New study reveals details of the corona transmission


The coronavirus has spread rapidly throughout the world. A new study now shows how fast and how the transmission is done. All information on the news blog.

Worldwide, more than 4.3 million people are already infected with the corona virus, and more than 295,000 people have died. In Germany there are more than 7,800 deaths. However, many countries around the world have gradually begun to relax restrictions to combat Covid-19. New studies provide information on the spread of the virus.

Study: speaking out loud distributes thousands of crown holes in minutes

According to a new study, the corona virus could possibly be transmitted mainly when speaking. As the study published Wednesday in the journal “Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America” ​​(PNAS) shows, droplets ejected while speaking can remain in the air for more than ten minutes in a closed room. .
For the study, researchers from the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases (NIDDK) had a test person repeat the phrase “Stay healthy” in a closed room for 25 seconds. A laser projected into the room illuminated the drops, making them visible and countable. On average, the drops remained in the air for twelve minutes.

Given the known concentration of coronavirus in saliva, scientists believe that every minute of speaking aloud can produce more than a thousand virus-contaminated drops that remain in the air for eight minutes or more in a closed room. The same researchers observed in a study published in April that speaking quietly produced fewer drops. If the extent of the risk of infection is confirmed by speaking, this could explain the rapid spread of the virus and, at the same time, scientifically support recommendations in many countries to use face masks.

Man without protective mask spits saleswoman

At a shoe store in Crailsheim (Schwäbisch Hall district), a customer without a protective mask spit on a saleswoman. The 24-year-old entered the store without mouth and nose protection, police said Thursday. Despite several requests from the seller, he did not put on a mask. Instead, he spat on the ground and then the 20-year-old woman. You are now awaiting notification of a violation of applicable crown regulations, intrusion and personal injury. However, he entered a hardware store again the same day without a mask.

WHO: Coronavirus may never go away

The World Health Organization (WHO) emergency aid coordinator is skeptical that the new coronavirus can be eliminated after the rapid spread around the world. “This virus can become native to the population and will never go away,” said Michael Ryan in Geneva on Wednesday night.

HIV, the virus that triggers immunodeficiency disease, has never disappeared again. In the case of HIV, the world has managed to create medicines and preventive measures so that the virus has lost its horror. “I don’t want to compare diseases, but we have to be realistic,” said Ryan.

There is a small chance of eradicating the new Sars-CoV-2 virus. To do this, a highly effective vaccine had to be found, it had to be manufactured in sufficient quantities and distributed worldwide, and people had to agree to be vaccinated. “Each of these steps is challenging,” said Ryan. He criticized widespread skepticism about vaccines and the lack of funds for good health systems in many parts of the world.

Health minister Spahn adheres to immunity card

Federal Health Minister Jens Spahn (CDU) continues to believe that the introduction of an immunity card is necessary despite resistance to SPD. Other countries were already planning to make entry dependent on such a test, Spahn told the Germany editorial network (Thursday editions). “So we will have to continue dealing with the issue.” The solution could not be that the Germans “can no longer travel to countries planning such regulations.”

People who have survived Covid-19 lung disease caused by the new coronavirus should be able to prove this with the ID card. The introduction of the identification was originally planned as part of the new Infection Protection Law, which the Bundestag is due to approve on Thursday. However, due to opposition from the Social Democrats, the project had been temporarily suspended. The SPD warns of a division of the company through the identification card.

Spahn said it was correct to remove the draft from the current express law. There is an “understandable criticism” that shows it: “We need more time as a society to debate this issue.” So he asked the Ethics Council for an opinion.

Trump’s announced test may be error-prone

A rapid test for the coronavirus, promoted by the President of the United States, Donald Trump, can have a very high error rate. According to a study published Wednesday by the NYU Lagone Health Research Center in New York, negative test results are unreliable in nearly half of cases. Trump has repeatedly praised the Abbott Laboratories test. The test is also used in the White House itself. The test provides positive results in five minutes and negative results in 13 minutes.

According to the NYU Lagone Health researchers, 48 ​​percent of the negative test results were unreliable if the swab used for the smear was dry; Abbott recommends a dry swab. If the bar was stored in liquid, approximately one third of the negative results were incorrect. So far, the study has only been provisionally published. It has yet to be verified by other researchers.

Abbott rejected the results of the investigation. The company has distributed more than 1.8 million tests and received comments on incorrect negative results at just 0.02 percent, a company spokesperson said. Another study by the University of Detroit said it found the test to be 98 percent reliable.

Crown Test in New York (symbol image): A new study on rapid tests in the USA. USA Aim for a high error rate. (Source: AP / dpa / Mary Altaffer)Crown Test in New York (symbol image): A new study on rapid tests in the USA. USA Aim for a high error rate. (Source: Mary Altaffer / AP / dpa)

Spahn still believes that an immunity test is necessary

Federal Health Minister Jens Spahn (CDU) continues to believe that the introduction of an immunity card is necessary despite resistance to SPD. Other countries were already planning to make entry dependent on such a test, Spahn told the Germany editorial network. “So we will have to continue dealing with the issue.” The solution could not be that the Germans “can no longer travel to countries planning such regulations.”

PPE chief Weber demands “European travel certificate”

The leader of the Christian Democrats in the European Parliament (PPE), Manfred Weber, has called for EU-wide standards for hotels and restaurants in the debate on opening borders in the Corona crisis. “We need a travel certificate for the whole of Europe,” Weber told the “Passauer Neue Presse.” This is the only way to ensure that tourists find the necessary hygiene standards.

Principles that were important before the crisis would have to be upheld at planned border openings, Weber said. “European freedom of travel is a valuable asset, it is a fundamental right for all Europeans.” In this respect, there should be no “bilateral agreements” either. “If you want to separate our continent into European first and second class, you are finally putting the unity of Europe at risk.”

Seehofer: If there are too many new infections, borders must be closed again

Interior Minister Horst Seehofer (CSU) warned that if there is a significant increase in new crown infections, the border openings that have just been decided should be removed. “If the infection is still as cheap or becomes even cheaper, we will finish border checks on June 15,” Seehofer said Wednesday night on the ARD program “maischberger. Die woche.” However, if the infections increased significantly, the loosening would have to be removed again.

“If the infection process escapes us, if there are more than 50 infections per 100,000 in seven days, if something like this happens in the border area, then we have to talk to our neighbors,” Seehofer said. Germany is not an island and in this case the relaxation of border controls would have to be withdrawn. This would be “in perfect agreement with our neighbors,” Seehofer said.

Horst Seehofer: The Home Secretary does not rule out the possibility of borders being closed again. (Source: dpa / Hannibal Hanschke / Pool / Reuters / dpa)Horst Seehofer: The Home Secretary does not rule out the possibility of borders being closed again.

Spain: Apparently ten times more infected people than previously known

In Spain, a study suggests that 2.3 million people, ten times more than what is officially known, are infected with the virus. According to the Ministry of Health, 90,000 people were evaluated in 36,000 homes during the survey. Approximately five percent of the population has been shown to be infected, which means about 2.3 million of the 45 million population. According to official information, there are just under 230,000 cases of Covid 19 in Spain.

Researchers around the world are searching for a coronavirus vaccine. (Icon image) (Source: imago images)Researchers around the world are searching for a coronavirus vaccine. (Icon image) (Source: imago images)

Elephant woman travels from Argentina to Brazil despite crown restrictions

Despite crown restrictions, an elderly elephant traveled from Argentina to Brazil, where she is supposed to spend the rest of her days. Mara, about 50 years old, arrived on Wednesday after a four-day trip to an elephant reserve in the Brazilian state of Matto Grosso, as announced by operators of the protected area on Facebook’s online network. There, the Asian elephant woman took a mud and water bath to relax.

Due to the pandemic, the transport of Mara in the container had been carried out under particularly strict protection measures to protect the animal and accompanying personnel from infection. In the park within the Chapada dos Guimarães plateau, the five-and-a-half ton Mara will have much more space than in the relatively small ecological park in Buenos Aires, where it had lived for the past 15 years.

The reserve in Chapada dos Guimarães is 1,133 hectares. The elephant sanctuary was founded four years ago with the financial support of the American organization Global Sanctuary for Elephants and is the only one of its kind in Latin America. In her new home, Mara will live with three of her kind. Mara was born in India and had to work as a circus animal in her youth.

China reports three new infections

China reports three new cases of coronavirus seven days earlier. All of the new infections have been transmitted locally: two in northeast Liaoning province and one in Jilin province, the country’s health commissions said. According to official figures, the total number of people infected with the virus is now 82,929, and the number of deaths remains unchanged at 4,633.

The Paul Ehrlich Institute expects the first vaccine candidates in late 2020

The president of the Paul Ehrlich Institute, responsible for the approval of medicines, Klaus Cichutek, is confident that until the end of the year there will be specific talks about the approval of a vaccine. “I suppose there will be three more clinical trials of vaccine candidates in Germany,” Cichutek said in an interview with the “Mannheimer Morgen” newspaper.

Starting in the fall, tests could be done on the vaccine’s safety and efficacy. “If all of these clinical trials are positive, we will talk about how to get approval later this year or early next year.” In the meantime, we needed other measures to suppress the pandemic and could review more therapies, says Cichutek. As an example, the biochemist mentions treatment with plasma recovered from patients with Covid-19 that contained antibodies against the virus.

United States Calls to Open Schools in Fall

According to President Donald Trump, schools and universities in the US USA They should reopen their classes in the fall, despite the coronavirus pandemic. The new school year should start as planned, especially since the corona virus has “very little effect” on younger people, Trump said Wednesday night (local time) at the White House. The decision to relax crown requirements rests with the governors of all 50 states, but schools are important, Trump said. “A state is not open if schools are not open,” he said.

Trump rejects Fauci’s warnings as “unjustifiable”

United States President Donald Trump views health advisor and consultant Anthony Fauci’s warnings about the risks of reopening the economy too quickly as “unacceptable.” “For me, it is not a viable solution,” Trump told reporters at the White House. Read more here.

