Crown restrictions: Police arrest several protesters outside the Reichstag


In several German cities, including Munich and Frankfurt am Main, people protested on Saturday over the restriction of fundamental rights. In Berlin, the police temporarily arrested around 30 people during a demonstration in front of the Reichstag. The main problem was the determination of personal data. The reason for the intervention: breach of the rules for the containment of the crown.

According to remarks from a DPA photographer, people, including conspiracy theorists, protested at the announced rally against restrictions to protect against crown infections.

The Berlin police had announced in several loudspeaker announcements that the maximum number of 50 participants had been exceeded, the spokeswoman said. This was not followed, so they intervened. There were too many people in the square in front of the Reichstag, the minimum distance had not been observed. However, the protest was not resolved and there was still an influx of participants.

According to the police, the police initially monitored the concentration with around a hundred emergency services. Last Wednesday, an ARD television team was attacked during a meeting in front of the Reichstag.

Numerous rallies were also recorded for Saturday at Rosa-Luxemburg-Platz in and around Volksbühne. The police spokeswoman spoke of a “diversity of opinion”. The demonstrations had titles such as “Who gives up freedom to gain security”, “Basic law instead of crown madness”, “Distribution of the newspaper Hygiene”, but also “Against right-wing extremism”, “There is no place for the Nazis “,” Health without sugar “. or “union under the sun”. The spokeswoman was initially unable to say how many emergency services the police are on site.

In accordance with the current regulation of the Berlin Senate, meetings with up to 50 participants are allowed if they take place in a fixed place. From May 25, up to 100 people can attend outdoor meetings.

In Frankfurt am Main, more than 500 protesters protested against the crown restrictions. On Saturday they passed through the city center with banners and shouted “lower your muzzle”, “join” and “resistance”. According to the police, the concentration was not registered. Sometimes more than 500 people participated, sometimes the minimum distance of 1.5 meters was exceeded. According to the police, the police pointed this out several times, but did not dissolve the demonstration.

Protests also in Munich

Around 3,000 people gathered at Munich’s Marienplatz on Saturday, sometimes in violation of all crown distance rules, to demonstrate against what they considered to be strict infection protection regulations in Bavaria and Germany. The demonstration had been recorded, but only for 80 participants, said a spokesman for the Munich police headquarters.

The protesters were concerned about the protection of fundamental rights. According to eyewitnesses, protesters in connection with the crown pandemic have accused politicians and medical professionals of panicking and restricting the fundamental rights of the population. Opponents of vaccination were also among the protesters.

Police have tried to use loudspeaker announcements to pressure compliance, the spokesman said. For reasons of proportionality, law enforcement officers would have let the demonstration go and would not have dissolved it. All participants had behaved peacefully.

Debate on how to deal with protests

CDU interior expert Armin Schuster has called for a contentious discussion with crown protest groups such as “Not Without Us” or “Resistance 2020”. “Dismissing these groups as spinners is too short for me,” said Schuster of the “Rheinische Post.” “We have to politically position them with their nonsense and expose them as spoilers to our internationally recognized infection protection success.”

Schuster, who is also chairman of the Bundestag body for the control of secret services, asked security authorities to clarify to what extent right and left groups undermine movements and instrumentalize them for their unconstitutional goals.

According to Greens interior expert Irene Mihalic, these protests “appear to form a questionable mix of conspiracy theories and deliberate disinformation with high connectivity on the right.” This had to be analyzed very carefully, he told the “Rheinische Post”. Mihalic announced that her parliamentary group will ask the federal government about the matter next week.

Icon: The Mirror
