Study: Corona patients surprisingly often die of emboli


Hamburg study

Crown patients surprisingly often die of emboli.

The | Reading time: 3 minutes.

Dennis Betzholz

The upper limit has already been exceeded in these counties.

The coronavirus has spread rapidly at the Westfleisch meat factory in Coesfeld in recent days: At least 151 employees are infected. However, nothing has happened for a long time.

Hamburg coroner Klaus Püschel performed an autopsy on 192 dead Covid-19s. Now his team has presented the first study on this worldwide. Consequently, two clinical pictures occur with unusual frequency.

MeNo other German state had more autopsies of Covid-19 than in Hamburg. Now the legal practitioners of the Hamburg-Eppendorf University Medical Center (UKE) have presented a study that is causing a sensation worldwide.

Consequently, thrombosis and fatal pulmonary embolism occurred in more than half of the crown patients. Although the study only includes the first twelve post-mortem surveys, the surprising accumulation has also been confirmed in the 192 deaths examined, Professor Klaus Püschel, director of the UK Institute of Forensic Medicine, told reporters on Friday.

The new findings should now also help with treatment. Blood coagulants would be used more and more in the future. Through more intensive preventive care, it can be ensured that “thrombosis and strokes do not develop,” Püschel said. Seven of the twelve deaths examined had thrombosis, four died directly from pulmonary embolism. Before he died, there was no corresponding suspicion among those affected.

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Pathology also autopsies people who have died of Covid-19

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There have already been initial indications that the new coronavirus could cause thrombosis. In daily clinical practice, Covid-19 had already been seen to lead to thrombosis and pulmonary embolism in the patient in an unusually large number of cases, said Professor Stefan Kluge, Director of the UK Intensive Care Medicine Clinic : “Now sections of the deceased have been confirmed. “But it would be carefully considered whether patients can be treated primarily with a blood thinner,” said Kluge.

The study with the results of the autopsies was published in the prestigious American journal “Annals of Internal Medicine”. The study was reviewed by four independent experts before publication.

Püschel does not expect a second wave of the crown, but his main doctor disagrees

The study also shows that almost all the deceased had previous illnesses, such as the cardiovascular system or the lungs. Previous kidney and metabolic diseases such as diabetes, cancer or dementia also occurred. But the cause of death was always pneumonia with or without pulmonary embolism, according to doctors. An impressive finding was also how heavy and firm the lungs of the deceased were, said Professor Jan Sperhake, chief physician at the Institute of Forensic Medicine and first author of the study: “When you look at the lungs, it’s not surprising how difficult it is to It is to ventilate the lungs. “

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Pathology also autopsies people who have died of Covid-19

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The age of the deceased ranged from 31 to 98 years, and the youngest was said to be a patient with terminal cancer. The legal doctor Klaus Püschel, therefore, renewed his thesis: “This is not a murderous virus, we are not at war. We don’t have to be afraid and we don’t have to give up. ” Nor does he believe in a second wave of the crown, he thinks that this forecast is “black paint”. That led to his chief doctor, Sperhake, at the objection at the UK press conference: “I am not as optimistic as my boss.”

Püschel already put into perspective the risk posed by the corona virus in early April: “This virus affects our lives in a completely exaggerated way. That is not related to the danger posed by the virus, “says the renowned legal practitioner of the time. “I am convinced that crown mortality will not even feel like a spike in annual mortality.”
