Crown crisis in the United States: live – Anthony Fauci clarifies: “We don’t know everything about this virus”


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  • Christian Stör

    Christian Stör

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Anthony Fauci testifies before the United States Senate. Donald Trump’s adviser Corona believes that the number of victims of Covid-19 is much higher than expected.

  • the United States suffer from the crown crisis *
  • Donald Trump * relies on a strong economy ahead of the 2020 US elections. USA, and calls for a quick end to all restrictions
  • Senior Virologist Anthony Fauci asked in the Senate today about relaxation

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6:02 pm: When asked if he continues to receive wages in the quarantine he is in, he responds Anthony Fauci: “I am not in quarantine. I was in yesterday White House and we’ll probably be back today. Otherwise, as an employee in a systemically important area, it is not possible. “

Coronavirus: Anthony Fauci warns of dangers for children: “we don’t know everything”

5:46 pm: Ok now Anthony Fauci Clear. The virologist strongly warns against minimizing the Crown crisis: “We don’t know everything about this virus. We are starting to see things this virus can do that we didn’t know at first, especially when it comes to danger to children. “

Fauci mentions that Kawasaki syndrome, a childhood disease, the onset of which is currently suspected, with coronavirus be connected.

5:35 pm: Anthony Fauci summarizes your concerns about too fast loosening of the Crown measurements Together: “They could trigger an outbreak that they may no longer be able to control, not to mention unnecessary deaths and suffering.”

Anthony Fauci indirectly addresses Donald Trump

Probably in the direction of Donald trump Fauci said: “A new outbreak will also push back his efforts to get the economy back on track.”

Update, 5:19 p.m.: Now you have Bernie SandersVermont senator and former Democratic presidential nominee.

Sanders initially criticizes the United States Government by Donald Trumpthat the danger of coronavirus minimized first. Then he asked Fauci: “There are experts who suppose that the Number of deaths in the United States It is not 80,000, but 50 percent higher. What do they say? Fauci agrees with Sanders. I didn’t know if it was 50 percent, but “the number is certainly higher than previously thought.”

Crown crisis in the United States: Anthony Fauci warns about caution

Update, 5:05 p.m.: Anthony Fauci stressed again that the relaxation of the Crown measurements in individual states according to the conditions developed by the working group. “Otherwise, the consequences could be very serious,” Fauci warns. In either case, an increase in the number of relaxation cases can be expected. “Therefore, it is important to be prepared to be able to react,” Fauci explains.

Update, 4:55 p.m.: The President of the United States Senate, Chuck Grassley, addresses himself directly Anhtony Fauci and asked about his assessment of the reopening of schools and universities in the United States. “Will it be safe to return to campus in the fall?”

Anthony Fauci on Covid-19 treatment: progress has been made

Fauci is skeptical. It is true that with the drug Covid-19 Treatment Progress made. However, these were achieved moderately and in a clinical setting. “We are still a long way from recommending a drug for prophylaxis or for use outside the hospital.”

Update, 4:50 p.m.: According to Anthony Fauci’s five-minute testimony, the other three witnesses first give their statements, so far, all by video, presumably from their home. Then the questions are asked.

Update, 4:40 pm: Then Anthony Fauci on the status of treatment COVID-19 Speaking to patients, he explains the state of the art in the search for a vaccine against the virus. SARS-CoV-2. Fauci says eight different vaccines are currently being investigated in the United States.

Crown vaccine: Anthony Fauci is optimistic

One of them makes Fauci particularly optimistic. So far, the test series has been successful. “If we continue to be successful, we will probably know by late fall or early winter,” says the virologist. At the same time, Fauci also warned against excessive optimism. A vaccine can also increase the symptoms of the disease.

Update, 4:35 p.m.: Anthony Fauci He is the first witness heard by the committee. Chuck Grassley introduces the renowned virologist for the first time. Fauci will make his assessment of the Crown crisis home quarantine video.

Fauci will make a five-minute statement, after which committee members will have time for questions.

Crown crisis: United States senator sharply criticizes Trump administration

Update, 4:25 p.m.: Senator Patty Murray of Washington now has the floor. Democrat attacks US President Donald trump. At Crown crisis it has “no real plan, just a public relations plan.” His colleagues asked him to tell the truth because: “Our government will not.”

Update, 4:20 p.m.: First, President Chuck Grassley explains the hearing procedure, which will take place at least in part as a video conference.

Update, 4:05 p.m.: With a delay of five minutes, the live broadcast of the audience of Anthony Fauci on the crown crisis before the United States Senate.

Crown crisis in the United States: Donald Trump’s adviser Fauci testifies before the United States Senate

First register

Washington – That coronavirus continues enraged in the United States. Meanwhile, the United States complains of more than 80,000 deaths and nearly 1.35 million people infected (as of May 12). At a hearing of the US Senate Health Committee. USA At 4pm. CEST, additional measures will be taken in the Crown crisis to be informed. It also turns out Anthony Fauci, the chief adviser to the crown of the US President. USA Donald trump, the questions of the Senate in Washington.

Corona in the United States: Fauci will attend the hearing via video conference

In addition to influential virologists, senators also interview CDC Director Robert Redfield and FDA Director Stephen Hahn. All three experts are currently in contact with a government official who has been evaluated. quarantine. Fauci, Redfield and Hahn therefore want to use video conference attend the Senate hearing.

Have previously Fauci announced that he would go to the Senate ahead of schedule Warn about loosening of crown restraints. will be. This “would not only lead to unnecessary suffering and death, but would also delay us in our efforts to return to normal,” he wrote. Fauci in an email to the New York Times. He said he wanted to send the central message to the Senate that the country would be at risk if the restrictions were lifted prematurely. Fauci. If the easing was not gradual, the authorities risked “multiple herds across the country.”

Donald Trump calls for crown restrictions to be lifted quickly

Donald trump however he pushes in front of the Presidential election on November 3, 2020 to quickly lift restrictions so as not to further overload the economy. Until now, the strong economy has been his best argument for reelection.

This is also one reason why you have the most recent cases of Crown infections in the White House tried to marginalize as much as possible. He ordered that the employees of the government center now wear face masks as a precaution. He and Vice President Mike Pence are said to be exempt. “In my case, I don’t get that close to anyone,” he said. Triumph at a press conference on May 11 on the White House lawn. In any case, the government has the situation “very well under control.”

Donald Trump praises his government for fighting the coronavirus

Actually spent Triumph His press conference mainly praised his government for its fight against “the invisible enemy.” Also claimed Germany and the United States They are the most successful countries in the world when you consider how many deaths there are for every 100,000 inhabitants. I was very proud of that.

However, this is not the case. the United States According to Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore, there are about 24 deaths per 100,000 inhabitants, Germany nine. Some states are also among the US values. USA And Germany, for example Canada (13.5) and Portugal (11). According to Johns Hopkins, other countries like Austria, Hungary, South Korea, and Finland have even lower levels. Mortality rates than Germany

