Corona: Despite Corona’s Relaxation: Chaos in Schools, Parents and Students Complain About Teachers


In the midst of the Corona crisis, schools are gradually reopening. There is still a lot of criticism from parents.

Update May 8, 2020 1:47 p.m.: They went for weeks Schools for the crown crisis closed, now they open again step by step. Many overwhelmed Parents Now I expect an improvement in the situation. A normal class is in this School year But it will no longer be possible. That means that parents and student Most of them have to take care of school supplies independently.

Many Parents complain about the Teacherthey are not available at all. There are allegations that the Educators take too much free time. One teacher even went to court to avoid having to go back to school. He had complained that the state and the school office had not been sufficient. Hygiene plan I would have filed.

Elementary school teacher rules in court: teachers have to go back to school

Than Frankfurt administrative court now he has rejected the so-called “request for urgent legal protection” from the primary school teacher. Interior expert Michael Kuffer (CSU) explained to the Image: “Individual teachers can take responsibility for the students in the Crown crisis don’t push I hope that, like police officers, daycare staff and hospital staff, they accept some residual risk and return to the classrooms of our schools. “

Express yourself Teacher So before liability? Finn Wandhoff (19) head of the student union He opposes a generalization: “Most teachers do a good job in the most difficult conditions. But, as in all industries, there are, of course, black sheep among teachers, from whom the reputation of all colleagues suffers. ”

Some Teacher even ask too much Lou-Marleen Appuhn (18), Head of State of Hesse, receives messages from desperate colleagues every day. You told the Image: “Students are overburdened and overwhelmed with mountains of homework that they can barely master. You cannot ask a 13-year-old to work from 8 a.m. at 4 p.m. like an adult in the home office. ” The problems of student and Parents stay for the moment.

Crown Loosening for Schools and Kindergartens: Lindner is Helping Families – “Made With Nerves”

Update May 7, 12.55. O’clock: “Families and children should not fall on their backs,” he warns now Christian Lindner given the Loosening of the crown * and asks for clear concepts for the reopening of the Day care centers. Many families are “nervous” about the long closings of kindergartens and schools, said the FDP President In Berlin

A prospect for reopening also included concepts of hygiene and Protective equipment * for employees Also, daycare openings would have to scientific * they are accompanied, says Lindner.

Crown loosening for schools and kindergartens – emergency care is expanding

Update May 7, 9.27 a.m.: SPD and Greens complain to the youngest Loosening of the crown lack of prospects for parents and children. SPD leader Saskia Esken He described the deals as a “fatal signal to families.”

Esken criticized for Football Bundesliga There is a concrete concept, but not for the education and care of children. “In this context, the continuation of Bundesliga Good news for many fans: it must seem cynical to many parents, ”he told dpa.

Vice President of the Greens faction Katja Dörner He criticized: “The plans to open the nursery are still vague, the families still do not know what to prepare for.”

The Drug officer the federal government Daniela Ludwig (CSU), warned of the long-term consequences, especially for children of addicted parents: “Suddenly they sit there alone with the drunk father or mother, without outside help in the worst case,” said the CSU politician the World.

Coronavirus – school opening in Schleswig-Holstein

© dpa / Carsten Rehder

Crown loosening for schools and kindergartens – emergency care expands

Update 20.07 clock: In federal-state consultations, Chancellor Angela Merkel and the prime ministers agreed that the Emergency child care beginning May 11 at the latest everywhere expanded should be. Additionally, it was stipulated that the transition from daycare to emergency care and restricted regular operations, as well as the opening of universities and other non-school educational institutions, is the responsibility of the federal states.

Coronavirus: The Conference of Culture Ministers appreciates the federal and state resolutions for schools and kindergartens

The Conference of Ministers of Education (KMK) appeared meanwhile satisfied with the decision of the federal and state governments Resumption of school operations. in the crown pandemic. “Today’s decision is innovative,” said the KMK president Stefanie Hubig (SPD). The Rhineland-Palatinate Minister of Education further emphasized that it had become clear to everyone that “school is much more than just lessons.” The school is a place of social interaction, exchange and friends.