Donald Trump: The President of the USA USA He wants the US economy to USA It opens quickly. (Source: AP / dpa / Evan Vucci)Donald Trump: The President of the USA USA He wants the US economy to USA It opens quickly. (Source: Evan Vucci / AP / dpa)
The pharmaceutical giant Sanofi wants the Corona vaccine to be available to everyone

French pharmaceutical giant Sanofi has promised to offer everyone a future Sars-CoV-2 coronavirus vaccine. “The Covid-19 vaccine will be available to all citizens, regardless of nationality,” Sanofi France quoted Director General Paul Hudson on Wednesday night.

The announcement followed an interview with Hudson published by the US financial news agency Bloomberg. Hudson has made it clear that the United States has priority over the vaccine, Bloomberg reported on its website. The United States was the first to support the investigation. The agency quoted the Sanofi chief as saying that the United States government had “the right to make the largest advance order.”

The two pharmaceutical companies Sanofi and GlaxoSmithKline had already announced in April that they wanted to work together on a vaccine against the Sars-CoV-2 coronavirus. If the trial is successful, a vaccine may be available in the second half of 2021. Sanofi has now announced via Twitter that the company’s teams are trying to accelerate the development of a vaccine.

Union faction vice president Jung calls for further relaxation on the border

After the announced relaxation of border controls, the vice-president of the Union’s parliamentary group, Andreas Jung, quickly called for new steps to normalize border traffic. “On Saturday, the barriers at the closed border crossings were finally raised again. This is an important step, but we have not yet arrived,” said the CDU politician at the German Press Agency. “We continue to fight for a European response against Corona without limit restrictions,” said Jung.

In the next step, entry bans would have to be removed and rejections should stop. “People should be able to get back together, at a distance, but across borders,” Jung emphasized. He said, “We need to move quickly now, not just in mid-June!”

Absolute Senior Official: The United States is not sufficiently prepared

The United States said it was not prepared for the pandemic, according to a senior official who allegedly criticized the government’s crown policy. “We missed the first warning signs,” Rick Bright said before the United States Senate on Wednesday. The official had lost his job as head of the Biomedical Research and Development Agency (Barda) last month, according to his own account, because he opposed President Donald Trump’s crown plans.

If the United States ultimately failed to take national action against the crown pandemic, the country would face the “darkest winter” for decades, according to Bright. The health expert wants to do this before the Senate on Thursday, it was published in advance on Wednesday. “Our time window is closing.” At the start of the crown crisis, the government “forgot” the basic rules for dealing with pandemics, Bright criticizes.

Barda is involved in the development of a corona vaccine, among other things. Bright said he was replaced as chief and transferred to a subordinate position because he opposed the use of hydroxychloroquine and chloroquine antimalarial drugs. Although its benefits have not been proven, President Donald Trump has repeatedly spread its use. On the other hand, he spoke up and then got rid of his job.

Reproduction factor “R” drops to 0.81

According to the Robert Koch Institute, the reproduction factor “R” in Germany falls even further below the critical value of “1”. Currently it is 0.81, the institute reports in its current management report. It was 0.94 on Tuesday and 1.07 on Monday. Generally speaking, a value below 1.0 means that an infected person infects less than another person on average. According to the RKI, this is also an important goal with a view to easing restrictions. Read more here.

Cyberattacks in the corona investigation: United States blames China heavily

US authorities have warned that Chinese hackers are spying on the investigation into the fight against the coronavirus. The US Federal FBI. USA And the US Cyber ​​Security Agency. The US, CISA, said in a joint announcement on Wednesday that organizations working on vaccines, tests and treatments for the virus were the primary targets of such surveillance efforts by China and should protect their systems.

Research attempts of this type have already been observed. The possible theft of this information threatens to provide safe and efficient treatment options. “China’s efforts to target these sectors pose a significant threat to our nation’s response to Covid-19,” he said. Relations between the United States and China are generally strained in the crown crisis. United States President Donald Trump blamed China for the outbreak of the pandemic and accused the country of not being able to deal with the virus.

France reports more than 27,000 deaths

In France, more than 27,000 people died as a result of a coronavirus infection. The Health Ministry said Wednesday night that 27,074 deaths have been recorded since the pandemic began. Thus, the number of deaths increased by 83 compared to the previous day. According to the Ministry, 9,973 deaths were registered in old-age centers and social assistance. About 27,000 people were still treated in clinics for infection with the Sars-CoV-2 virus.

Italian cabinet adopts € 55 billion aid package

After a long delay, Italy launched its € 55 billion aid package, aimed at supporting companies and individuals in the virus crisis. The cabinet has approved the project, says Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte. Disputes in the weak government coalition had repeatedly delayed adoption.

Corona Suspicion: Former Trump Campaign Manager May Spend Prison Time At Home

Former Donald Trump campaign manager Paul Manafort may serve his remaining prison sentence for the crown pandemic, according to media reports. Several U.S. media, including the Washington Post and CNN, said Wednesday, citing Manafort’s lawyers who had given him coronary fears of past medical conditions to serve his sentence instead of being under house arrest instead of being in prison.

South American city: there will be a curfew in Santiago de Chile from Friday. (Source: imago images)South American city: there will be a curfew in Santiago de Chile from Friday. (Source: imago images)

Chile quarantines the entire capital

After a sharp increase in infections, the Chilean government quarantined the metropolitan area around the capital, Santiago, Chile. “These measures are being taken to prevent more people from being hospitalized and to spread the focus of infection from the Santiago metropolitan area to other areas,” Health Minister Jaime Manalich said on Wednesday. According to this, the inhabitants of the region can only leave their houses and apartments with a special permit.

The curfew is valid from Friday night (local time) for a week in the 32 municipalities of the metropolitan region and six neighboring cities. In total, around eight million people live in the region, this corresponds to a good 40 percent of the total population of Chile. In the South American country, 34,381 people have been found to be infected with the coronavirus; In the last 24 hours alone, 2,660 new cases were added. 347 patients have died from Covid-19 lung disease.

Labor Minister Heil wants to “clean up” the meat industry.

After the accumulation of corona infections in various slaughterhouses, Labor Minister Hubertus Heil (SPD) has promised legal consequences. “We will clean up under these conditions,” Heil said Wednesday at a current time in the Bundestag. Corona’s cabinet will take action next Monday that goes beyond previous regulations, he said, complaining about the often precarious working and living conditions of foreign agency workers in the meat industry. “As a society, we cannot continue to observe how people from Central and Eastern Europe are exploited in this society.”

1,000 employees: There was another crown outbreak at a slaughterhouse in Straubing, says the responsible district administrator. (Source: Reuters)

The minister emphasized that current outsourcing in the industry is the “root of the problem”. Therefore, he campaigned to think fundamentally about the currently widespread construction contract constructions. Additionally, Heil campaigned for mandatory control fees nationwide. Many federal states had saved too much on the responsible authorities to verify compliance with existing occupational safety regulations.

Ischgl hub virus declares itself crown free

The Ischgl winter sports complex in Austria, which has been criticized as a crown hot spot in recent weeks, is again crown-free. As can be seen from a compilation of information from the State of Tyrol, there is currently no active case of Covid-19 lung disease in the small community. In the other communities in the Paznaun Valley, there are no sick people either. On Wednesday, the Tyrolean state parliament created a commission to investigate the management of the state government’s crown crisis. Ischgl will also be in focus. From here, the virus should have spread widely through the many international guests.

Schools and cafeterias to open in Lithuania

Lithuania has decided to further relax the crown restrictions. The Vilnius government largely lifted the mouth protection requirement in public space on Wednesday. At the beginning of next week, bars, cafes and restaurants should also be able to cater to customers inside, and a little later, students in the Baltic state may return to classrooms. Prime Minister Saulius Skvernelis said at a press conference.

Vienna donates food vouchers to restaurants

In the Corona crisis, the city of Vienna donated a coupon for restaurant visits of up to 50 euros to all 950,000 households. Mayor Michael Ludwig (SPÖ) announced Wednesday. One-person households receive a coupon of 25 euros, households with multiple people receive a coupon of 50 euros. This can be redeemed at all participating restaurants and cafes in late September. There is a downside: alcoholic beverages cannot be paid for with tax dollars.

The Austrian capital, where the elections will be held in October, will cost the campaign 40 million euros. “Yes, we can afford that,” said Ludwig. After all, it’s about the future of 6,500 taverns with around 60,000 employees. In mid-March, Vienna had already given all adults over 65 a € 50 taxi voucher in view of the risk of infection with the coronavirus.

Volle Straße in Vienna: alcoholic beverages cannot be paid for with tax money. (Source: imago images)Volle Straße in Vienna: alcoholic beverages cannot be paid for with tax money. (Source: imago images)

Australian church fined for selling alleged Crown funds

In Australia, a “church” known for its questionable healing methods has been fined for illegally promoting an alleged miracle crown cure. Australian pharmaceutical regulator TGA said on Wednesday that twelve fines totaling around € 90,000 had been imposed on the municipality of MMS Australia. According to the agency, the alleged miracle drug contained a high concentration of sodium chlorite, a chemical that is used, for example, to bleach textiles or as a disinfectant.

MMS Australia is a branch of the Genesis II Church of Health and Healing, based in the USA. USA, which is subject to a court order from the US Department of Justice. USA This is to prevent the church from selling or distributing its own version of MMS (“Miracle Mineral Solution”), which contains the bleaching agent chlorine dioxide. A website believed to be connected to the church claims that MMS can cure everything from Alzheimer’s to malaria.

Spain wants to keep borders closed until July

Spanish authorities are considering keeping the borders closed for most foreign travelers until July, according to the Reuters news agency. As soon as the “new normal” is established, the borders could be opened for the Schengen countries, said a representative from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, adding: “We are talking about an opening for these countries in early July.”

In Spain, the number of recently reported infections increased from 661 to 228,691. It is still below the 1000 mark. The day before, there were 594 infections, the fewest new infections in more than two months. The Health Ministry recorded an increase in deaths from 184 to 27,104 on Wednesday.

Planned online tests at slaughterhouses in Bavaria

After increasing the number of people infected with the crown at a slaughterhouse in the Straubing-Bogen district, employees of other companies in Bavaria should also be examined. This was announced by a spokesman for the Ministry of Health in Munich on Wednesday. The ministry spokesman said the number of positive findings in the Lower Bavaria company had increased to 14, according to the district office. However, tests for this were carried out before the serial screening of the 1,000 employees began on Tuesday.

