Corona USA: Trump hints at an “unpleasant question” for the journalist and has consequences even during the PK


Crown crisis in the United States: Donald Trump once again caused a scandal in a PK. The President of the United States simply cut him off after a verbal discussion with a journalist.

Munich / Washington – In times of Coronavirus pandemic There are quite a few people who fear the future. The uncertainty, the changes, the lack of social contacts, all this is not easy to manage *. Each person reacts differently because each person channels their fears differently *.

Donald Trump * Describing him now as a fearful person would probably be wrong. the The american president obviously has completely different problems than before coronavirus or fear the consequences. Works Triumph in recent weeks even thinner than before. You can also read this in our old American ticker on the Corona crisis.

Crown crisis in the US USA: Trump scandal: the president of the USA USA Interrupts PK after an argument with a journalist

So Monday also showed the brevity of his patience when the The american president about him Press conference to Crown pandemic A battle of words with one in front of the White House. American journalist delivered.

The reporter Weijia Jiang from the television station CBS News would have Triumph asked why he had the capabilities in the United States Compare virus testing with other countries as if it were an international competition. There was a banner on Trump’s back that said, “The United States leads the world in evidence.

Triumph he just barked back. Maybe this is “a question that China should pose, “the United States saidPresident. Jiang then responded by asking why the president was making this note to her, she was suggesting that this was due to her Chinese origins.

Crown crisis in the United States: Donald Trump faintly reacts to criticism

And reacted again Triumph little bit of climbing. He says this “to anyone who asks me such an unpleasant question.” Jiang is in China born but in the United States grew up.

Triumph tried to speak to another journalist while Jiang continued talking and checking. Soon after it broke Triumph the Press conference In the rose garden of the White House and returned to the interior of the building.

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Throughout his tenure Triumph massive attacks on much of the American media and repeated attacks on individual journalists. At Crown crisis He responded to accusations that it was too late to spread the new virus, including angry attacks on parts of the media that treated him “brutally.”

Another main objective of Trump’s attacks at Crown crisis is Chinawhere the virus was first found in humans *. the The american president He accuses Beijing of informing the world of the pathogen too late and of failing to reveal the extent of its spread.

smk / afp

* is part of the national network Ippen-Digital

Image of the rubric list: © AFP / BRENDAN SMIALOWSKI
