Food – Deadly conflict in Essen!
A boy of just 14 is said to have died in a confrontation on Sunday night! The alleged author is only 17 years old and was captured.
“data-zoom-src =” https://bilder.bild.de/photos / hier-wird-das-opfer-von-rettungssanitaetern-versorgt-201411465-70130198/Bild/1.bild.jpg “/> Here the victim is attended by paramedicsPhoto: WTVnews
Around 2.50 a.m. at the “Von-Ossietzky-Ring” bus stop there was an argument between the 17-year-old, who was probably drunk, and the boy, police report. The dispute escalated: The teenager stabbed the 14-year-old girl in the upper body.
Police officers who first arrived on the scene began resuscitation. Then an emergency doctor continued to treat the 14-year-old boy and took him to a hospital. There the boy succumbed to his serious injuries.
“data-zoom-src =” https://bilder.bild.de/fotos/die-spurensicherung-bei-der-arbeit-am-tatort-an-der-haltestelle-201411481-70130200/Bild/1.bild. jpg “/> Coroner at work at crime scene at bus stopPhoto: WTVnews