Trump’s strange White House show: American host reacts with a tantrum


Abroad Propaganda allegations

“It’s absurd” – Trump’s strange White House show

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“This is by far the most important decision of my life”

Until now, it has always been important that the President of the USA. USA Convey to the outside world that you have the situation under control. Given the pandemic, Donald Trump’s appearance is changing.

During his press conference, the President of the United States confronted the journalists present. A video clip showing the White House causes misunderstandings. A newscaster can no longer contain his anger.

“Full authority” and “all-encompassing power”: the President of the United States, Donald Trump, has claimed comprehensive powers in the fight against the crown virus. The Republican’s presentation was as sensational as his words at the White House.

Because Trump fought violently with the journalists present and tried to convince critics with a video that promptly made strong propaganda allegations.

In the clip, the Trump team had edited statements from governors, health experts, and journalists who, unlike most American experts, had praised Trump’s crisis management. US broadcaster CNN later titled on its website: “Angry Trump turns the briefing into a propaganda session.”

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The journalists present were also irritated. CBS reporter Paula Reid accused Trump of losing a month on his account denying the risk of the corona virus and not responding to the impending crisis. “We did a lot,” Trump said, then switched to an angry attack on the media (“You’re fake!”) And then attacked Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden. (“Why did you write me a letter of apology?”)

Several US media outlets, including CNN, viewed the president’s appearance as the “biggest phenomenon yet” in his political career. American journalist Sam Stein tweeted: “I defended the broadcast of Trump’s press releases, but there is literally no reason to send a propaganda announcement. It is absurd.”

After Trump’s press conference, MSNBC moderator Joe Scarborough even got carried away by a real tantrum in front of the camera.

“It can’t go on like this,” Scarborough said. Trump is lying to American citizens. “I want the president to succeed because if he succeeds, the Americans will succeed and they will not die.” Trump is not successful. “He’s not even trying to succeed.”

Trump believes the only thing he can do is relax Corona’s requirements in his country. “When someone is president of the United States, power is all-encompassing,” Trump said Monday at the White House. Several governors of individual US states. USA They immediately rejected this claiming that they were responsible for public safety under the US federal system. USA The constitutional experts agreed with them.

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Jean-Claude Juncker

Trump did not comment on how he concluded that he could make a decision on this issue beyond the heads of the governors. In the Corona crisis, the Federal Government has so far only made recommendations to keep their distance and avoid gathering people. The individual states passed significantly stricter and mandatory exit restrictions, some of which are valid until early summer. Trump also repeatedly emphasized that it was up to governors to find the right response to the spread of the virus.
