White House scandal: Trump interrupts press conference after marginal comment to reporter


Politics Scandal at the White House

Trump interrupts press conference after marginal comment to reporter

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Sascha Lehnartz

Trump considers Corona’s situation under control, then loses his nerve

82,000 crown deaths, but President of the United States Trump sees the US USA As a global leader to avoid victims. However, when asked about this issue at the White House press conference, Trump loses his temper.

Donald Trump tries to give the impression that the series of infections in the White House does not worry him. But when a journalist is asked, he responds with a limiting comment, and a surprising departure.

DPresident Donald Trump does not see recent cases of crown infections in the White House as a problem. “We have it very well under control,” Trump said Monday at the White House. This is not evidence that the system has collapsed due to security precautions. “It can happen”. Hundreds of people came to the White House every day.

Trump said multiple times that there was only one infection; in fact, two White House employees have tested positive for the coronavirus. Trump also confirmed that three members of the White House Crown Task Force were simply quarantined for contact with the person in question as a precautionary measure.

It was announced on Friday that United States Vice President Mike Pence spokeswoman Katie Miller had tested positive for Corona. Subsequently, three senior members of the White House Corona task force led by Pence told the US media that they would isolate themselves at home as a precaution: Trump immunologist and adviser Anthony Fauci, head of the United States Department of Health ( CDC), Robert Redfield, and the head of the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), Stephen Hahn. According to media reports, Pence does not want to quarantine, despite his spokesman’s infection.

As of now, tests are conducted daily at the White House.

The White House had already announced Thursday that a Trump employee was infected with the corona virus. Since then, the president has tested negative for the virus and is in good health, a spokesman said. Trump himself said he had had little contact with the employee. Corona testing at the White House would now take place daily and not just weekly.

Trump said Monday that the three members of the Corona task force would be fine and would soon be quarantined. Pence also tested negative for the virus on both Monday and Sunday. He was in very good shape. Trump emphasized that he was unaware of other cases of infection at the White House. As a protective measure against the coronavirus, Trump may want to reduce his contacts with Vice President Mike Pence. Talking to Pence about a possible restriction on his contacts, Trump answered a question from a corresponding reporter at the White House on Monday. He could speak to his assistant on the phone about a possible measure.

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Alte Nikolaikirche, Frankfurt, Hesse, Germany

The U.S. media previously reported that after government officials learned of two corona infections, face masks are now mandatory in the White House. This applies to all public areas of the government headquarters, but not to offices, as reported by several US media on Monday, citing internal instructions. The move is intended to help prevent further spread of the new coronavirus in the White House. President Donald Trump and Vice President Mike Pence are reportedly not wearing masks, as reported by the Washington Post and ABC, among others.

“Ask China”

Trump’s press conference in the White House rose garden ended abruptly after CBS correspondent Weijia Jiang asked the president why he insisted that the United States “does better than any other country when it comes to tests”.

CBS correspondent Weijia Jiang led Donald Trump into the white heat with a simple question

CBS correspondent Weijia Jiang brought Donald Trump into the white heat with a simple question


A large banner hung behind Trump during his appearance in front of the White House facade with the inscription “America leads the world in evidence.” With this in mind, Jiang asked, “Why is it so important? Why should it be turned into a global competition when people still lose their lives every day?” Asked the journalist. Trump replied, “Well, they are losing their lives all over the world. But perhaps it is a question that I should ask China.”

Jiang, who has Chinese roots, took a second to respond to Trump’s seemingly personal attack, and then asked, “Why are you telling me to ask China?” Trump said, “I say this to everyone who does this.” . a malicious question. ” It was only a few minutes before video clips of the confrontation were shared on Twitter using the hashtag #trumpmeltdown. Trump’s comments had, to put it mildly, at least a synophobic undertone. Consequently, the reactions were outraged.

Trump wanted to end the remarkable dialogue by simply ignoring the next interrogator he had already called, CNN correspondent Kaitlan Collins. Collins had initially left his question to Jiang so that he could follow Trump. Trump reportedly took the CNN reporter as badly as Jiang asked the question for himself. Without waiting for the next question, he left the podium. So Trump definitely has one thing under control: himself.
