Crown crisis: masks are mandatory for all of Germany


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  • Marvin Brick

    Marvin Brick


Bremen is the last federal state to announce a mask requirement. The first clinical trial for a vaccine was approved in Germany.

  • The Sars-CoV-2 * coronavirus has Germany still firmly under control.
  • First Relaxed Crown Restrictions have been in effect since April 20: all federal states have one Mask requirement to.
  • The Robert Koch Institute (RKI) recorded the largest increase in crown deaths per day last week.

+++ 5.30 p.m .: Federal Minister for Transport Andreas Scheuer has advocated that passengers in theDeutsche Bahn long distance traffic one Everyday mask wear This also applies to Flightssaid the CSU politician in the Bundestag. Scheuer said that he was personally for one Mask requirement. At the same time, he made it clear that this was still being discussed.

Scheuer said that Deutsche Bahn had early Protective equipment concerned about your staff. He said that the Ministry of Transport is currently working on scenarios on how to guarantee the transport of schoolchildren in the gradual reopening of schools since the beginning of May.

+++ 14.35 p.m .: In Germany There should be a mask requirement across the country to contain the coronavirus. On Wednesday, Bremen, as the last federal state, also announced the duty to wear a face mask: it must be decided on Friday (April 24, 2020) and request local transportation and purchases starting Monday (April 27, 2020) ), said a state government spokesman.

Corona warning app: introduction only in late May

+++ 14.15 p.m .: In developing what was planned Corona Warning App The Federal Ministry of Health prefers central storage of user data. This is important in order to better track the development of the epidemic, a spokesman said on Wednesday (April 22, 2020) in Berlin. It should also be clarified who should have the pseudonymised data. The development of the application is within the normal time frame.

Authorities are currently in talks with Google and Apple about “how the interface should be designed and where the data will be stored.” He was sure that these conversations would lead to a solution. In March, a corresponding app, which is recommended by the federal government, was still expected to be available after the Easter holidays, now talking about the end of May.

Crown: Rhineland-Palatinate and Lower Saxony also require a mask

+++ 12.10 p.m .: Too Rhineland-Palatinate cast Saar drive by Crown pandemic A mask requirement. The government spokesman for the two countries said on Tuesday it would apply to public transport and in-store purchases starting next Monday.

Crown crisis: mask requirement in Lower Saxony and Brandenburg

+++ 11.50 a.m .: Lower Saxony and Brandenburg now lead one Mask requirement to. Starting next Monday, wearing a mask in local transport and retail will be mandatory, a spokesman for the Lower Saxony Health Ministry said on Wednesday (April 22, 2020).

In Brandenburg Interior Minister Michael Stübgen (CDU) announced Wednesday in the interior committee of the state parliament that a mask requirement on suburban trains, buses and trams should apply starting next Monday (April 27, 2020). The cabinet will decide Thursday.

Corona vaccine: Mainz-based company can test vaccine

++ 11.10 a.m .: Than Paul Ehrlich Institute (PEI) first time in Germany approval for the clinical trial of a novel vaccine candidate Corona virus granted Mainz-based company Biontech is therefore approved to test its active ingredient, as PEI announced on Wednesday. According to Biontech, there will be tests on around 200 healthy volunteers.

“Testing of vaccine candidates in humans is an important milestone on the road to safe and effective vaccines against Covid-19 for the population of Germany and beyond, “said the PEI. The approval is the result of a careful evaluation of the potential risk-benefit profile of the vaccine candidate. Biontech cooperates in the development of Corona vaccine with the pharmaceutical company Pfizer.

In the phase I / II clinical trial in Germany Among other things, the compatibility and safety of the vaccine candidate must be verified. The active ingredient developed by Biontech belongs to the group of gene-based vaccines. These contain genetic information about the pathogen. From this proteins are produced in the body, against which the immune system forms antibodies. Biontech has been primarily working on the development of immunotherapies against cancer.

Corona Virus in Germany: Federal Minister for Family Affairs for opening playgrounds

+++ 10.50 a.m .: Federal Minister for Family Affairs Franziska Giffey (SPD) calls for the closure of playgrounds in Germany due to the crown pandemic. “I no longer find the categorical closure of playgrounds correct,” he said on Wednesday on the RTL / ntv broadcast “Frühstart.”