Schools, students and parents would have asked for a perspective. “We can give them this with today’s decision,” said Hubig. The first school openings to May 4 and high school written exams in some countries in general it went very wellshe continued to report. Following the decision of Chancellor Angela Merkel and the heads of government of the federal states, school operations will now resume step by step until the summer holidays, in accordance with the rules of distance and hygiene. These apply to school buses, lessons, and breaks.

Coronavirus: Minister of Family Affairs Giffey calls on federal states to regulate child care facilities quickly

Update 17:57: Federal Minister for Family Affairs Franziska Giffey (SPD) has called on federal states to quickly regulate future child care options in day care. After federal and state consultations on the loosening of the crown on Wednesday, states would now have to “provide specific dates, when and which children can visit their daycare or daycare, even if this can only be done with restrictions,” Giffey demanded. In Berlin. “We need a perspective for all children and parents.”

That there is now an agreement for the first time, at the national level since May 11 in all federal states to expand emergency care in day care centerswelcomed the family minister. According to the decision of the Chancellor and the Prime Minister, individual details regulate individual federal states.

Meanwhile, the details of the process of consultations between the state and the federal government reached the public. Chancellor Angela Merkel and a prime minister are said to have had a particularly great need for discussion.

Coronavirus: Children should have returned to school and daycare in the summer; emergency care extended from May 11

Update 17:02: For the summer all the children can be reintegrated into school classes or nurseries. The prime minister decided this in a conference call with the chancellor. Angela Merkel (CDU) Wednesday Daycare emergency care must start no later than May 11 it will expand everywhere. This has already happened in some federal states. Lower Saxony, among other things, has announced that daycare operations will begin on August 1.

update 1.35 p.m .: When the nursery is restarted, countries will likely endorse a common concept of the 16 youth ministers. NRW Family Minister Joachim Stamp is the current Emergency care It can probably be expanded. Before summer break, all children must return to daycare and schools, according to the plan. Stamp wanted “maximum freedom for countries to decide for themselves,” as he told Spiegel.

Coronavirus: Schools and kindergartens are gradually returning to business

Update May 6, 10:15 a.m.: The federal government wants an appropriate concept for School openings Imagine This was what the Federal Cabinet had proposed last week in the Chancellor’s discussions with the Prime Minister. But just one day before the scheduled date, several federal states are entering the gap with their own concepts.

The cabinet proposes to gradually allow all students to return to school until the summer break. Students with special support needs, for example due to domestic situations or technical equipment, should “receive offers of specific pedagogical presence in schools as soon as possible”. Graduation classes, older elementary students, and test-taking classes next year are already back in schools in many places. Consensus of the ministers of education of the countries. It is also that until the summer holidays, for example, by shift models, all other students can return to schools at least temporarily, but for the moment there will be no normal operation. The Crown Cabinet * resolution for the Merkel Summit provides for further relaxation in other areas of public life.

Ahead of the Prime Minister’s Summit with Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU), Baden-Württemberg Prime Minister Kretschmann is also clear *.

Loosening of the crown for schools and kindergartens: Bavaria and Hesse rush: court overrides mask requirement

Update May 5, 6:11 p.m.: No mask is required at schools Jena. Thuringian city schoolchildren don’t need one Mouth and nose protection in class to carry more. That did Tuesday Gera Administrative Court decided by express procedure. The regulation in the city’s latest general decree was declared illegal, as court spokesman Bernd Amelung told the German Press Agency.

Due to the current low number of infections in the city, there was no need to take stricter hygiene precautions in the classroom, he said. The city had taken a special route with the mask requirement that had been in effect since the beginning of the week. Against that was Free Waldorf School Jena proceeded legally.

Update May 5, 12:38 p.m.: Also in Hesse Decisions were made regarding schools and nurseries. Lessons will begin again on May 18 for a large number of students. Among them are fourth graders and many high school students.

