Corona virus: do you become immune or can you become infected a second time?


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Do you become immune to Corona or can you become infected a second time? The latter happened in Asia. The researchers have an explanation.

  • In Asia they were considered healed to be positive again Corona virus * tried
  • Will you be against Crown
    immune or you can do it again with the Corona virus
  • Researchers are investigating how it can be positive Crown tests may come after the end of illness

The messages Asia they are more than worrisome. Therefore, patients who consider themselves cured are positive again. Corona virus Sars-CoV-2 tested According to Koreans, there are more than 150 Center for Disease Control and Prevention (KCDC) only in South Korea. Participation in all Covid-19 sick It is relatively low at 2.1 percent, but the consequence is still alarming. You can look a second time after surviving the disease infect with corona virus or is it one immune?

Immunity to Coronavirus Sars-CoV-2: Do you become immune to Corona?

Immune ser means that the body has developed a defense response against a virus. And because this immune reaction has a “memory”, it means that it then prevents infection with the same virus, “explains immunologist Eric Vivier of the Marseille University Hospital to dpa.

In RNA virusto what also that Corona virus Sars-CoV-2 account, according to the immunologist, it takes around three weeks to form enough protection Antibodies. Experience has shown that this protection lasts for several months. During this time, one is considered immune and cannot re-become infected with the “known” virus.

A current Chinese study with Rhesus monkeys supports this assumption for the Corona virus. Monkeys infected with the virus are still resistant a few weeks after their recovery. But this study says nothing about it. Duration of immunity. other researchers criticize. Because the study with the rhesus monkeys only took a month. Until now it has not been investigated how long Immunity
after infection with the Corona virus It really persists.

Corona virus: patients are considered healthy: are they immune to the corona?

However, if you take on an existing immunization, what are the reasons for renewing the immunization? positive Test results? In a briefing, experts from the South Korean KCDC theorized that he was a type Reactivation of the remaining viruses and not one Reinfection it could act The patient is not infected again, the coronavirus simply has not disappeared from the body.

That would be possible if it is not enough either Immunity Against the corona virus or the patient’s immune system is very weak. Then, previously undetected virus concentrations could increase again and become measurable.

Virologist Kim Jeong-ki of the University College of Pharmacy Korea compares this type of medicine with the Reuters agency Reactivation of the virus with a Spring. If you push it down, it gets smaller. If you then remove your hand, the spring returns to its original size. It could be the same with him Corona virus behave

Coronavirus: tests could be the cause of positive results

Another explanation lies in the Crown test * The tests used in many countries, including South Korea, work by: Footprints the ge
netisch Information (RNA) of the corona virus. According to CNN, KCDC CEO Jeong Eun-kyeong, the tests could also detect parts of the coronavirus RNA that affects lung disease. Covid-19 can no longer be fired.

According to the KCDC CEO, this theory has shown promise after initial studies. The virus had been examined in six patients who were considered cured and tested positive for an additional test. Corona virus have been tested these viruses may be isolated no increased They were either only available in snippets or the number was simply too small. As a result, the high sensitivity of the Crown tests to be an explanation

Corona virus: reasons for positive tests

According to the current state of the investigation. no Reason to Panic. The KCDC CEO also says there has been no evidence to date that the patients, who tested positive again, were contagious. Therefore, the risk of reinfection is not assumed to exist.

By Sophia Lother

Many sick people avoid going to the doctor for fear of becoming infected with the coronavirus. The result is unusually empty waiting rooms for doctors and emergency rooms. This can have fatal consequences. Due to the lack of patients, even some specialists in Hesse have to work a few hours * during the Crown. It is particularly difficult for a specialty. is part of the national network of publishers Ippen-Digital.

List of rubric lists: © Picture Alliance / Hendrik Schmidt / dpa-Zentralbild / ZB