“It is also clear that working in the slaughterhouse itself does not lead to a particular infection situation, but that community accommodation must be taken into account,” the spokesperson continued.

Johnson: 275 health and social workers died

Prime Minister Boris Johnson said that 144 health workers and 131 Covid-19 related social workers have died in the UK. In total, the UK has confirmed more than 40,000 crown deaths, more than in any other European country.

Restaurants and hairdressers may reopen in Poland

Poland loosens more crown protection measures. Starting on May 18, the reopening of restaurants and hairdressing salons will be allowed, as announced by Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki. Schools must offer childcare for first through third grade students. “At least we have contained the epidemic to some degree, so that we can gradually unfreeze the economy.”

Russia stops using fans

Russia stopped using its breathing machine called “Awenta-M” after two fires in the Corona clinics and the deaths of six patients. Health protection authority Rossdrawnadsor announced in Moscow on Wednesday that the use of devices manufactured since April 1 for artificial ventilation of patients is prohibited. The state health surveillance agency cited a fire at a Moscow clinic on May 9 and a St. Petersburg clinic on May 12 as the reason. A total of six people died in the accident.

Investigators suspect that there was a short circuit in the machines, with the fires resulting. Russia had also supplied such devices to the United States as humanitarian aid. The FEMA authority responsible for civil protection there banned the Russian state agency Tass from using the “Awenta-M” equipment until the fires in Russia were resolved.

Interior Minister Seehofer wants to restore European border traffic

Germany also wants to gradually ease its border controls. Interior Minister Horst Seehofer presented plans for this at a press conference on Wednesday. Read more about this here.

China once again seals the city of millions

In China, authorities have again largely closed a metropolis due to the risk of the crown. Read more about this here.

The crisis of the Crown will financially overwhelm the German municipalities

Many German cities and municipalities expect their budget situation to deteriorate significantly for the foreseeable future due to the consequences of the Corona crisis. This emerges from a survey by the state development bank KfW among 200 municipalities published in Frankfurt am Main on Wednesday. Consequently, 90 percent of them are “pessimistic” about their financial situation in the current year. 80 percent assume that the situation will continue to be bad next year.

According to KfW, the survey is not representative of all municipalities. However, it gives “a strong impression” of how the corona pandemic financially affects communities, the development bank said. 42 percent expected a sharp drop in revenue this year, and an additional 53 percent at least a trend of falling revenue. The main reason for this is that tax revenues have decreased due to the crisis.

Spahn: home office and children “ist Kokolores”

In an interview with the weekly newspaper “Die Zeit”, Health Minister Jens Spahn (CDU), spoke about the situation of the protective mask in Germany, and expressed concern about the home office. According to Spahn, the situation in the medical mask market has eased. The acquisition started with difficulty, said the CDU politician. “In the meantime, however, we have managed to get so much that the first legal health insurance associations and countries tell me” the farm is full, stop deliveries. “Four weeks ago that was even more difficult,” said Spahn.

Federal Minister of Health Jens Spahn: At the start of the crown crisis there was criticism from hospitals and care facilities. There was not enough protective equipment. (Source: imago images / photothek)Federal Minister of Health Jens Spahn: At the start of the crown crisis there was criticism from hospitals and care facilities. There was not enough protective equipment. (Source: photothek / imago images)

At the beginning of the Corona crisis, clinics, medical practices and care centers criticized that employees did not have enough protective equipment. The federal government then decided to acquire masks, inter alia, centrally. In the interview, Spahn campaigned to understand, “Should we have bought masks before? Yes! I actively decided not to buy masks, no!” He explained. At the time it should have been done, the subject was not conscious. “In hindsight, you’re smarter.”

The stress of the home office and simultaneous childcare in Corona’s times are often underestimated in Spahn’s estimate. “This idea, I also get it, the home office and the kids, by the way, where everyone thinks, somehow it works, it’s of course Kokolores, it doesn’t work,” said Spahn.

CDU politicians only want freedom of travel for people in border regions

CDU internal politician Armin Schuster calls for freedom of travel for the border population to be restored, but for borders not to be opened in general in view of the crown pandemic. “It would help a lot of trade, it would help social relations. And I think that would be the biggest emotional pressure,” the President of the Union on the Bundestag’s internal committee told Deutschlandfunk. “But removing border controls is therefore premature.” The crisis has not yet been overcome. He does not want to send the signal of open borders in Europe, especially on Pentecost.

Austria reopens the border with Germany

The German-Austrian border, closed due to the crown pandemic, will reopen entirely on June 15. Read more about this here.

TUI has to cut more than 8,000 jobs due to the crown crisis

Travel company TUI has announced that the pandemic and extreme economic loss will have to cut around 8,000 jobs in the summer of 2020. Read more about this here.

The demand for transparent plastic sheets has increased

Transparent plastic sheets are in high demand as a hygiene protection measure in the Corona crisis. This gives the industry an unprecedented level of ordering, said Joachim Wehmeyer of the German Plastics Merchants Purchasing Association (EVDK). They had been surprised by the value chain. Now there is no material anywhere in Europe. Due to increased demand, retailers sometimes face industry lead times of up to six months and use stocks, preorders or framework contracts, according to the EVDK. Industrial production capacities are fully utilized.

Plastic plates are currently being installed in many places to protect against the spread of the new coronavirus – in restaurants and cafes, as well as in nursing homes, schools, businesses, and shops. Therefore, demand is not expected to decrease in the coming months, the EVDK said.

Official doctor harshly criticizes Berlin’s warning system

The new Berlin warning system for the crown pandemic has weaknesses in the opinion of Patrick Larscheid, the Reinickendorf doctor. In the traffic light system, the reproductive rate, the number of new infections and the occupation of intensive care beds with Covid patients 19 are the decisive warning factors. For example, if the mark of 20 new infections per 100,000 inhabitants is reached in seven days, the traffic light changes from green to yellow and 30 new infections to red. Larscheid criticizes these limit values ​​as arbitrary. “Numbers 20 and 30, for which there is no basis, are completely empty,” he told the German Press Agency.

“I have to monitor the development of the numbers, that is much more important than the absolute values. In this regard, I am not really happy with this system.” However, for Larscheid, this also applies to the definition of 50 new infections per 100,000 population between the federal and state governments last week: “The old rule has the same weakness as the absolute number was completely arbitrary.”

Expert Forecast: Nearly 150,000 Crown Deaths in the US USA By the end of July

In an updated model calculation, US scientists USA They assume that there will be almost 150,000 crown deaths in the United States in late July. The higher forecast number of victims is due, among other things, to the relaxation of crown requirements beginning in many parts of the country, researchers at the IHME institute at the University of Washington in Seattle said Tuesday. They warned that the full impact of relaxation would only clear up in a few weeks due to the time between infections, tests, possible hospitalizations, or deaths.

Experts last updated their model on Sunday and said the death toll would stabilize at around 134,000 deaths in late July. They now predict around 147,000 deaths on August 4. The IHME model does not represent an exact forecast: each calculation model can only be as good as the underlying data, assumptions, and conclusions drawn from it. The figure of 147,000 deaths in early August represents an average of the researchers’ estimates. At least experts assume 113,000 deaths, and a maximum of 227,000 depending on the model.

Report: The number of asylum applications in the EU decreased significantly during the Corona crisis

According to a newspaper report, the number of asylum applications in the EU decreased significantly in the first four months of this year. Read more about this here.

EU Commissioner considers summer holidays in Europe possible

EU Economic Commissioner Paolo Gentiloni has shown his confidence that the European holiday season can take place in the summer despite the Corona pandemic. “We will definitely have a tourist season in the summer, but with security measures and restrictions,” the Italian told the “Süddeutsche Zeitung.”

This Wednesday, the EU Commission wants to publish recommendations for the gradual lifting of border controls. Read more here.

Study: coronavirus spread in Brazil before carnival

According to a scientific study, the corona virus spread in Brazil before this year’s carnival, before the first discovery of an infection in the country. The spread of the virus began around the first week of February, according to a study published Tuesday by the Oswaldo Cruz Foundation, Brazil’s leading health institute. According to the study, the spread of the pathogen in Brazil began more than 20 days before the infection was first diagnosed in the country for a traveler returning from Italy. This case of infection was discovered shortly after the carnival.

The study raises concerns that there may be significantly more infections in Brazil than official statistics show. With around 12,400 deaths and more than 177,500 cases of infection, Brazil is the country most affected by the pandemic in Latin America. On Tuesday, 881 new victims hit the previous record in the number of deaths recorded in 24 hours.

US Democrats want to adopt new Corona aid package

American Democrats want to address the social and economic consequences of the crown pandemic with a gigantic new aid package. The bill, which was introduced in the opposition party-controlled House of Representatives on Tuesday, provides for measures totaling $ 3 billion (€ 2.75 billion). The package would be significantly larger than previous crisis rescue programs.

However, the prospects for the new aid package being adopted are poor. It would also have to be approved by the Senate, in which President Donald Trump’s Republican Party has a majority. The Democratic legislative initiative “will never go to the Senate,” said Republican Senator John Barrasso. Trump recently said he was against the rapid adoption of new anti-crisis measures.

The democratic bill proposes, among other things, more direct government subsidies to millions of citizens. Checks in excess of $ 6,000 will be issued per household. In a previous package, payments of $ 1,200 per household had already been approved. The new bill also provides support to health and emergency workers, an expansion of food aid for poor families, and additional financial aid for small businesses.

China: seven new cases of coronavirus

Chinese health authorities reported seven new cases of coronavirus on the mainland, with only one new infection reported the previous day. Six of the new cases were local infections in the northeast Jilin province. The only imported case occurred in Shanghai, explains the National Health Commission.

Republicans in the United States Senate threaten China with sanctions

Congressman Donald Trump has threatened China with sanctions for dealing with the crown pandemic. A group of Republican senators released a bill Tuesday that would empower Trump to punish unless Beijing was “fully responsible” for the virus outbreak.

China’s “complete delusion about the origin and spread of the virus” has cost the world “valuable time and lives,” said Senator Jim Inhofe, one of the authors of the bill. Trump has made similar accusations against Beijing.