The other elementary students are expected to return to classrooms on June 2, such as the Ministry of Culture on Tuesday at the request of German Press Agency (DPA) announced in Wiesbaden. Due to the crown pandemic, only the last few years of high school are currently in Hesse. Schools teaches

Starting May 18, school operations for, among other things, secondary level I and the introductory phase of secondary level II should begin at least to a limited degree, the ministry explained. This would mean that all students in high schools would return to class at least temporarily. A new opening of professional schools is planned. Education Minister Alexander Lorz (CDU) explained that school activities in this school year will continue to consist of days dedicated to attending school and learning from home.


Loosening the crown for families: Bavaria with far-reaching decisions for schools and kindergartens

Update May 5, 12:30 p.m.:
Bavarian Prime Minister Markus Söder spoke at a press conference on Tuesday about the relaxation of the Day care centers and the Schools. Caution is recommended, says Markus Söder. On the one hand, there are parents who need attention, other parents are very concerned. “Our goal is that up to Pentecost, up to 50 percent of children will be cared for again in daycare.” After Pentecost, the other party should follow, says Söder. Beginning May 25, all preschool-age children must follow.

The same system is followed in Schools. The goal is for all students to return to class in the current school year. At the moment, a class division is also foreseen, the Mask requirement Do not apply in the classroom but on breaks. Until Pentecost, there is also a relaxed attendance requirement for students.

A four-stage plan is being carried out, such as the Minister of Culture. Michael Piazolo Announced The first took place on April 27, when the final classes were allowed to return to class. Step Two: On May 11, pre-qualifying classes and fourth grade elementary should return. That was decided now. Third: On May 18 and 25, younger students of the respective school type must also return. The fourth step with the remaining stages is June 15, “if the infection allows it,” Piazolo said.

Corona decisions about schools and nurseries: a federal state is moving forward – opening of nurseries decided

Update May 5, 10.55 a.m.: So German Press Agency (DPA) reported being in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania The childcare restrictions imposed by the coronavirus are significantly relaxed. For about 4,500 children with babysitters, according to the Dpa begin regular care on May 11. A week later, on May 18, according to the plans of the Ministry of Social Affairs, the 13,600 preschool children should go to Kindergarten may return Plans will be a problem in the cabinet on Thursday.

Too Lower saxony has announced a relaxation of the crown restrictions on childcare. There, the nursery should reopen on May 11.

Coronavirus: the head of the Greens, Göring-Eckardt, anticipates that the Ministry of the Family will make decisions outside

Update May 4, 11:42 a.m.: The leader of the green group Katrin Goering-Eckardt has that Absence of family ministry in the Crown cabinet. criticized “Families bear a particularly heavy burden in this crisis,” Göring-Eckardt emphasized in an interview with the Picture on Sunday. Therefore, the green politician is completely incomprehensible that the family minister is, at best, “a boat”. “Apparently neither Merkel nor Scholz were important enough to focus on families,” the minister criticized. Is disappointingthat Minister Franziska Giffey (SPD) does not Thus fight to have a voice at the center of decisions.

In the Corona Cabinet, which always meets on Mondays and Thursdays, we only have Minister of Health Jens Spahn (CDU) just like him Foreign, internal, financial and defense departments.. Giffey defended the composition against the Bild newspaper: “The Corona cabinet is deliberately kept small. That makes sense, “she said. Depending on the agenda, the technical ministers are summoned at the Thursday meetings. Giffey pointed out that she he was allowed to attend two sessions on Thursday and emphasized: “In the debate on facilitating steps, I worked very hard for the interests of children and parents, in internal votes and in public.”

Corona virus in Germany: gradual opening of schools and kindergartens planned

First report of May 4, 2020:

Berlin / Düsseldorf – How about the gradual opening of schools and kindergartens Chancellor Angela Merkel and the prime ministers of federal states want to decide next Wednesday amid the crown crisis. And it comes out beforehand North Rhine-Westphalia Pressure. NRW’s Minister of Family Affairs Joachim Stamp (FDP) threatened to do so only if nurseries are opened if Merkel does not decide on a uniform opening course with the heads of the country on Wednesday.

