Corona: lawyer Beate Bahner was taken to psychiatry – she wanted to go to constitutional court – Frankfurt


Beate Bahner really wanted to go to the Federal Constitutional Court and overturn the crown rules there. Now Heidelberg’s medical law attorney has landed in psychiatry!

The police confirmed to BILD: He was taken there on Sunday night. Against his will, as the “Rhein-Neckar-Zeitung” first reported. She “made a very confusing impression,” said a police spokesman.

In recent days, Bahner had become the icon of the deniers of the Crown.

On April 3, it initially announced a lawsuit against the regulation of the Baden-Württemberg crown: the measures taken by the state were “blatantly unconstitutional” and would violate the fundamental rights of citizens in an “unprecedented measure”.

On April 8, he sent urgent requests to both the Baden-Württemberg Administrative Court and the Federal Constitutional Court. Long brochures in which he wrote, among other things, that “an entire population had been so incapable and locked up before.”

At the same time, he called a national demonstration and declared that the Germans had the “right to resist”. The Heidelberg prosecutor’s office opened an investigation. Suspect: Public call for an illegal act.

The news of the lawyer, who published it on her blog, became increasingly confused. She wrote an open letter to the writer Juli Zeh, which included, among other things: “Don’t you want to take charge now and tell people in Germany that they should get out immediately?! (…) After all, I can’t save the world alone. “

A day later, he published a “Crown Resurrection Ordinance, issued by Beate Bahner.” In it he wrote, among other things, that all theaters, cinemas, saunas, churches and brothels should be reopened immediately in accordance with Article 1 of the Basic Law (human dignity). Violations of his ordinance would threaten “considerable additional mental and psychological stress.”

The last entry on Bahner’s home page followed on Sunday. “Get up and shake yourself,” begins the. “Shake yourself again, and do it right!” Then the lawyer explains, “I’m going to do my own closing to relax for a few weeks. It’s another surprise when you suddenly realize that the loudest police helicopter ever haunts you. Therefore, it may be a while before you already don’t be afraid of helicopter noise. “

Soon after Bahner wrote these lines, the police came and took them away.

A voice message has been circulating online since Easter Monday

The lawyer is said to have sent a voice message to his sister on Easter Monday after the briefing. He says he was suddenly afraid on Sunday of “two killers” and a car in front of his own car, then ran away and stopped another car for inmates to call the police. After realizing that she did not want the police to help her (“I am the state’s greatest enemy right now”), she asked the two young men in the car to let them into the vehicle. “Then the police came. I said, ‘I feel persecuted.’ Then they handcuffed me.”

He is still completely crazy: Meanwhile, however, they had brought her a “wonderful room” with a shower, her cell phone, and friends’ books.

And at least now she feels “safe from very dark forces.”

Current cases and figures: coronavirus (Covid-19) diseases in Germany (Karte / Map) - infographic