The bill not only requires China to provide complete information about the coronavirus outbreak. The country is also said to be closing dangerous markets as a focus of infection and releasing pro-democracy Hong Kong activists arrested since the virus broke out. Trump is scheduled to establish a 60-day period to certify to Congress that China has met these demands. If this is not the case, the president must be empowered to impose sanctions such as the freezing of Chinese assets in the United States and travel bans or the withdrawal of visas. It is also said to be able to restrict Chinese companies’ access to the US banking system and capital markets. USA

Fauci: The number of crown kills is probably higher than previously known.

Prominent immunologist and adviser to the United States government, Anthony Fauci, believes that the crown pandemic may have claimed more lives in the United States than was previously known. According to a Johns Hopkins University statement, there are now more than 1.3 million confirmed crown infections and more than 80,000 deaths in the United States. Fauci sagte am Dienstag bei einer Anhörung per Video im US-Senat, die tatsächliche Todeszahl sei vermutlich noch höher. So könne es Menschen gegeben haben, die zu Hause an den Folgen einer Corona-Infektion gestorben seien, ohne dass dies in einer offiziellen Statistik gelandet sei. Read more about the chief virologist’s audience in the United States here.

Donald Trump (left) and adviser Anthony Fauci: In the crown crisis, the statements of both have repeatedly contradicted each other. (Source: imago images / MediaPunch)Donald Trump (left) and adviser Anthony Fauci: In the crown crisis, the statements of both have repeatedly contradicted each other. (Source: MediaPunch / Imago images)

Los Angeles plans exit restrictions until July

For the approximately 10 million Californians in the Los Angeles district, exit restrictions due to the crown pandemic could remain in place until the end of July. Los Angeles County Health Director Barbara Ferrer announced this at a hearing Tuesday, the Los Angeles Times reported. In his opinion, an earlier opening of public life is only possible if there is a “dramatic” turn in the fight against the virus. Ferrer spoke of slow relief from conditions in the coming months.

For example, the beaches of the Los Angeles district are supposed to reopen to visitors from Wednesday after almost two months of closing. However, only sports activities such as swimming or jogging are allowed. People should stay away and wear a protective mask out of the water. Sunbathing is not allowed.

According to Tuesday’s information, more than 69,700 Sars-CoV-2 infections have been detected in the West Coast state, so far 2802 people have died. The Los Angeles district has by far the largest number of the 58 counties.

Goering-Eckardt sees “danger of everything escaping”

Greens faction leader Katrin Göring-Eckardt is very concerned about the federal and state governments’ relief policy in the crown crisis. “I am very concerned,” Goering-Eckardt said in the “World” interview. “Not because one or the other is loosening, but because it is loosening a lot at the same time. Therefore, it is difficult for us to understand how the situation is developing,” warned the Green politician. There is definitely the “danger that everything will slip away again.” A second crown wave would be significantly more painful for both businesses and individuals.

Göring-Eckardt called for “flexible reactions in districts and municipalities by location, with tougher measures or greater relaxation.” To do this, however, significantly more testing is needed. The group leader asked Health Minister Jens Spahn (CDU) to establish a binding concept for crown tests at the national level with the federal states and the Robert Koch Institute.

Letter to von der Leyen: EU conservatives call for an end to border controls

According to a media report, European conservatives are increasing pressure on the EU Commission to end border controls between member states starting May 15. In a letter to her friend from the party, the President of the EU Commission, Ursula von der Leyen (CDU), MPs from across the EU called for an end to the controls introduced at the start of the crisis of Corona, informs in advance the “German publishing network”. Quarantine rules for EU citizens traveling to another EU country must also be lifted. This Wednesday, the EU Commission wants to explain how it foresees the end of the Corona border regime.

Gericht lehnt Eilantrag gegen Maskenpflicht ab

Die Maskenpflicht beim Einkaufen und in öffentlichen Verkehrsmitteln ist nach einer Entscheidung des Oberverwaltungsgerichts in Bremen ein angemessenes Mittel gegen die Ausbreitung des Coronavirus. Wie ein Gerichtssprecher am Dienstag mitteilte, lehnte das Gericht einen Eilantrag gegen die Pflicht ab. Demnach wird das Grundrecht auf freie Entfaltung der Persönlichkeit durch die Verordnung nicht unverhältnismäßig eingeschränkt.

Wuhan will alle elf Millionen Einwohner auf Corona testen

Aufgrund neuer Corona-Fälle in der chinesischen Millionenmetropole Wuhan haben die Behörden dort die Testung der gesamten Bevölkerung angeordnet. Wie chinesische Medien am Dienstag berichteten, hat jeder der 13 Stadtbezirke nun zehn Tage Zeit, um die Testung der insgesamt elf Millionen Einwohner in die Wege zu leiten. In welcher Zeitspanne alle elf Millionen Bewohner getestet sein sollen, blieb zunächst offen.

Am Sonntag und Montag waren in Wuhan erstmals seit einem Monat insgesamt sechs neue Infektionen mit dem neuartigen Coronavirus registriert worden. Bei den Infizierten handelt es sich um ältere Bewohner eines Wohnkomplexes im Bezirk Dongxihu. In der zentralchinesischen Industriemetropole wurde Ende 2019 das neuartige Coronavirus erstmals bei Menschen festgestellt.

Sachsen öffnet Kinos und Freibäder früher als geplant

Sachsen will die meisten der bereits angekündigten Corona-Lockerungen schon auf diesen Freitag vorziehen. Das kündigte die Regierung am Dienstag nach einer Kabinettssitzung an. Nach der neuen Schutzverordnung sollen dann etwa Theater, Kinos und Freibäder wieder öffnen. Ursprünglich war das für kommenden Montag vorgesehen. Eine Öffnung am Freitag war lediglich der Gastronomie und Hotels in Aussicht gestellt worden. In Ausnahmefällen dürfen Angehörige in Alten- und Pflegeheime besucht werden. Voraussetzung sind Hygiene-Konzepte. Kitas und Schulen öffnen aber erst ab Montag.

Sachsens Gesundheitsministerin Petra Köpping (SPD) sprach von einem “historischen Tag”. Es gehe um die bundesweit größten Lockerungen. Sachsens Wirtschaftsminister Martin Dulig (SPD) nannte die Lockerungen einen “mutigen Schritt”: “Aus Mut darf kein Leichtsinn werden”, appellierte er an die Vernunft. Die Anweisung, die Kontakte auf ein Mindestmaß zu reduzieren, mindestens 1,5 Meter Abstand zu halten und in bestimmten Bereichen eine Mund-Nasen-Bedeckung zu tragen, bleibt aber weiter bestehen.

SPD fordert Innenminister Seehofer zu Grenzöffnung auf

Die SPD fordert Bundesinnenminister Horst Seehofer (CSU) auf, den kleinen Grenzverkehr mit den Nachbarstaaten umgehend wieder zu ermöglichen. “Dort, wo das nicht möglich ist, muss das als Ausnahme wöchentlich überprüft, sachlich gerechtfertigt und begründet werden”, sagt die innenpolitische Sprecherin der SPD-Bundestagsfraktion, Ute Vogt. “Pauschale Grenzschließungen müssen in Zukunft vermieden werden.”

Das Innenministerium hatte die Grenzregelungen vorige Woche bis zum 15. Mai verlängert. Jeder aus dem Ausland Einreisende muss sich derzeit für zwei Wochen in Quarantäne begeben. Nur Berufspendler sind davon ausgenommen. Das niedersächsische Oberverwaltungsgericht hatte die Quarantänepflicht am Montag auf Antrag eines Ferienhausbesitzes in Schweden außer Vollzug gesetzt.

Putins Sprecher Peskow mit Coronavirus infiziert

Der Sprecher von Kremlchef Wladimir Putin, Dmitri Peskow, hat sich mit dem Coronavirus infiziert. Der 52-Jährige bestätigte dies der russischen Staatsagentur Tass am Dienstag und sagte, er werde behandelt. Details waren nicht bekannt. Peskow arbeitet seit einiger Zeit von zu Hause aus.

Putin-Sprecher: Dmitri Peskow wurde positiv auf das Coronavirus getestet. (Quelle: imago images)Putin-Sprecher: Dmitri Peskow wurde positiv auf das Coronavirus getestet. (Quelle: imago images)

Peskow zählt zum engsten Kreis des russischen Präsidenten. Er hatte immer wieder bestätigt, dass Putin gesund sei und auch regelmäßig getestet werde. Putin lenkt die Staatsgeschäfte von seiner Moskauer Vorstadtresidenz Nowo-Ogarjowo aus. Vor gut zwei Wochen war die Erkrankung von Regierungschef Michail Mischustin bekannt geworden. Auch der Bauminister und die Kulturministerin haben sich infiziert. Mischustin befinde sich jedoch auf dem Weg der Besserung, hieß es.

Schwerin will keine Touristen aus Corona-Risikogebieten einlassen

Mecklenburg-Vorpommern will auch nach dem geplanten Neustart des Tourismus am 25. Mai keine Touristen aus deutschen Corona-Risikogebieten ins Land lassen. Das kündigte Wirtschaftsminister Harry Glawe (CDU) am Dienstag an. Hotels, Pensionen, Campingplätze und Vermieter von Ferienwohnungen sollen dies über die Postleitzahlen der Heimatorte anreisender Gäste kontrollieren.

Dazu soll das Landesgesundheitsamt jene Landkreise erfassen und zur Verfügung stellen, in denen vom Robert Koch-Institut mehr als 50 neue Corona-Infektionen in den jeweils sieben zurückliegenden Tagen registriert wurden. Wer sich nicht an das Einreiseverbot hält, muss mit einem Bußgeld von 500 Euro rechnen. Sollten Touristen bereits in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern sein, wenn ihr Heimatlandkreis den Schwellenwert übersteigt, sollen sie am Urlaubsort zum Arztbesuch aufgefordert werden. Die Regelung gilt vorerst bis zum 15. Juni.

