minister. “Here, too, the principle is applied step by step, prudently, piece by piece.”

Virus crowns in Bavaria: Söder presents aid to the arts and culture industry

Update 10.09 a.m.: In addition to direct help for artists, it’s also about Supporting places like theaters and cinemas. Free State is launching a € 50 million program, which will also benefit theaters. There should also be help for film productions.

Third point: for the area of Lay music The aid will also be complemented, in total, more than 10 million euros.

Update from 10:05 a.m.: One of the challenges will be “how do we deal with the consequences,” said Söder. Today it stops Industry of art and culture in focus. “Bavaria is a cultural country,” he explains. “Culture also suffered considerable losses in this crisis.” Bavaria’s emotional soul must be preserved. “How can we preserve culture?” Was the question in the room. So they sat down with creative artists from all industries. As a result of this conversation, concepts were improved. The cultural rescue fund will be increased to 200 million, explains Söder. The number of beneficiaries will increase from around 30,000 to around 60,000.

Honorary staff, for example in state theaters, technicians, makeup artists, etc., should also benefit from this, not just the people on stage.

Crown virus in Bavaria: Markus Söder takes a look at crown skeptics

Update 10:03 a.m.: The press conference begins. Markus Söder, Minister of Art and Science Bernd Sibler and Minister of Digital Judith Judith Gerlach will also be there. Bavarian Prime Minister begins. “We have overcome this crisis very well so far,” he explains. The danger to Bavaria was enormous. If you consider how other countries are, you will find that the Free State has been very fortunate. However, one should not be reckless. “We want one Return to normal“Söder says, step by step.” For those who think that maybe that would be an exaggeration, I can only say: there are areas of the world where we hear news that it is a Relapse could give “

Update from 9.15 a.m.: The press conference with Markus Söder begins at 10 a.m. The Pk is here on the live stream and ticker.

Crown in Bavaria: bright spot for a particularly bumpy industry? Söder wants to speak at a press conference

First report of May 14, 8.33 a.m.

Munich: the corona virus has paralyzed public life for a long time. The businesses were then allowed to reopen, including the opening of gastronomy comes: on May 18, the Catering abroad to open again Restaurants It will follow on May 25. Border controls are also relaxed. Bavarian Prime Minister Markus Söder called for caution. “Good sense and caution are the main adjustments, so to speak,” Söder said Wednesday night (May 13) in a ZDF “Special”. However, it is good that there is now gradual relief, especially in direct border traffic.

Coronavirus in Bavaria: the arts and culture sector suffers – Söder expresses himself

But how’s it going Art and culture Follow? This question will be Bavarian prime minister today at 10 a.m. Thursday (May 14). The Minister of Art and Science, Bernd Sibler, and the digital minister Judit Gerlach (both CSU) are also in the Press conference there. Is there a ray of hope for the industry? The topic should include, among other things, more help for the cultural sector in crisis.

Filmmakers, musicians, artists, actors, organizers and many other cultural workers face great financial difficulties or are even threatened with their existence due to closings related to the crown. They demand better financial support, and eventually a perspective on when theaters, cinemas, concert halls and other facilities can reopen.

Coronavirus in Bavaria: Minister dampens hopes for art and culture

I was just last week Sibler Hopes were dashed and there was talk of a difficult summer for theater and concert organizers. Currently, all plans are geared towards starting the new season in the fall.

The ministers of culture of the federal states are currently working on a concept for possible openings in the art and culture sector. That should be the Prime Minister’s Conference be introduced.

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