Baden-Wuerttemberg, Hesse, etc .: When does the mask duty apply against Corona and where? – Health


More and more regions in Germany require wearing a respirator that covers the nose and mouth. It is unclear where the masks should come from. Patient advocates ask for support with acquisition options. “The federal government, states and municipalities leave open where mouth-nose protection should come from,” said the board of the German Foundation for Patient Protection, Eugen Brysch.

“It is irresponsible to disappoint people on this issue. That brings people into the hands of merchants. “

When does the mask duty apply and where?

Baden-Württemberg introduces a mask requirement in stores and public transportation. From April 27 Prime Minister Winfried Kretschmann (Greens) said in Stuttgart on Tuesday that the duty was to cover his mouth and nose when shopping and on local transport.

Thuringia demands from friday onwardsthat a mask should be put on buses and trains, as well as when shopping. In Schleswig-Holstein There will also be an obligation, Prime Minister Daniel Günther (CDU) announced Tuesday. The cabinet will decide Wednesday to wear a mouth and nose cap while shopping and on public transportation. from April 29 to make it mandatory.

Hesse also carries a mask requirement Monday, April 27 to. Then a mouth protection is prescribed for citizens, “if they use local public transport vehicles or enter the public area of ​​shops, banks and post offices,” says a statement from the state government.

Saxony-anhaltThe state government also decided on a mouth protection obligation for local public transportation and purchases. You should from Thursday (0.00 a.m.) to apply

A mask has been around since Tuesday Dorsten (North Rhine-Westphalia) are worn, Monday, April 27 also by local public transport Mecklenburg-Western Pomeranias, also in Munster. Protection in shops, markets, buses and in public areas of the city administration building should apply here. However, a cloth or scarf can also be worn over the mouth.

In addition, passengers in Meck-Pomm by local transport and by taxis will not be taken in case of violations of the mask requirement starting next Monday. A fine of 25 euros is also possible, Prime Minister Manuela Schwesig (SPD) said Tuesday in Schwerin.

Too Potsdam plans a mouth guard requirement Of the next week by public transport and shops. People in Berlin must Of the next week Wear nose and throat protection on buses, suburban trains, and subways. Unlike other federal states, it shouldn’t apply to retail. Considered by the shared transport network with Berlin Brandenburg Also a mask requirement on buses and trains. Interior Minister Michael Stübgen (CDU) announced a corresponding cabinet decision Thursday in the interior committee of the state parliament.

Another laggard: Lower saxony. Here we will introduce a national mask requirement to contain the coronavirus. Vom coming on monday A mask from the Health Ministry said Wednesday, after various media had previously reported, that wearing a mask should be mandatory on local transportation and in stores.

More expensive must already in Saxony to be used in local transport and also in stores. A scarf or scarf would also suffice: the only important thing is that your mouth and nose are covered to protect yourself and your fellow man. Saxon police officers will also wear masks.

In Jena On the contrary, since the beginning of April there has been a mask requirement on buses, trains and supermarkets, and for a week also in the workplace. And it seems to work: the city of Halle has not counted new infections for days!

Mask requirement in federal states

Then Wolfsburg have Brunswick As the second major city in Lower Saxony announced that a corresponding regulation from Saturday, April 25 it takes over. In Wolfsburg, the mask requirement applies in retail stores, as well as in public buildings, buses, doctor’s offices, and medical facilities with a transition period of one week to May 6. Young children are excluded.

Bavaria introduces a mandatory mask

Of the next week Mouth protection or scarf should be mandatory in all stores and on local public transport. Prime Minister Markus Söder (CSU) announced Monday in a government statement in the state parliament. Protection of the mouth and nose plays a “very central role” in slowing down the spread of the coronavirus. According to state chancellor Florian Herrmann, anyone who violates the obligation to wear a mask in Bavaria faces a fine. The height is not yet clear.

In Upper Bavaria Rosenheim the mask requirement already applies from today. It is applied in the city and the district “for all visits to stores and for the use of public transport,” the municipalities said on Tuesday.

Across the country there is no obligation to wear a face mask, but it is recommended to wear cloth masks or handmade or purchased scarves (“everyday masks”) on buses and trains, in stores or supermarkets, which protect those nearby coughing or sneezing from the infection.

Crown Cases and Mask Requirement - Infographic

The Robert Koch Institute (RKI) also believes that wearing a mask in public life could help curb the spread of Covid-19 in the population.

Are the masks dangerous for children?

Currently, the news is being spread via WhatsApp and on social media, warning against putting on children, especially little ones, self-made breathing masks. BILD has pediatrician Dr. Michael Achenbach asked if there was anything there and if the parents really had to worry.

Achenbach: “I think you can usually give the light.” Read more here.

How can you protect the mask?

Wearing masks could also have a signaling effect and ensure that people are kept at a greater distance from each other, says Bernd Salzberger, an infectologist at Regensburg University Hospital. The federal and state government recommendation is “a good measure.”

Mouth and nose protection reduces the risk of infection for others because the material in front of the mouth and nose catches the droplets to some extent when speaking, sneezing, or coughing. However, simple skins do not protect against user infection with the virus.

Comparison of 5 types of face masks - infographic

Clean the masks properly

The mask should cover the nose and mouth. When losing weight, make sure there is no discharge from your hands.

Even stitched mouth and nose masks must be washed regularly at 60 degrees with a full detergent. However, only some items of clothing should be washed at this temperature. That is why Philipp Heldt of the North Rhine-Westphalia Consumer Center advises washing hands.

Daily masks can be turned and pressed with a stick in water that is too hot for hands at 60 degrees. As soon as it has cooled down a little, knead and drain properly. “The heat and surfactants in detergents are enough to deactivate the coronavirus,” says Heldt. “The addition of alcohol, for example, is not necessary.”

Alternatively, virologists advise ironing the masks at high temperatures. According to the North Rhine-Westphalia Consumer Advisory Center, cotton is the best material. The fabric is breathable, making it easy to breathe and machine washable at 60 degrees. According to the recommendations of the Federal Institute for Drugs and Medical Devices, the fabric should be woven as close as possible.

Sew the protective mask yourself?

Meanwhile, many individuals are putting their hands on the sewing machine and designing protective masks for themselves, their families, or for markets and shops. There are sewing instructions online, including non-stop instructions on kitchen paper and rubber bands.

And if you can’t or don’t want to sew, you can find a very simple guide here:

Are self-made masks useful?

Dr. Frank Drewnick, atmospheric physicist at the Max Planck Institute in Mainz, has conducted a study on the suitability of household materials for masks.

Not all synthetic fiber materials can prevent very small particles, which also include viruses. According to Drewnick, only “those that were developed for this purpose, such as vacuum bags, are adequate.” Other synthetic fibers, such as microfiber cloths, are not as suitable.

In no case do the masks replace other measures such as keeping distance and washing your hands well!

Keep your distance! - How air is breathed when coughing, infographic

Simple masks do not provide adequate protection for medical personnel dealing directly with suspicious cases and patients with a crown. Here experts advise on masks with protection levels FFP-2 or FFP-3.

 masks of protection class FFP2 Photo: dpa

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FFP2 class protection masksPhoto: dpa