Especially in the big city, children would have very little exercise. “We have the best climate, the children need exercise,” emphasized the SPD politician. The German Children’s Fund also advocated for the gradual reopening of public parks.

Crown crisis in Germany: Federal Minister of Education does not see normal long-term school lessons

+++ 10.10 a.m .: Federal Minister of Education Anja Karliczek (CDU) does not expect any in the long term normal lessons in schools in Germany The first step is to do what is possible, Karliczek said in Deutschlandfunk on Wednesday. This means, for example, combining face-to-face teaching and digital learning methods. When most schools reopened in early May, it was particularly important to give final classes a chance to catch up on the material, Karliczek said. The Federal Minister also called for ensuring that these students can learn on-site that they have difficulties using digital media, such as children from families with little education.

145,694 people infected with the coronavirus in Germany

+++ 8.25 a.m .: The Robert Koch Institute (RKI) in Berlin has the number in Germany with the Corona virus people infected on Wednesday with 145,694 specified – a plus of 2237 Since the previous day. This corresponds to 175 cases per 100,000 inhabitants. So far, the RKI, which only takes into account the electronically transmitted figures from the federal states and updates its list once a day, has registered 4879 Deaths The number of people recovered was approximately 99,400.

Johns Hopkins University, located in the US city of Baltimore (YHU) reported 148,453 Infected and 5086 Deaths The JHU obtains its data from journalistic sources and updates it several times a day; This is why the numbers differ from those of the Robert Koch Institute.

+++ 7.00 a.m .: With the helpline of all Germany“Violence against women” The demand for advice on domestic violence has recently increased. A spokeswoman for the Family Minister, Franziska Giffey (SPD), told reporters last week that the increase was 17.5 percent compared to the previous two weeks. Until then, the development of the advisory contacts was comparable to the previous year 2019, without any abnormality. A trend can be identified.

Giffey had the highest demand related to Crown crisis asked, families are in a confined space under particular stress.

Moving away from restrictions: impatience is growing in the Union

+++ Update, April 23, 2020, 6.40 a.m.: The federal government is planning due to Crown crisis Currently there is no donation of ministerial salaries based on the Austrian model. “There is currently no such project in the federal government,” a government spokesman for the “Bild” newspaper said on request. On Monday, Austrian Chancellor Sebastian Kurz announced that ministers from his government coalition would donate a net monthly salary to charity.

Government officials around the world have announced that they will not pay their wages due to the Corona crisis. These include ministers in Bulgaria and New Zealand.

+++ 20.35 p.m .: The Union faction is growing amid cautious measures by Moving away from harsh restrictions at Crown crisis Impatience. This is how Prime Minister NRW strives Armin laschet (CDU) announced further relaxation in the Corona crisis in May. Federal and state governments should agree to this at their next meeting on April 30, Laschet told the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung (FAZ, Wednesday). One still wouldn’t know how those already decided Relieving It had an impact. “I still think we have to think of some more measures,” Laschet told the newspaper.

The Prime Minister appointed sports activities for young people. “If young people now go to shopping malls or are in parks instead of going to the sports field, that’s not the point,” he said. More openings would also have to Kindergartens, playgrounds and schools. concern Laschet criticized that the reality of many children’s lives had been lost sight of through the politics of the crown.

MEPs call for a return to normality strategy

Also the deputy from Hesse Klaus-Peter Willsch According to participants, a CDU / CSU MP said there was an urgent need to discuss reopening strategies. People had to have the perspective that politics was intensely concerned with how to get back to normal and allow the economy to function.

Baden-Württemberg MP Axel Fischer highlighted the high level of approval in the surveys for the Union course. But he also emphasized that reports on the existential needs of citizens and the economy were piling up. The restrictions would have catastrophic effects to be discussed. These problems should not be wiped off the table. Saxon deputy Veronika Bellmann In this context, a better and more reliable database was requested through more tests so that the “horror scenarios” could be countered.

