Corona 2020 summer vacation: Greece wants to open beaches, but only with the wrong rule


The corona virus crisis has upset many vacation plans. But slowly there is hope. In Greece, the beaches are said to reopen on Saturday.

Update May 14 at 11:29 p.m. It’s actually good news, but with a mild flavor: the greek crown crisis team it has a heat wave expected in the next few days The 515 organized bathing establishments in the country open from Saturday permitted. But there are strict requirements for bathers: you should also only 40 people per 1000 square meters be allowed. The distance between the umbrellas must be at least four meters. Also, beach bars can only sell packaged food and do not serve alcohol, state television (ERT) reported Thursday.

Summer holidays despite Corona: organized coasts reappear in Greece

For him coronavirus epidemic Swimming in the sea in Greece was only allowed in unorganized sections of the coast. The organized sections of the bathing shoreline should not open until June. However, this meant that people in the disorganized beaches did not keep their distanceGreek media reported.

There are strict distance rules for the reopening of organized coastal sections in Greece; You probably won’t see photos like this there.

© dpa / Santi Palacios

Given the forecast by the Meteorological Office (EMY) Sahara hot air masses, which will arrive in the southern Balkans in the coming days, the organized coastal sections will now also launch in a few days. The peak of heat will be reached this weekend with temperatures of up to 40 degrees Celsius in southern Greece.

Meanwhile, researchers have apparently developed new ideas about the coronavirus: a simple test can warn you of serious illness.

Update May 13, 4:12 p.m.: Can the Summer Vacation Does it take place or the holidays already booked fall into the water? Like now Mirror online reports the Germans should Airports apparently in Fever controls prepare. Consequently, all departing and arriving passengers must undergo a fever test across the board.

How Mirror online with reference to insider information from the aviation industry reported for the two airports Frankfurt and Munich The concepts have already been created and these could start immediately. The introduction of controls could increase the volume of travel at airports.

Summer Holidays Despite Corona: Those Who Book Must Receive Extra Guarantee – Maas Comments On Travel Warning

Update May 13, 1:51 p.m.: Federal Foreign Minister Heiko Maas announced Wednesday that he was the global travel warning for tourists due to the pandemic of the crown want to gradually cancel. European countries must start. However, he did not specify a specific point in time yet. “For Europe it will be possible before it is to raise the travel warning than for other travel destinations, provided the current positive trend continues in many countries, “Maas said.

Summer Vacation Despite Corona: Maas Wants To Slow Down Travel Warnings

The chancellor further indicated that the travel warning maybe not for the the entire European Schengen area – where there are generally no border controls – canceled at the same time becomes. The aim should be to coordinate the approach in Europe as best as possible, even if the situation differs from country to country. “We don’t all have to go at the same pace, but we don’t have to run either, so we don’t step on each other,” Maas emphasized.

News of the border openings also came on Wednesday. Switzerland: From the June 15, the Swiss border with Austria and Germany should reopen. This was confirmed by the Justice Ministry of the Keystone-SDA news agency on Wednesday. The condition for this is that the development of the pandemic remains positive.

Meanwhile, about future deals with tourists has also changed. Iceland Thought: people should enter the Choose between a crown test or a two-week quarantine to have. Restrictions for international travelers are desired no later than loosen from June 15The Icelandic government said Tuesday night.

A woman with a suspected infected crown spat on a woman at a London train station; now she is dead.

Summer vacation despite Corona: Federal government wants to loosen borders starting Saturday

Update May 13, 11:43 a.m.: Border openings, especially those that were extremely affected by the Corona crisis. tourism branch I have been talking for a few days now. On Wednesday morning (May 13) the federal government now he decided to loosen the borders starting next Saturday. Crossing the border from Luxembourg in particular will be easier, the German news agency found out Wednesday after a cabinet meeting in Berlin.

The Federal Interior Ministry, under CSU politician Horst Seehofer, is striving to completely end the controls introduced on all border sections due to the crown pandemic. June, 15 to.