Thüringen erlaubt Demos ohne Teilnehmerbegrenzung

In Thüringen sollen ab Mittwoch Demonstrationen wieder ohne Beschränkungen der Teilnehmerzahl möglich sein. Das sieht eine Verordnung vor, auf die sich das Kabinett geeinigt hat, wie das Gesundheitsministerium am Dienstag in Erfurt bekannt gab.

Demo gegen die Corona-Regeln auf dem Domplatz in Erfurt. (Quelle: imago images/photo2000)Demo gegen die Corona-Regeln auf dem Domplatz in Erfurt. (Quelle: photo2000/imago images)

Thüringen öffnet Freibäder und Fitnesstudios ab Juni

Vom 1. Juni an könnten Freibäder sowie Badeseen in Thüringen wieder öffnen, sagte Gesundheitsministerin Heike Werner (Linke) am Dienstag in Erfurt. Auch Fitnessstudios könnten zu diesem Zeitpunkt den Betrieb wieder aufnehmen, wenn wie in anderen Einrichtungen auch die nötigen Schutz- und Hygienekonzepte zur Verringerung der Infektionsgefahr vorlägen. Mindestens bis zum 15. Juni geschlossen blieben Hallenbäder, Saunen, Thermen, Kinos und Diskotheken. Diese Regelungen seien Bestandteil der neuen Thüringer Corona-Verordnung, die an diesem Mittwoch in Kraft trete.

Berlin beschließt eigenes Corona-Frühwarnsystem

Berlin setzt abweichend von den Bund-Länder-Vereinbarungen in der Vorwoche auf ein eigenes Warnsystem in der Corona-Pandemie. Dabei sollen die Reproduktionsrate, die Zahl der Neuinfektionen und die Belegung der Intensivbetten mit Covid-19- Patienten eine Rolle spielen, teilten Regierungschef Michael Müller und Gesundheitssenatorin Dilek Kalayci (beide SPD) am Dienstag mit. Read more about this here.

Bayern will Verstöße bei Demonstrationen nicht hinnehmen

Die bayerische Landesregierung will Verstöße gegen die Corona-Regeln bei Demonstrationen nicht hinnehmen. Bei Kundgebungen etwa in Nürnberg habe man teilweise eine erhebliche Diskrepanz zwischen den geltenden Regeln und dem Verhalten vor Ort sehen können, sagte Staatskanzleichef Florian Herrmann nach einer Kabinettssitzung am Dienstag in München.

Laut Herrmann seien bei manchen Demos viel mehr Menschen gewesen als angemeldet. “Zum Teil ganz absichtlich” seien Passanten bedrängt worden. Herrmann betonte, man werde sich nicht auf der Nase herumtanzen lassen. Um ähnliche Situationen künftig zu vermeiden, werde Innenminister Joachim Herrmann (CSU) in Zusammenarbeit mit den Kommunen ein Konzept zu erarbeiten. In Bayern gilt bei Kundgebungen eine maximale Teilnehmerzahl von 50 sowie eine Dauer von nicht mehr als einer Stunde bei Einhaltung der Abstandsregeln.

Staatskanzleichef: Bayern auf einem guten Weg

Der Chef der Münchner Staatskanzlei, Florian Herrmann, sieht Bayern in der Corona-Pandemie auf einem guten Weg. “Unser Kurs der Vorsicht und Umsicht zeigt Wirkung”, sagte er. Man sehe das an den täglichen Neuinfektionen, dem Reproduktionsfaktor oder der Auslastung der Intensivbetten in den Krankenhäusern.

Bayerisches Kabinett informiert zu Corona-Maßnahmen

Mitglieder der bayerische Landesregierung wollen am frühen Nachmittag über die Ergebnisse einer Kabinettssitzung informieren. Es wird erwartet, dass sie sich dabei auch zu den Corona-Maßnahmen im Freistaat sowie zum Umgang mit Demonstrationen gegen die Einschränkungen äußern werden. begleitet die Pressekonferenz im Livestream und im Newsblog.

Forscher: Schließungen im Einzelhandel wirkten kaum

Die größte Wirkung zur Eindämmung der Pandemie in Deutschland hatten nach Berechnungen von Wissenschaftlern die Schul- und Kita-Schließungen. Maßnahmen im Einzelhandel blieben dagegen nahezu wirkungslos. Das schreiben Enzo Weber und Tobias Hartl vom Institut für Arbeitsmarkt und Berufsforschung (IAB) der Bundesagentur für Arbeit und von der Universität Regensburg.

Die Schul- und Kita-Schließungen hätten demnach die Wachstumsrate der bestätigten Corona-Infektionen um 7,9 Prozentpunkte verringert. Auch die Ausgangsbeschränkungen sowie die Einstellung des Profi- und Breitensports hätten eine hohe Signifikanz. Kaum Wirkungen hätten dagegen die Schließungen im Einzelhandel, im Gastgewerbe oder für Friseure und Kosmetikbetriebe gezeigt.

Die Forscher verglichen in ihrer Untersuchung die verschiedenen von der Politik erlassenen Maßnahmen, die zu jeweils unterschiedlichen Zeitpunkten inkraft traten. Die zeitliche und regionale Variation erlaube eine Abschätzung der Wirkungen auf die Verlangsamung der Virusausbreitung, schreiben sie. Ihr Fazit: “Nach unseren Ergebnissen könnte es gute Chancen geben, dass eine kontrollierte Öffnung der Dienstleistungsbranchen des öffentlichen Lebens ohne beträchtliche Verstärkung des Infektionsgeschehens möglich ist.”

Nahezu menschenleere Einkaufsstraße in Freiburg: Die Einschränkungen im Einzelhandel hätten kaum Wirkung auf die Ausbreitung des Virus gehabt, sagen Arbeitsmarktforscher. (Quelle: imago images/Ralph Peters)Nahezu menschenleere Einkaufsstraße in Freiburg: Die Einschränkungen im Einzelhandel hätten kaum Wirkung auf die Ausbreitung des Virus gehabt, sagen Arbeitsmarktforscher. (Quelle: Ralph Peters/imago images)

Hamburger Senat lockert Kontaktbeschränkungen

Der Hamburger Senat hat die Kontaktbeschränkungen gelockert. Wie Gesundheitssenatorin Cornelia Prüfer-Storcks (SPD) am Dienstag sagte, dürfen sich ab Mittwoch auch wieder Mitglieder zweier unterschiedlicher Haushalte treffen.

Rätsel um Test-Kapazitäten: “Antwort ist eine Unverschämtheit”

Die Gründe für den großen Unterschied zwischen theoretisch möglichen Corona-Tests in Deutschland und der Zahl der tatsächlich vorgenommenen Tests bleiben unklar. In einer Antwort des Bundesgesundheitsministeriums auf eine Frage von FDP-Fraktionsvize Christian Dürr, die der Nachrichtenagentur AFP vorlag, wird darauf nicht eingegangen. “Die Antwort ist eine Unverschämtheit”, urteilte Dürr. Es könne nicht angehen, “dass das Gesundheitsministerium in dieser Frage die Auskunft verweigert”.

Das Robert Koch-Institut (RKI) veröffentlicht einmal pro Woche Daten zu den Kapazitäten für Corona-Tests sowie zu den tatsächlich vorgenommenen Tests und deren Ergebnissen. Der jüngsten Veröffentlichung zufolge können die Labore demnach theoretisch knapp 965.000 Tests pro Woche durchführen. Zuletzt wurden in der Woche ab dem 27. April aber lediglich knapp 318.000 Untersuchungen vorgenommen.

Russland bei Infektionen jetzt weltweit auf Rang zwei

Mit Beginn erster Lockerungen in Russland ist die Zahl der Coronavirus-Infizierten stark gestiegen. Nach Angaben der Behörden gibt es mehr als 232.200 nachgewiesene Fälle. Nach Erhebungen der US-Universität Johns Hopkins auf Grundlage offiziell gemeldeter Daten liegt das flächenmäßig größte Land der Erde bei der Gesamtzahl der gemeldeten Infektionen nunmehr auf Rang zwei vor Spanien (228.000). Nur in den USA gibt es noch mehr Erkrankungen.

Am Dienstag kamen den Angaben russischer Behörden zufolge fast 10.900 neue Infektionen hinzu. 43.500 Menschen galten demnach als genesen. Die Behörden erklären den starken Anstieg damit, dass deutlich mehr Menschen auf das Virus getestet werden als zu Beginn der Epidemie. Es wird aber mit einer hohen Dunkelziffer gerechnet.

Präsident Wladimir Putin hatte am Montag die landesweite arbeitsfreie Zeit als Maßnahme gegen eine weitere Ausbreitung des Virus für beendet erklärt. An diesem Dienstag durfte etwa in Moskau wieder auf Baustellen und in Industriebetrieben gearbeitet werden. Über weitere Lockerungen entscheiden die Gouverneure in den Regionen nun selbst.

Fahrgäste in der Moskauer Metro: In der russischen Hauptstadt sind einige Maßnahmen nun gelockert worden. (Quelle: imago images/ITAR-TASS)Fahrgäste in der Moskauer Metro: In der russischen Hauptstadt sind einige Maßnahmen nun gelockert worden. (Quelle: ITAR-TASS/imago images)

80 Corona-Neuinfizierte in Pforzheimer Schlachtbetrieb

In einem Schlachthof in Birkenfeld bei Pforzheim sind weitere mehr als 80 Menschen positiv auf das Coronavirus getestet worden. Damit steige die Zahl der Mitarbeiter, die mit Covid-19 infiziert sind oder waren, auf rund 400, sagte eine Sprecherin des Landratsamtes im baden-württembergischen Enzkreis. Das ist mehr als ein Drittel der Belegschaft von etwa 1.100 Mitarbeitern. The authority released the results Monday night. Several media reported on it.

Fast 150 Mitarbeiter seien inzwischen genesen. Das bedeutet, dass sie zwar wieder zur Arbeit dürfen. Sie unterliegen aber weiter der Betriebsquarantäne und dürfen sich nur zwischen Wohnung und Arbeitsstätte bewegen, wie die Sprecherin weiter erklärte.

RKI informiert über Corona-Lage in Deutschland

Das Robert Koch-Institut hat am Dienstag in einer Pressekonferenz über jüngste Entwicklungen in der Corona-Krise in Deutschland informiert. Im Fokus des Briefings stand besonders die Reproduktionszahl. Das Institut sieht derzeit eine Stabilisierung der Lage, will aber noch nicht von Entwarnung sprechen. Read more about this here.