Crown crisis: Merkel defends relief warning too quickly

+++ 6 p.m .:Chancellor Angela Merkel has its warnings of being too fast and too strong Relieving of restrictions defended public life. It goes without saying that there is a wide-ranging public discussion on how to return to a more social life, Merkel said Tuesday, Tuesday, according to meeting participants, in a video section of the Union faction in the Bundestag, referring to also to his government statement scheduled for Thursday. . At the same time, he emphasized: “We have to find the right balance there.”

According to the participants, Merkel told the Union parliamentary group that if you stay nervous, act focused, and take citizens with you, the path to greater openness can go one step at a time. It is important that you have an overview of what relief and what effect on a possible increase in Infection rate to have. The day before, he had expressed more criticism because he felt an impatience with which it could quickly happen that one loses this overview, and that in the first of many initial steps.

“Now is a very sensitive time,” Merkel said accordingly. She was particularly concerned about “pedestrian areas that are too crowded”. It was a “great task” for parliament and the federal government to make clear the significance of the measures to the population.

On the question of the obligation to carry Nose and mouth masksAccording to the Chancellor, how more and more federal states and municipalities are deciding or have already introduced, it is crucial that these are “managed correctly”. What matters is the distance between people. Stores that are now open again should be able to guarantee distance.

Berlin extends ban on major events until October

+++ 16.23 PM: Large cultural and sporting events in Berlin with more than 5000 participants remain due to the Corona crisis until October 24th Prohibited Events with more than 1,000 participants should not take place until August 31, the Senate decided Tuesday.

In addition, it will be applied in the capital from next Monday Mask requirement on buses and trains. As of April 27, people in Berlin were required to wear a protective mouth and nose mask, as Berlin’s ruling mayor Michael Müller (SPD) said Tuesday after a meeting in the Senate.

Corona virus in Germany: mask requirement in many federal states

+++ 14.48 p.m .: Hesse wants to introduce a mandatory mask * in the fight against the new corona virus. It is said to apply to local and commercial public transport, a government spokesperson confirmed on request. In the federal state, 7,305 people have been found to use the Corona virus infected The number of deaths increased to 257.

Previously it was known that there was also a Mask requirement It must be presented, as government spokesman Günter Kolodziej announced on Monday. A mask requirement will be introduced in Saxony and Saxony-Anhalt later this week. Bavaria, Baden-Württemberg, Berlin, Hamburg, Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania and Schleswig-Holstein will follow next week.

The Robert Koch Institute records the largest daily increase in the death rate

First registration, April 21, 2020, 1:16 p.m.: Berlin – The Robert Koch Institute (RKI) sees no reason for the extensive relaxation of contact restrictions, despite the lower number of new corona infections in Germany. “We have accomplished a lot in the past few weeks, but the situation remains dire. The epidemic is endless, the number of cases may increase again, “said Vice President Lars Schaade on Tuesday (April 21, 2020) in Berlin.

This was recorded last week RKI for Germany, the largest increase in the number of Crown kills one day Thursday alone, more than 135 new Covid 19 deaths were reported across the country, Schaade said. According to this, around 32 out of every 1,000 people would die from Covid disease 19.

The RKI in Berlin has the number in Germany with the Corona virus Infected people reported 143,457 on Tuesday, an increase of 1,785 from the previous day. Johns Hopkins University (JHU), based in the US city of Baltimore, reported 147,065 infected people. So far, the RKI, which only takes into account the electronically transmitted figures from the federal states and updates its list once a day, has registered 4598 deathswho have favored JHU 4,862 dead. The number of people recovered was approximately 95,200.

Virus crowns in Germany: Angela Merkel warns of carelessness

Chancellor too Angela Merkel (CDU) warned on Monday (April 20, 2020) of neglect in the coronavirus pandemic in Germany. Merkel called for great caution: “We must not weigh ourselves for a second in security, but we must remain vigilant and disciplined,” the chancellor said Monday in Berlin.

Angela Merkel emphasized that if the crisis is approached too freely, the number of infections could increase again. “It would be a shame if we saw a relapse again.”