Corona decision on schools and kindergartens: NRW threatens to go it alone

“Now I would like to go our way,” said the deputy prime minister of North Rhine-Westphalia on the podcast. “Morning briefingFrom Gabor Steingart. He also emphasized: “We will not allow us to postpone it for another week.” Stamp wants one “Impromptu operation” of nursery schools. This should allow children access as quickly as possible and “daycare workers and educators feel safe even in times of a pandemic,” Stamp said.

The FDP politician criticized that the situation of families and children during the Corona crisis has been neglected in recent days. In addition, Stamp emphasized that the family ministers of the countries “showed clear forms” and a “Concept of gradual opening” I would have filed. In this context, the NRW family minister speaks of four phases, beginning with the Emergency care about him extended emergency care by impromptu regular operation and finally that Regular operation. Meanwhile, the phase between extended emergency care and impromptu regular operation has been reached: “if we can afford it,” Stamp complained.

NRW Family Minister Joachim Stamp (FDP) wants to reopen daycare centers as soon as possible, and now threatens to do so only nationally.

© dpa / Federico Gambarini

Coronavirus: Drosten’s research team warns: children are as contagious as adults

While the family minister is pushing for the nurseries to be opened quickly, a team of researchers led by the Berlin-based virologist Professor Christian Drosten * provided information on the coronavirus that did not support Stamp’s request. According to the study, children in the coronavirus pandemic are probably as contagious as adults *. The Scientists warn Thus before the unrestricted opening of schools and kindergartens In Germany As reported by the Berlin Charité team, the amount of virus that can be detected in the respiratory tract does not differ between different age groups.

The extent to which children transmit the virus to others so far has not been clear, according to the previously published study, which has not yet been examined by independent experts. Investigating children’s transferability is also difficult, especially since schools closed early and the virus was transmitted mainly by adult travelers, especially in the early phase of the epidemic. Also, children often have mild symptoms or no symptoms *, and therefore tests are done less often.

Coronavirus study in Charité shows: viral load does not differ between age groups

In Samples of 3712 infected Drosten’s team had determined the amount of the Sars-CoV-2 virus. They found there is no difference in viral load between different age groups. Investigators’ conclusion: When evaluating the risk of infection * in schools and kindergartens, the same assumptions that apply to adults should be used.

They also admitted that it was Arguments give according to which children are less contagious be like adults For example, they generally do not have symptoms * and therefore cough less. On the other hand, they are much more physically and socially active.

Drosten reported that he was referring to a “science” study in his NDRPodcast of that Children and adults apparently have a different risk of infection. they have: children are, to put it very simply, only a third as susceptible to coronavirus infection as adults. The virologist, however, expressed concern that this maybe compensate through behavior – For example, because children have much more intense contacts with each other.

Lothar Wieler, director of the Robert Koch Institute, also emphasized on Thursday that children played the same role in the spread as adults. “They can get infected, they can get rid of the virus and infect others,” he said.

Schools / nurseries in Germany: the seal demands more freedom of choice for the federal states

Stamp but apparently it does not deter these ideas from its course. Insists that Countries need “their freedom”because the crown pandemic is different in each country. But even though NRW is one of the federal states most affected by the pandemic, criticized stamp the gradual and careful Government action in the form of regular consultations with country leaders Stamp sharp. “It is not a permanent condition” that the chancellor alone with the 16 prime ministers decide “what works and what doesn’t”. Whether or not there is a return to North Rhine-Westphalia when it comes to opening the nursery now largely depends on the outcome of Wednesday’s state and federal consultations.

BTW: You can find tips on how to keep kids busy during free hours at school and daycare in the video below.

* is part of the national network of publishers Ippen-Digital.

cia with AFP and dpa

List of rubric lists: © dpa / Bodo Schackow