First report of May 13, 2020:

Brussels – The Hopes for the summer holidays. At least within Europe, despite the current Coronavirus crisis *, they are growing. In addition to the understandable longing of many people for the sun, the beach and the carefree happiness of the holidays, above all they give imminent losses in the tourism industry as well as associated job losses make travel within Europe possible again.

Summer holidays despite Corona: the EU Commission presents the concept

How this is supposed to work is one of the topics of the EU Commission intensive. On Wednesday (May 13), the Commission plans to present its recommendations on how to boost tourism again, without neglecting security. The authority of the head of the EU Commission Ursula von der Leyen (CDU) warns in a ten page draft under the title “Europe needs a break”, which is available to the Bild newspaper (article behind the payment barrier) that “the benefits of travel and tourism are compared to the risks, in one contribute to further spread of coronavirus, which would require new containment measures * ”. As long as there are no vaccines or medications available.

The head of the EU Commission, Ursula von der Leyen, has developed a concept with the agency’s employees to boost tourism.

© dpa / Giannis Papanikos

In the worst case, the document says, there is a threat. 6.4 million lost jobs across Europe. According to the image, the EU document mentions the insecurity of travelers and passengers regarding reimbursement as one of the biggest problems. Therefore, the authority proposes one Coupon Model Update that frees clients from the risk of an insolvent organizer. This should make reservations work.

Summer holidays despite Corona: An additional guarantee is planned for tourists

Specifically, this means: States must be responsible for coupons. Through particularly flexible transfer and booking options, these should also be made more attractive and refundable at the end of the period, according to the Bild newspaper. There is a fear behind this EU Commission proposal that companies go bankrupt if they do second wave of infectionMany scientists consider it likely that they will have to pay too many cancellation refunds at once.

Such a state guaranteed coupon insurance would certainly be a great advantage for tourists. The EU document not only provides answers to the liability question in cancellation cases, but also proposes a plan for them. Border openings In front.

The Commission does not recommend reopening the borders in the Schengen area, but rather one flexible pitch model. But the goal remains “restoring the integrity of the Schengen area” with its Free movement of people, according to the report. In Germany, the expected date is June, 15 in the room. Under Austria’s Wednesday (May 13) deal, the borders with Germany and Switzerland are expected to open in June. Even if that is too late for the Pentecost holiday in Germany *, many travel providers will probably be happy with this message.

Hiking holidays in Austria probably won’t be canceled this summer, either. The borders will open soon.

© dpa / Johann Groder

Summer holidays despite Corona: border controls should be eased in the EU

So first the Controls to countries with one relaxed comparable virus situation will be. Sufficient testing and hospital capabilities are important. Furthermore, infection chains should be able to be tracked effectively and the distance requirements observed. Another key factor: where border measures must be relaxed equal rights for all EU citizens regardless of your nationality.

The head of the largest parliamentary group in the EU Parliament. Manfred Weber (EVP) talking with him image– Newspaper raised: there should be no discrimination, “there are no first and second class Europeans.” The 18 members of the PPE Group also urged Ursula von der Leyen to have EU member states take their Eliminate quarantine regulations * for incoming EU citizens I’d have to.

Summer vacation despite Corona: Tui boss plans “mini cruises”

It also has a creative approach to boost tourism. You boss Fritz Joussen statement on Wednesday The travel company, which will probably have to cut 8,000 jobs worldwide due to the Corona crisis, is planning “Mini cruises” with ships leaving northern Germany. These are “short cruises in the North Sea with only 1000 guests on the boat to ensure safety here too, “explains Joussen.

In view of developments within the EU and the incentive for representatives of the travel industry to make tourism possible also in the summer of 2020, one can expect the The holiday season is not fully canceled this year. But the still dire corona situation also makes clear that caution is required.

It is also useful: read in which countries you can probably spend your summer vacation again this year*.

Interesting background information: The EU Commission announced about two months ago that it would mitigate the economic consequences of the crown pandemic with a billion dollar aid package. You can find more details in the video below.

* is part of the national network of publishers Ippen-Digital.