Lars Schaade: Der Vizepräsident des Robert Koch-Instituts hält offene Grenzen bald wieder für möglich.  (Quelle: imago images)Lars Schaade: Der Vizepräsident des Robert Koch-Instituts hält offene Grenzen bald wieder für möglich. (Quelle: imago images)

Australiens Finanzminister nach Hustenanfall in Selbst-Isolation

Australiens Finanzminister Josh Frydenberg hat im Parlament einen Hustenanfall bekommen und sich gleich darauf auf das Coronavirus testen lassen. Er habe während der Vorlage eines Haushaltsberichts einen “trockenen Mund und Husten” gehabt, sagte der Minister wenige Stunden nach dem Vorfall in einer Stellungnahme. Ihm sei geraten worden, sich auf das Virus testen zu lassen, und er habe dies auch sofort nach Verlassen des Parlaments getan. Bis das am Mittwoch erwartete Ergebnis der Untersuchung vorliege, bleibe er in Selbst-Isolation, so Frydenberg.

Der Minister hatte einige Minuten mit dem Hustenanfall zu kämpfen, während seine Kollegen im Parlament mit den wegen des Coroanvirus gebotenen Abständen voneinander saßen. “Zu lange Rede”, witzelte der Minister mit gepresster Stimme. In der Live-Übertragung der Parlamentssitzung war zu sehen, wie er mehrmals in die Hand hustet, bevor sich ins Gesicht fasst und das Rednerpult berührt, obwohl das eigentlich gegen das Verhaltensgebot der eigenen Regierung verstößt.

Restaurants in Hamburg dürfen wohl ab Mittwoch öffnen

Restaurants in Hamburg dürfen von Mittwoch an unter Einhaltung von Hygiene- und Abstandsregeln wieder öffnen. Dies erfuhr die Deutsche Presse-Agentur am Dienstagmorgen aus Senatskreisen. Zuvor hatte NDR 90,3 darüber berichtet. Nach Informationen des Senders sollen Restaurants und Lokale ihre Gäste drinnen und draußen bewirten dürfen. Auch in Hamburg soll demnach wohl gelten, dass bis zu zwei Familien an einem Tisch sitzen dürfen. Die Bedienungen müssten einen Mund-Nase-Schutz tragen, berichtete NDR 90,3.

Der rot-grüne Senat in Hamburg will mittags weitere Lockerungen bei den Einschränkungen im Kampf gegen die Corona-Pandemie bekanntgeben. Dabei geht es um die Umsetzung der am vergangenen Mittwoch zwischen Bund und Ländern verabredeten Schritte. Nach einer Sitzung des Senats unter Bürgermeister Peter Tschentscher (SPD) soll auch verkündet werden, ab wann Lockerungen wieder rückgängig gemacht werden müssen, sollte die Zahl der Neuinfektionen wieder stark ansteigen.

Leeres Restaurant an den Landungsbrücken: Hamburg lockert die Beschränkungen für die Gastronomie von Mittwoch an. (Quelle: imago images/Hoch Zwei)Leeres Restaurant an den Landungsbrücken: Hamburg lockert die Beschränkungen für die Gastronomie von Mittwoch an. (Quelle: Hoch Zwei/imago images)

Zustimmung zur Regierung in Corona-Krise “außergewöhnlich” groß

Die Zustimmung zur Arbeit der Bundesregierung ist in der Corona-Krise drastisch gestiegen, geht aus einer Umfrage des Instituts für Demoskopie Allensbach für die Bertelsmann Stiftung hervorgeht, über die am Dienstag der “Tagesspiegel” berichtete. “Die Werte sind außergewöhnlich und die Veränderungen mehr als deutlich.”, sagte der Demokratieexperte der Bertelsmann-Stiftung, Robert Vehrkamp, der Zeitung. Read more about this here.

Ansteckungsrate in Großbritannien sinkt

Die Virus-Ansteckungsrate liegt in Großbritannien nach Angaben von Gesundheitsminister Matt Hancock mittlerweile unter dem kritischen Wert von 1,0. Sie bewege sich im mittleren Bereich der Spanne von 0,5 bis 0,9. Das heißt, dass rein rechnerisch ein Corona-Infizierter im Schnitt weniger als einen weiteren Menschen ansteckt.

Tourismus auf den ostfriesischen Inseln läuft wieder an

Mit den Corona-Lockerungen in Niedersachsen läuft der Tourismus auf den ostfriesischen Inseln langsam wieder an. “Man merkt schon, dass ein kleiner Run da ist”, sagte eine Sprecherin der AG Ems, die Fahrten nach Borkum anbietet. Auch nach Norderney wurden laut einem Reederei-Sprecher am ersten Tag, an dem wieder Übernachtungen in Ferienwohnungen, -häusern und Campingplätzen erlaubt waren, deutlich mehr Überfahrten registriert.

Unter welchen Voraussetzungen die Touristen kommen dürfen, ist indes unterschiedlich. Während im übrigen Niedersachsen seit Montag gilt, dass neue Gäste nur alle sieben Tage kommen dürfen, sieht die Landesverordnung für die Inseln ein Mindestaufenthalt von sieben Tagen vor. Gleichzeitig gesteht die Verordnung den Kommunen auch die Freiheit zu, selbst zu entscheiden, wer die Insel betreten darf.

Langeoogs Bürgermeisterin Heike Horn (parteilos) macht davon Gebrauch und setzt statt Mindestaufenthalt auf die auf dem Festland geltende Wiederbelegungsfrist: “Worum es geht ist ja, dass die Fluktuation eingeschränkt wird. Wenn jetzt jemand drei Tage auf der Insel verbleibt, muss danach die Ferienwohnung vier Tage leer bleiben.” Norderney und Juist verkünden auf ihren Webseiten hingegen, die Unterkunftsmiete für mindestens eine Woche sei Voraussetzung für Touristen. Hotels sollen nach den Plänen der Landesregierung mit Einschränkungen ab 25. Mai wieder Urlaubsgäste begrüßen dürfen.

Touristen auf der Nordseeinsel Borkum:  Der Mindestaufenthalt für Gäste auf den Ostfriesischen Inseln beträgt sieben Tage. (Quelle: imago images)Touristen auf der Nordseeinsel Borkum: Der Mindestaufenthalt für Gäste auf den Ostfriesischen Inseln beträgt sieben Tage. (Quelle: imago images)

Zahl der Toten steigt in Frankreich sprunghaft an

In Frankreich ist die Zahl der im Zusammenhang mit dem Coronavirus gestorbenen Patienten sprunghaft angestiegen. Binnen 24 Stunden seien 263 neue Todesfälle registriert worden, am Sonntag seien es noch 70 gewesen, teilt das Gesundheitsministerium mit. Allerdings wird nach einem Wochenende häufig ein stärkerer Anstieg verzeichnet, weil Fälle oft verspätet gemeldet werden. Insgesamt sind laut Ministerium 26.643 Menschen im Zusammenhang mit dem Virus gestorben.

In Frankreich sind bereits über 26.000 Menschen im Zusammenhang mit dem Coronavirus gestorben (Quelle: imago images)In Frankreich sind bereits über 26.000 Menschen im Zusammenhang mit dem Coronavirus gestorben (Quelle: imago images)

Laschet will Lockerung der Quarantäne-Maßnahmen für Rückkehrer

Nordrhein-Westfalens Ministerpräsident Armin Laschet (CDU) fordert, weitere staatliche Einschränkungen zur Eindämmung der Corona-Pandemie zurückzunehmen. Nach dem Ende des Lockdowns in Frankreich müssten in Deutschland die Quarantäne-Maßnahmen für Rückkehrer aus den europäischen Ländern gelockert werden, verlangte Laschet im Gespräch mit der “Rheinischen Post”. Er sei bei dem Thema mit seiner Amtskollegin aus Rheinland-Pfalz und dem Kollegen aus dem Saarland einer Meinung. Hier lesen Sie mehr.

Coronavirus - Bochum (Quelle: dpa/Bernd Thissen)Armin Laschet (CDU): Der Ministerpräsident von Nordrhein-Westfalen fordert x (Quelle: Bernd Thissen/dpa)

Gesundheitsbehörde: Temperaturchecks an US-Flughäfen waren ineffektiv

Die Temperaturmessungen bei Passagieren an den US-Flughäfen zu Beginn der Corona-Pandemie waren nach Einschätzung der Gesundheitsbehörde CDC wirkungslos, da Menschen das Virus weiterverbreiten können, ohne selbst Symptome wie eine erhöhte Körpertemperatur zu haben. Das geht aus einer am Montag veröffentlichten Studie der CDC hervor.

Da die meisten der frühen Corona-Fälle in den USA an der Westküste auftraten, konzentrierten die CDC-Experten sich in ihrer Studie auf Kalifornien. Von den dort zwischen dem 3. Februar und dem 17. März kontrollierten 12.000 Passagieren tauchten lediglich drei später unter den gut 26.000 bis April registrierten Covid-19-Patienten in dem Bundesstaat auf.

Dies legt dem Bericht zufolge den Schluss nahe, dass die fast 1.700 mit Temperaturchecks verbrachten Arbeitsstunden sinnlos waren. Bei einer Atemwegserkrankung, die bereits vor dem Auftreten von Symptomen und ohne Auftreten von Symptomen weiterverbreitet werden könne, seien Temperaturmessungen an Flughäfen möglicherweise von “begrenztem Nutzen”, erklärte die CDC. Laut der Zeitung “USA Today” plant das Weiße Haus, die Temperaturmessungen an mehreren Airports wiederaufzunehmen.

In den USA 23.792 neue Coronavirus-Fälle

Die US-Seuchenbehörde CDC meldet 23.792 neue Coronavirus-Fälle. Damit haben sich 1.324.488 Menschen in Amerika mit dem Virus angesteckt. Die Zahl der an Covid-19 gestorbenen Patienten steigt um 985 auf 79.756.

