Syria and Russia should target schools and hospitals


The crown crisis has defocused numerous international conflicts and crises, including the civil war in Syria. Amnesty International has now released a report highlighting heartbreaking events in the country.

Syrian and allied Russian troops have attacked hospitals and schools in Syria, according to the human rights organization. Between May 2019 and February 2020, the two armed forces carried out at least 18 of those attacks in the northwest of the civil war country. The Amnesty report released Monday speaks of attacks on five clinics that should have been closed later.

The 40-page report is based on interviews with more than 70 people, including eyewitnesses, displaced people, doctors, teachers, humanitarian workers and UN personnel. For Amnesty, the researchers also evaluated photos and videos, as well as satellite data, radio communications and information from aircraft observers. UN agencies in Syria and Russia did not respond to requests from the organization regarding the allegations.

Amnesty: Attacks are an “established method” of the Assad regime

According to Amnesty’s investigation, two of the 18 attacks on schools and hospitals included two with barrel bombs illegally banned internationally by Syrian troops. There were also airstrikes by Syrian and Russian planes. Amnesty speaks of “serious violations of international humanitarian law”, war crimes and crimes against humanity. They are part of a “established method” of the government of President Bashar al-Assad in the civil war of more than nine years.

Russian and Syrian airstrikes repeatedly hit hospitals and other vital infrastructure in Syria. Russia is an important ally of the Syrian government in the conflict. Russian planes began attacking rebel areas in September 2015. With the help of Russia, the government has managed to recover important areas.

Icon: The Mirror
