Boris Palmer – Former Crown Prince lands on the siding


He was once considered the Crown Prince of Prime Minister Kretschmann. Now the rowdy OB Palmer of Tübingen has finished his Greens below. The party wants separation. Does the belt tear?

Bang in Stuttgart: the Greens want to get rid of their awkward Tübingen mayor Boris Palmer. The party has been annoying for the 47-year-old. A statement on how to deal with elderly crown patients now caused the barrel to overflow. “The state board expects Boris Palmer to leave our party,” said the party leadership in Baden-Württemberg. But Palmer wouldn’t be Palmer if he just followed something like that. He immediately lets me know: “I am more ecological from an ecological point of view. That is why I am still a member.”

Due to Corona's controversial statements, Palmer was criticized within the party. (Source: dpa)Due to Corona’s controversial statements, Palmer was criticized within the party. (Source: dpa)

From the point of view of the pesky Greens, the series of his missteps is extremely long. Sometimes it was an advertising campaign by Deutsche Bahn with photos of travelers with different skin tones. Palmer asked, “What society should that represent?” Then, in the evening in Tübingen, he went to the police with a student. Time and again it was about refugee policy. Mal admitted mistakes, apologized. More often he claimed that he was sticking to the facts.

Cry of outrage

On breakfast television on Saturday 1, the crown pandemic was followed by the following sentence: “We can save people in Germany who would be dead in six months anyway due to their age and previous illnesses.” A cry of indignation ran through the republic. Baden-Württemberg’s green prime minister Winfried Kretschmann said his former student “got lost.”

@ Why am I not going to resign?

Dear members of the Baden-Württemberg State Board:
Dear members of …

Posted by Boris Palmer on Friday May 8, 2020

Once again you feel misunderstood. “Of course, I hope everyone receives the best possible medical care.” I just wanted to point out the serious financial consequences of a shutdown. No more?

Palmer has been the mayor of the student city since 2007. Before that, he was in the state parliament. For a long time he was considered a great talent by the Greens, sometimes even as the Crown Prince of Kretschmann. Many consider him an intelligent head, who, however, can always be attracted to provocative statements. Others think he deliberately crosses the red lines – by self-expression, regardless of his own group.

Disposal procedures can take years.

It has long been clear that Palmer will no longer be among the Greens. Last Monday, the party in the federal government, at the country and district level finally officially withdrew its support. Members of the Greens have repeatedly asked for their exclusion. But a process could go on for years, with no guarantee that it will work. The Thilo Sarrazin case is an example of a warning to the Greens: the SPD has been trying to expel the former financial senator from Berlin for more than ten years.

What’s next The greens of Baden-Württemberg were silent on Saturday. Much depends now on how OB Tübingen will behave in the future. In its decision Friday night, the Greens regional board also reserved a party order procedure, which could still lead to a party exclusion. The Greens are almost forced to do something about the next provocation. And it will definitely come.