Trump: Pence wurde negativ auf Coronavirus getestet

US-Vizepräsident Mike Pence ist negativ auf das neuartige Coronavirus getestet worden. Das teilt US-Präsident Donald Trump mit. Pence habe sich am Sonntag und am Montag den Tests unterzogen. Beide Male seien die Tests negativ ausgefallen. Einen Tag zuvor war bekannt geworden, dass Pence’ Sprecherin Katie Miller positiv auf das Virus getestet wurde. Das System an Sicherheitsvorkehrungen im Weißen Haus sei nicht zusammengebrochen, fügt Trump hinzu.

US-Medien: Maskenpflicht für Mitarbeiter im Weißen Haus

Nach dem Bekanntwerden von zwei Corona-Infektionen bei US-Regierungsmitarbeitern ist Medienberichten zufolge das Tragen von Gesichtsmasken nun im Weißen Haus vorgeschrieben. Dies gilt für alle öffentlichen Bereiche der Regierungszentrale, jedoch nicht für die Büros, wie mehrere US-Medien am Montag übereinstimmend unter Berufung auf eine interne Dienstanweisung berichteten. Hier lesen Sie mehr.

Innenministerium verhängt Arbeitsverbot gegen Mitarbeiter

Das Bundesinnenministerium hat ein Arbeitsverbot gegen einen Mitarbeiter verhängt, der in seiner offiziellen Funktion die Corona-Maßnahmen der Bundesregierung gegenüber Ländervertretern massiv kritisiert hat. Es gebe nun ein “Verbot zur Führung der Dienstgeschäfte” nach dem Bundesbeamtengesetz, hieß es am Montag aus dem Ministerium. Hier lesen Sie mehr.

Gericht setzt Quarantänepflicht für Einreisende außer Vollzug

Das Niedersächsische Oberverwaltungsgericht hat die grundsätzliche Quarantänepflicht für Menschen außer Vollzug gesetzt, die aus dem Ausland in das Land einreisen. Das teilte die Justizbehörde am Montagabend mit. Lesen Sie mehr hier.

Europäische Arzneimittel-Agentur empfiehlt Einsatz von Remdesivir

Die Europäische Arzneimittel-Agentur EMA empfiehlt den Einsatz des noch nicht als Medikament zugelassenen Mittels Remdesivir des US-Unternehmens Gilead außerhalb klinischer Studien (compassionate use). Es könne bei Patienten angewandt werden, die nicht auf Beatmungsgeräte angewiesen seien, teilt die EMA mit. Das Medikament war ursprünglich zur Behandlung von Ebola entwickelt worden. Erste Studien brachten ermutigende Ergebnisse, dass Remdesivir erfolgreich bei der Behandlung der vom Coronavirus ausgelösten Lungenkrankheit Covid-19 eingesetzt werden könnte. Bislang gibt es weder ein Heilmittel noch einen Impfstoff.

Donald Trump: Der US-Präsident hat die Proteste gegen die Corona-Maßnahmen erneut angeheizt. (Quelle: AP/dpa/Alex Brandon)Donald Trump: Der US-Präsident hat die Proteste gegen die Corona-Maßnahmen erneut angeheizt. (Quelle: Alex Brandon/AP/dpa)

Trump heizt Proteste gegen Corona-Maßnahmen an

US-Präsident Donald Trump hat erneut Proteste gegen Eindämmungsmaßnahmen wegen des Coronavirus angefeuert – dieses Mal traf es den demokratischen Gouverneur des Bundesstaats Pennsylvania. “Die großartigen Menschen von Pennsylvania wollen ihre Freiheit jetzt, und sie sind sich dessen völlig bewusst, was das bedeutet”, schrieb der Republikaner Trump am Montag auf Twitter. Er warf den Demokraten vor, die Öffnung der Wirtschaft zu verzögern. “Die Demokraten bewegen sich überall in den USA langsam, aus politischen Gründen.” Trump treibt die Öffnung der Wirtschaft voran, obwohl die USA weiterhin hohe Fallzahlen haben.

US-Bundesstaat New York lockert Maßnahmen

Im Bundesstaat New York werden die strengen Corona-Einschränkungen in dieser Woche erstmals gelockert. Ausgenommen ist allerdings die Metropole New York City, die bis mindestens Juni im Ausnahmezustand bleibt, wie Bürgermeister Bill de Blasio am Montag vor Journalisten sagte. Der Ostküstenstaat ist das Zentrum der Corona-Pandemie in den USA. Mehr als 22.000 Menschen starben dort inzwischen an Covid-19.

Erdogan verfügt viertägige Ausgangssperre in Großstädten

Der türkische Staatschef Recep Tayyip Erdogan hat eine weitere auf wenige Tage beschränkte Ausgangssperre zur Bekämpfung der Corona-Pandemie angekündigt. Von Samstag bis zum 19. Mai müssten die Menschen in Istanbul und anderen großen Städten des Landes zu Hause bleiben, sagte Erdogan am Montag in einer Rede an die Nation nach der wöchentlichen Kabinettssitzung.

Reproduktionsrate weiter über kritischem Wert

Die Ansteckungsrate in Deutschland liegt nach Angaben des Robert-Koch-Instituts weiter über dem kritischen Wert von “1”. Das RKI teilte in seinem aktuellen Lagebericht mit, die Reproduktionsrate (R) werde aktuell auf 1,07 geschätzt. Jeder Infizierte steckt damit statistisch mehr als eine weitere Person an, die Fallzahlen würden damit wieder steigen. RKI-Chef Lothar Wieler hat wiederholt erklärt, eine Rate unter 1,0 sei sehr wichtig

WHO-Chef lobt Deutschlands Corona-Strategie

Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, der Chef der Weltgesundheitsorganisation WHO, lobt die Vorsichtsmaßnahmen in Deutschland, Südkorea und China bei den Lockerungen. Die schrittweise Aufhebung der Schutzmaßnahmen sei komplex und schwierig, sagt er in Genf. Die drei Länder hätten aber Vorkehrungen gegen ein Wiedererstarken der Pandemie getroffen.

Laumann calls for a hygiene concept for slaughterhouses

After the accumulation of corona infections in slaughterhouses, the Minister for Health of North Rhine-Westphalia, Karl-Josef Laumann (CDU), has demanded a consistent hygiene concept from operators. It’s not just about the operation, but also about the living situation of the workers and the transport from the apartment to the slaughterhouse, Laumann said in Düsseldorf on Monday.

Putin declares end of crown-related paid vacation

Russian President Vladimir Putin announced the end of paid holidays that have been in place for more than a month due to the crown crisis. “Starting tomorrow, May 12, the paid vacations that will apply throughout the country and in all economic sectors will end,” the head of state said in a televised speech. The fight against the pandemic crown is not yet over, Putin warned.

In a speech on Russian television: Vladimir Putin warned that the fight against the crown pandemic was not yet over. (Quelle: imago images)In a speech on Russian television: Vladimir Putin warned that the fight against the crown pandemic was not yet over. (Quelle: imago images)

The danger persists, he emphasized in his speech to the nation, which is a signal for a gradual relaxation of the crown’s restrictions. Putin had declared April to be the month of paid vacation in Russia. This was intended to curb the spread of the crown pandemic.

Angela Merkel: the chancellor calls on the population to continue acting with caution. (File Image) (Source: imago images / photothek)Angela Merkel: the chancellor calls on the population to continue acting with caution. (File Image) (Source: photothek / imago images)

Chancellor Merkel: “New phase of the pandemic”

Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) made a brief statement after a video conference with the Harz District Health Department, District Administrator Martin Skiebe and Saxony-Anhalt Prime Minister Reiner Haseloff. In it, Merkel repeatedly appealed to the German population: “We are entering a new phase of the pandemic.” Now it was necessary “that with all the calm we really have the certainty that people will stick to the basic requirements,” Merkel said. This includes keeping your distance, wearing a mouth and nose guard, and taking care of each other. “This is very important,” the chancellor finished her short speech.

Minister calls for sanctions for violations of crown demonstrations

Thuringian Health Minister Heike Werner (left) has called on police to act more consistently at protest events against the anti-crown requirements. “I hope that the police are better prepared for the upcoming protests,” Werner in Erfurt told the German Press Agency. Security authorities would have to learn from the experiences of the recent protests, in which people, for example, repeatedly failed to keep their distance from others or were on the move without a mouth guard.

If participants demonstrably violate hygiene standards, Werner considers the sanctions appropriate. “It is also a matter of justice for all those who abide by the rules,” he said.

Covid-19 Clinic completed at the Berlin fairgrounds

A Corona reserve hospital was built on the Berlin fair grounds in a few weeks. Initially, around 500 infected and Covid-19 patients could be isolated and treated if the Berlin clinics reached their limits in the course of the pandemic. “Because images from Italy, Spain and New York showed us that well-positioned hospital systems can be overloaded,” said Health Senator Dilek Kalayci (SPD) at the official opening of the new treatment center on Monday. A total of up to 1,000 spare beds could be created there.

The Corona treatment center at the Berlin fairgrounds: if the worst becomes worse, there is room for around 500 Covid-19 patients. (Source: dpa / Kay Nietfeld)The Corona treatment center at the Berlin fairgrounds: if the worst becomes worse, there is room for around 500 Covid-19 patients. (Source: Kay Nietfeld / dpa)

Coesfeld restrictions could be relaxed

North Rhine-Westphalia Minister of Health Karl-Josef Laumann (CDU) sees possibilities that it is no longer necessary to postpone crown protection measures in the Coesfeld district. If infection activity is concentrated in the closed slaughterhouse area and there are no other infections in the area, the restrictions could be lifted over the weekend in the Coesfeld district, Laumann said.

After the outbreak of corona infections at the Coesfeld district slaughterhouse, the country had postponed many relaxation events until May 18. This affects, among other things, the opening of restaurants, fitness studios and dance schools. Even large stores in the Coesfeld district were not allowed to open more than 800 square meters of retail space on Monday.

Germany: € 750 million for a special vaccine research program.

The federal government is financing the development of a coronavirus vaccine with up to 750 million euros. Federal Investigation Minister Anja Karliczek said in Berlin that two-thirds of this was due to the expansion of the studies, the rest to secure production in Germany later. A special program for this will be launched. Exact financing guidelines are now being developed, there should be no double financing. “Developing and manufacturing a vaccine is the key challenge in controlling the current pandemic,” said Karliczek. It is the key to living a normal life again, said the research minister.

