Sons of the family of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg: Stéphanie and Guillaume of Luxembourg are happy with the birth of a child. The details are already known.
The pair of hereditary dukes of Luxembourg had offspring for the first time. Stéphanie and Guillaume from Luxembourg announce the birth of their son on the palace’s official website. On Twitter there is already a first photo of the boy with his proud father.
Therefore, the little boy had seen the light of Sunday, May 10 at 5.13 a.m. The birth weight is 3,190 grams, the size of 50 centimeters. His name is Charles Jean Philippe Joseph Marie Guillaume. According to the news, the mother and son are doing well and the new parents are already eager to present their offspring to the Luxembourgers.
Le Couple héritier a la grande joie d’annoncer la naissance de leur fils ce dimanche May 10, 2020 at 5:13 a.m. at the Maternité Grande-Duchesse Charlotte in Luxembourg.
The goalkeeper les prénoms de Charles Jean Philippe Joseph Marie Guillaume.
L’enfant pèse 3,190 kg et mesure 50 cm. pic.twitter.com/gKefhzeWTi– Cour Grand-Ducale (@CourGrandDucale) May 10, 2020
In any case, the first digital ideas are already available on Twitter. Because the Grand Duke and Grand Duchess were able to meet their grandson, Prince Charles, through a video call. Time stood still for a moment, he says in a comment on the photos the court released about him. “A digital meeting, but full of emotions!”
The temps’ s arrêté au Château de Berg lors d’a appel vidéo durant lequel le Grand-Duc et la Grande-Duchesse ont e l’me immense joie de rencontrer pour la premiere fois leur petit-fils: le Prince Charles.
A digital, certified, in charge of corn in emotion!
© CGD / S. Margue pic.twitter.com/cqwETNPGdB– Cour Grand-Ducale (@CourGrandDucale) May 10, 2020
“He wants to stick to the tradition of a large family”
Stéphanie and Guillaume from Luxembourg said yes seven years ago. “I want to stick to the tradition of a large family,” Stéphanie said in an interview a few years ago. The couple comes from large families: Guillaume has four brothers, his wife even seven. Certainly more siblings are planned for little Charles. But now the family should enjoy time together for three.
The 38-year-old Grand Duke Guillaume is the eldest son of Henri, Grand Duke of Luxembourg. The hereditary princess Stéphanie comes from a Belgian family of counts. The couple has lived in London since 2018.