Crown in Germany: Oktoberfest canceled

As a measure to stop the Coronavirus pandemic The Oktoberfest will not take place this year. That gave the Prime Minister of Bavaria Markus Söder (CSU) and Munich Mayor Dieter Reiter (SPD) announced Tuesday. Söder said that he and Reiter were the “biggest fans” of this “biggest and most beautiful festival in the world”. But the risk is too high.

“You can’t keep your distance, not even Mouthguard work. “Even if it hurt, they would have decided now:” Or smart or nothing. “Reiter said the decision was not an easy one. Not only for him, but also financially, this is a” bitter pill. “From industry employees Even the taxi driver, everyone would “painfully miss the Oktoberfest”.

Corona virus: mask requirement in more and more countries in Germany – mosaic review

More and more federal states are choosing to contain the coronavirus * in Germany Crown Mask Requirement when you go shopping and on public transport. Several state governments want to seal this or discuss this Tuesday. It was recently announced that a mask requirement should also be introduced in Thuringia due to the coronavirus pandemic *, as announced by government spokesman Günter Kolodziej on Monday night.

Until now, there is no uniform line on the obligation to wear a mask * in Germany. The Greens now demand “a clear and common line” from the federal government and the states, as party leader Annalena Baerbock said. “I think a bet on a mouth guard on local public transportation and when shopping in stores is correct,” said Baerbock.

Saxony-Anhalt also had one recently Oral protection obligation inserted. The state government decided on Tuesday morning (April 21, 2020) according to the “Mitteldeutsche Zeitung”. Until now, mouth guard was only “highly recommended” in shops, buses, and trains. The new mouthguard regulation will take effect next Thursday (April 23, 2020). The city of Frankfurt also plans to introduce a mask * requirement for public transport and retail. This should apply from next Monday (April 27, 2020) at the latest

Coronavirus: developments for Abitur in the federal states

Federal states also make different decisions in other areas, such as Day care centersin Schools or in retail. Student outside Berlin last wanted the Abitur Exams postpone because your learning conditions at home are particularly unfavorable. However, the Berlin administrative court rejected the request to postpone the school leaving exam. The first written exam is scheduled for Friday (April 24, 2020). An appeal against the decision can still be filed with the Superior Administrative Court.

In Hamburg Abitur exams started under strict hygiene rules on Tuesday (April 21, 2020). Due to the Corona crisis, the start of the exams, originally planned for April 16, had been postponed. During Abitur, a maximum of ten students should be allowed to take the exams in one room at the same time.

Also in Schleswig-Holstein The Abitur exams started as scheduled on April 21. Schools for pupils in Saxony Reopened from April 20, which is why Abitur exams start there from April 22.

Abitur in Germany: due to corona virus, many exams are postponed

In Lower saxony The Abitur reviews are expected to start on May 11, 2020. The state had drawn up a corresponding emergency plan for the Abitur, but Lower Saxony’s Minister of Culture Grant Hendrik Tonne (SPD) did not want to rule out a complete cancellation. Exam dates also fall on this date Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania. North Rhine-Westphalia May 12 follows with the beginning of the Abitur. Soon after, the exams begin in Brandenburg on May 13, 2020.

In Baden-Württemberg The start of the school leaving exam will be postponed until May 18, 2020. This is due to a decision by the Minister of Culture Susanne Eisenmann (CDU) in consultation with members of the school administration and representatives of parents and students. Also in Thuringia Abitur’s exams should start on May 18.

Bavaria It postponed the Abitur exams this year until May 20, 2020. As reported by the Ministry of Culture on its website, due to the dynamic situation “no further changes in the course of the Abitur 2020 exam can be excluded.” Saarland takes last place with the start of high school on May 25, 2020.

Coronavirus: the head of the JU demands more power from the federal government

As a consequence, the head of the Junge Union, Tilman Kuban, called for more power for the federal government: the different relaxation of the crown measures * in the federal states regarding childcare, store openings or mandatory masks * Now it has shown that in special times of crisis more competencies should be brought together at the federal level, Kuban said Tuesday. “Decisions on this should be made by the federal government and execution and control by the federal states. Everything else disturbs people and leads to distortion of competition. ”

* is part of the national network of publishers Ippen-Digital.

Image of rubric list: © Robert Michael / dpa