The new special program complements Germany’s internationally committed funds. A global alliance to develop a corona vaccine had raised € 7.4 billion in pledges last week. 525 million euros came from Germany.

As soon as a vaccine is found, it must be produced “on a large scale,” the research minister said. “We still cannot expect miracles,” he said. One has to be prepared for setbacks in vaccine research, unfortunately that is one of them. It was still assumed that no vaccine would be found before 2021 or even 2022.

Cologne Cathedral reopened to tourists

The Cologne Cathedral is open to tourists again after an eight-week break, but is subject to conditions. After church services have been possible again since the beginning of the month in the Corona crisis, the cathedral should gradually be made accessible to more people in a responsible manner, a spokesman for the cathedral in Cologne said. “The cathedral should be open to everyone.”

One of the requirements is that a maximum of 200 visitors can stay in the cathedral at the same time. The oral protection obligation applies to visitors. You can only go through a certain route in the church. Guided tours and climbing the south tower are not yet possible, the spokesperson said. The choir hall around the Epiphany was also closed due to construction work.

Since March 15, the Cologne Cathedral was only open for silent prayer due to the crown pandemic. According to the cathedral chapter, an average of 16,000 to 20,000 people visit the cathedral every day. It is one of the most visited places of worship in Germany.

Merkel warns once again about caution in the crown crisis

Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) once again called for caution in facing the pandemic, given the protests against conditions in the crown crisis. Many people were reported to have been shopping without masks over the weekend, Merkel said, according to information from the participants’ German news agency, Monday in a video section of the CDU Presidium. In part, this behavior was even seen as a test of courage, the Chancellor criticized. But the command must still comply with the applicable distance rules.

Merkel went on to say that only in two to three weeks would it be known how the easing of crown restrictions decided last week had an impact on infection numbers. He also announced that this Wednesday in the Bundestag in the government poll again to comment on relevant measures for the federal government to classify the pandemic. Merkel and the federal government have recently been accused of causing confusion with different key figures.

Wuhan reports new coronavirus infections again

In the Chinese metropolis of Wuhan, authorities reported new infections with the corona virus for the second consecutive day. Five new infections were confirmed Monday in a residential area of ​​the city, authorities said. In the quarter, an infection was found Sunday in an 89-year-old man, the first in more than a month.

Wuhan’s central Chinese industrial metropolis is the origin of the coronavirus pandemic. Um das Virus einzudämmen, stellten die Behörden die gesamte Stadt für mehr als zwei Monate unter Quarantäne. Since the curfew was lifted about four weeks ago, Wuhan has been considered a “low risk” area. In the affected residential area, the level of infection risk has now risen from “low” to “medium”.

Temperature measurement for students: In Wuhan, the crown constraints were relaxed after more than two months. (Source: AP / dpa / Chinatopix)Temperature measurement for students: In Wuhan, the crown constraints were relaxed after more than two months. (Source: Chinatopix / AP / dpa)

The Hamburg police found many violations of the crown rules.

Hamburg police discovered several violations of the crown-related contact restrictions last weekend. 220 administrative crimes were initiated and 120 dismissals were pronounced, a spokeswoman said. Read more about this here. What rules apply in your state? Look here.

Decrease in the number of new deaths in Spain

The number of deaths from coronavirus reported daily in Spain has fallen to its lowest level in seven weeks. Das Gesundheitsministerium berichtet von 123 neuen Todesfällen. Insgesamt sind damit nachweislich 26.744 Menschen infolge einer Ansteckung mit dem neuartigen Virus in Spanien gestorben. The number of confirmed infections increased by 3,046 to 227,436 in 24 hours.

Russia Reports Record Increase In New Infections

Russia reports a new high with 11,656 new infections. This brought the number of proven infections to 221,344. Infections in Russia have increased by more than 10,000 per day. Authorities also attribute this to a larger testing program. The number of deaths increased by 94 in 24 hours to 2,009.

Coesfeld: Fälle am Wochenende weiter gestiegen

Im Kreis Coesfeld sind die Infektionszahlen nach einem Corona-Ausbruch in einem Fleischbetrieb weiter gestiegen. Am Sonntag seien im Kreisgebiet 780 nachgewiesene Ansteckungen verzeichnet worden, 35 mehr als am Samstag, sagte ein Kreissprecher. Laut Robert Koch-Institut lag die Zahl der Neuinfektionen im Kreis bei knapp 96 und damit deutlich über der festgelegten Obergrenze von 50 Neuinfektionen pro 100.000 Einwohner in den vergangenen sieben Tagen. Viele der von Montag an landesweit geplanten Lockerungen der Corona-Auflagen etwa für Gaststätten und Geschäfte werden damit im Kreis um eine Woche verschoben, wie der Kreis ankündigte.

Unter den Betroffenen im Kreis Coesfeld sind 230 Infizierte aus dem Westfleisch-Werk. 952 der rund 1.200 Mitarbeiter seien dort bereits getestet worden, sagte ein Sprecher des Unternehmens. Der Standort bleibe weiter geschlossen. Am Sonntag hatte es unter anderem auch Massentests in einem Westfleisch-Betrieb in Hamm gegeben. Rund 1.000 Mitarbeiter seien dort getestet worden, die übrigen sollten am Montag folgen, sagte der Westfleisch-Sprecher. Ergebnisse zu den Tests in Hamm gab es am Montag zunächst noch nicht. Wo die Obergrenze ebenfalls überschritten wurde, lesen Sie hier.

Westfleisch Wholesale Slaughterhouse: In Coesfeld, the value of new infections per 100,000 population has already been exceeded. (Source: imago images / Kirchner-Media)Westfleisch Wholesale Slaughterhouse: In Coesfeld, the value of new infections per 100,000 population has already been exceeded. (Source: Kirchner-Media / imago images)

Experten: Corona-Krise könnte Impfbereitschaft fördern

Viele Menschen warten sehnsüchtig auf eine Impfung gegen das neue Coronavirus. Doch es gibt auch gegenteilige Ansichten: Bei den Protest-Demonstrationen am Wochenende gegen die staatlichen Maßnahmen zur Bekämpfung der Pandemie waren auch Impfgegner mit dabei. Nach Ansicht des Experten Bernd Harder von der Gesellschaft zur wissenschaftlichen Untersuchung von Parawissenschaften könnte die Corona-Krise Impfskeptiker aber mittelfristig dazu bewegen, künftig mehr auf Schutzimpfungen zu vertrauen. “Weil sie sehen, wie eine Welt ohne Impfen aussehen könnte.”

Außerdem führt uns die Pandemie vor Augen, wie sehr Viren unsere Gesellschaft, unseren Wohlstand und unsere Existenz bedrohen können. “Mein Eindruck ist, dass die große Mehrheit der Bevölkerung dem Impfgedanken sehr zugeneigt ist”, schließt sich der Erlanger Infektionsimmunologe Christian Bogdan, der auch Mitglied der Ständigen Impfkommission (Stiko) am Robert Koch-Institut (RKI) ist, an.

Warnung vor Problemen beim Hochfahren von Kita- und Schulbetrieb

Der Städte- und Gemeindebund warnt vor massiven Schwierigkeiten beim Hochfahren des Schul- und Kitabetriebs in den kommenden Wochen. “Wir müssen einen Schichtbetrieb organisieren, damit nie zu viele Kinder gleichzeitig im Schulgebäude sind”, sagte Verbandspräsident Uwe Brandl der Zeitung “Welt” vom Montag. “Wir müssen die Taktzeiten der Busse anpassen, damit alle Schüler an die Schulen kommen.” Im ländlichen Raum müssten dafür eigene Buslinien organisiert werden.

Nach den bisherigen Vorgaben müsse es Ausschreibungsverfahren geben, um den günstigsten Unternehmer zu finden. “Wenn wir das weiter so handhaben, werden wir einen Busdienst erst im Oktober etablieren können”, sagte Bradl. “Wir brauchen schnelle Entscheidungen. Darunter auch solche, die unter Umständen jenseits der bisherigen Vergabepraxis stattfinden.”

Spahn fordert konsequentes Durchgreifen vor Ort

Gesundheitsminister Jens Spahn (CDU) hat die Behörden in Ländern und Kommunen aufgefordert, im Kampf gegen das Coronavirus konsequent durchzugreifen. “Wir brauchen das beherzte, umfassende Vorgehen vor Ort”, betonte Spahn am Sonntagabend im “heute journal” des ZDF. Es sei sehr wichtig, alle Infektionen schnell nachzuvollziehen und Kontaktpersonen zu isolieren. Nur wenn in den Landkreisen sofort gehandelt werde, könne verhindert werden, dass die Zahlen auch bundesweit wieder anstiegen.

Der Bund hatte den Ländern vergangene Woche weitgehend freie Hand für die Lockerung der Corona-Auflagen gegeben. Vereinbart wurde aber eine Art Notfall-Mechanismus: Danach sollen in der betreffenden Region wieder strikte Beschränkungen greifen, wenn innerhalb einer Woche mehr als 50 Neuinfektionen pro 100.000 Einwohner registriert werden. Inzwischen sind fünf Orte in Deutschland bekannt, in denen diese Obergrenze überschritten wird. Hier lesen Sie mehr.

Spahn verteidigte die Vereinbarung gegen Kritik. “Es wirkt doch”, sagte er. Wichtig sei, dass alle zusammenstünden. Die Debatte werde immer polarisierter, das zeigten auch die Demonstrationen gegen die Corona-Auflagen. Deshalb müsse die Politik die notwendigen Maßnahmen noch besser erklären und erläutern. Für Entwarnung sei es viel zu früh: “Wir sind noch immer mitten in dieser Pandemie”, mahnte Spahn.

Jens Spahn: Der Bundesgesundheitsminister mahnt zu schnellem Handeln in den Regionen (Quelle: dpa/Peter Kneffel)Jens Spahn: Der Bundesgesundheitsminister mahnt zu schnellem Handeln in den Regionen. (Quelle: Peter Kneffel/dpa)

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