RKI: Crown Reproduction Rate Rises Above Critical Value 1 Again


According to the Robert Koch Institute (RKI), the infection rate for the new coronavirus has risen above the critical mark 1 in Germany. The so-called replay number with data from May 9 at 0:00 is 1.10, as the RKI writes in a situation report released on Saturday night. The value indicates how many more people are infected on average by one infected person. The RKI has repeatedly emphasized that for the epidemic to decrease, the number of reproductions must be less than 1.

On Wednesday, the RKI had given the value at 0.65. Since then, the number of reproductions has constantly increased.

RKI: the increase cannot yet be assessed

However, the institute continued to report: Due to statistical fluctuations, which would be reinforced by lower numbers overall, it is still not possible to assess whether the trend of new infections, which has been declining in recent weeks, has continued, or if the number of cases has increased again.

“The increase in the estimated R value makes it necessary to watch development very carefully in the coming days,” writes the RKI.
