Corona: Schools at NRW start again – Friday for the future wants to attack


Germany Crown crisis

Schools at NRW start again, but Fridays for the future want to go on strike

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This is how Armin Laschet sells relief decisions

In the next week, exams and preparations for final classes may be held again at NRW schools. Prime Minister Armin Laschet announced in Düsseldorf after an agreement between the federal and state governments on the Corona crisis.

Examiners are to return to schools at NRW beginning next Thursday. Friday for the future calls for resistance. Luisa Neubauer recently explained the movement procedure.

ANext Thursday, April 23, high school graduates and examiners from high schools or vocational colleges in North Rhine-Westphalia, for example, will resume teaching. Starting Monday, school administrators and teachers must create the conditions to ensure hygiene requirements and infection control requirements are met in schools. Attending schools is initially voluntary. Starting May 4, other grades will follow, also grades 4 of the elementary schools.

But now there is resistance to NRW state government plans with Prime Minister Armin Laschet (CDU) at the top. “Friday for the Future” called the students to stay home on Friday of next week.

The organization wrote on Twitter: “Health expert Armin Laschet wants to open schools in NRW next week, you can see what people think of it at #SchoolboycottNRW. We say: stay home on April 24, protect your fellow man and do # Network strike due to climate with! This is how we fight in both crises. “

Under the Hashtag “#SchulboykottNRW” On Friday, many people expressed dissatisfaction with the plans of the North Rhine-Westphalia state government.

Neubauer: “Democracies need demonstrations”

In her column in the “Popa”, Luisa Neubauer, one of the heads of the environmental movement in Germany, recently called for demonstrations in the Corona crisis, if not on the street. “Democracies need demonstrations. They drive debates, ask questions and ask for answers. Protests, under the right circumstances, manifest even the most protective injustice. They constitute power – valuable social power. The power of the masses: the more obvious, the more powerful, “wrote Neubauer.

On Fridays for the future they have moved to the Internet. “We continue to campaign there and pinpoint the climate crisis over low heat.” The Corona crisis also means: “The climate crisis is not on hold.” The global climate strike of April 24 is now taking place in place of hundreds of thousands on the streets of the Internet.

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Regardless of whether and how many schoolchildren in North Rhine-Westphalia stay home on Fridays for the climate strike next week: normal school classes as before the crown pandemic will probably not be available in Germany until the summer. But at least children and teens should gradually return to schools across the country in the coming weeks. However, countries are planning different speeds.

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In principle, all public schools, kindergartens and kindergartens in North Rhine-Westphalia are to remain closed until May 3. However, there will be an exception beginning Thursday, April 23 at candidate high schools.

In Bavaria, for example, where restrictions must be relaxed more generally, school operations will resume in stages. A little later, though: Starting April 27, final classes can return to schools, in smaller classes and with a minimum distance. Not later than May 11, those graduating years will follow next year. For all other grades, including elementary school classes, schools in Bavaria are initially closed.

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Meanwhile, the NRW state student body has renewed its request to create the option of an average school leaving certificate as an alternative to the Abitur exam. This option had to be granted by the state, Johanna Börgermann of the NRW state student council board also told the Cologne station. No student should be disadvantaged due to missed lessons and changing school operations. Börgermann emphasized that it was doubtful that hygiene measures could be implemented in schools in such a way that regular instruction was possible.

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