End of blockade: who dares to return when?


Donald Trump wants to return to normalcy in the US In the US, there is a positive trend in Italy, and the worst is feared in the UK. The summary.

The President of the United States, Donald Trump, wants the United States to return to normal as soon as possible. Hundreds of thousands of people can return to work in Spain. And the spread of the Sars-CoV-2 virus is also slowing down in Italy, one of the countries hardest hit by the Covid 19 pandemic. Britain is not yet on the hill. The situation in France remains tense.

Given the economic losses, there is a great temptation to reduce restrictions on public life. But virologists warn that there is a risk that the number of infected people will skyrocket again. Prominent immunologist and adviser to Trump, Anthony Fauci, considers that the return to normality is gradual and possible with regional gradations.

►USA wants to start the economy again soon

Public life in the United States is largely stagnant due to the crisis, which is extremely harsh for the economy. Trump had originally promised a return to normalcy for these days, at Easter. But then, the Covid 19 pandemic hit the United States in full force, and sad records have been set daily ever since. In absolute numbers, the United States now has the highest number of deaths worldwide due to the crown epidemic: More than 22,000 people died from the virus as of Easter Monday.

United States President Trump warns of rushed steps: immunologist and adviser Fauci (right). (Source: imago images)United States President Trump warns of rushed steps: immunologist and adviser Fauci (right). (Source: imago images)

Trump wants to get the economy back on track quickly and is expected to present a panel of experts Tuesday to discuss the schedule to ease the restrictions. Since the president had already received massive criticism from Democratic opponents and the media, he minimized the risk of the crown for a long time and only pulled the wheel too late, Fauci now warns his boss against rushed steps in the other direction. : The process could go wrong by opening it cautiously “at least somehow” next month.

On Sunday, Trump tried to ease the accusation that he had reacted too late to the pandemic. He did not understand why the media and Democrats in the United States would have criticized him so violently for the introduction of a Chinese entry ban, he wrote on Twitter and added: “Corrupt media!” The president’s top aides had warned the media of a coronavirus pandemic in late January that could kill hundreds of thousands of Americans. Trump himself maintained until early March that the virus was not a cause for concern for the United States.

► Spaniards return to work

In Spain, hundreds of thousands of people were allowed to return to work for the first time in two weeks. The so-called hibernation with which the left government had intensified the fight against the crown pandemic came to an end in Madrid and some regions of the country where Easter Monday is not a holiday. According to media estimates, around 300,000 people returned to work in the capital. In many other regions, such as Catalonia, Valencia, the Balearic Islands or the Basque Country, it was a public holiday. The construction sector and much of industry were particularly affected by the controversial toughening of the curfew.

Patience: Spanish Prime Minister Sánchez. (Source: imago images / Agencia EFE)Patience: Spanish Prime Minister Sánchez. (Source: EFE Agency / imago images)

The strict curfew, which is valid until at least midnight on April 25, remains different. Since mid-March, people have only been allowed out of the shopping house and in special cases. Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez warned on Sunday: “I want to be very clear: we are not even at the beginning of a second phase. The first relaxation will take place in at least two weeks. And it will be gradual and cautious,” said the prime minister in a speech. to the nation

The positive trend in the fight against the virus continued during Easter. With nearly 3,500 new infections in 24 hours, the lowest number since March 20 was recorded on Monday. Spain now has around 170,000 infected people.

► Italy has fewer deaths

There was also a ray of hope in Italy, where 566 crown deaths were recorded in 24 hours on Easter Monday. The increase had not been so low in a long time. A total of more than 20,000 people have died in the country since February from Covid-19 disease, according to civil protection. The total number of infected people moderately increased by about two percent to 159,516 cases.

Empty streets in Rome: a positive trend is slowly emerging in Italy. (Source: imago images / Pacific Press Agency)Empty streets in Rome: a positive trend is slowly emerging in Italy. (Source: Pacific Press Agency / imago images)

In Italy, a strict package of measures in the fight against the crown crisis with exit bans and closings still applies until May 3.

► Britain has not yet passed the mountain

British Health Minister Matt Hancock spoke of a “dark day”. Corona’s death toll had passed the 10,000 mark over the weekend. Experts expect the number of unreported cases to be high, especially since many nursing home victims have yet to be registered. Many experts fear that the health system will not withstand the crisis and that Britain will soon be the country most affected in Europe by the pandemic.

But at least Prime Minister Boris Johnson, who has Covid-19, has survived his serious illness. He was able to leave the hospital and is recovering at Checkers’ country house. The state health service NHS (National Health Service) saved his life, the 55-year-old man tweeted. It is hoped that he will only be able to take over government affairs again in a few weeks. He is currently represented by Chancellor Dominic Raab.

►France still hits hard

Measures to contain the virus are beginning to take effect in France, but the situation remains serious. Almost 14,400 people died as a result of Covid-19, the Ministry of Health announced Sunday night in Paris. For at least the fourth consecutive day, the number of people receiving treatment in the intensive care unit decreased slightly. “These data confirm that the epidemic in our country continues dynamically and continues to be severely affected,” said the Ministry of Health. One observes the beginning of “a very high plateau,” but one must remain vigilant.

Extended departure restrictions: French President Emmanuel Macron (M.). (Source: imago images / PanoramiC)Extended departure restrictions: French President Emmanuel Macron (M.). (Source: PanoramiC / imago images)

Therefore, President Emmanuel Macron announced Monday night in a television address to the nation that the strict exit restrictions would extend until May 11. There is hope, he said. But in the Grand Est region or the Paris metropolitan area, hospitals are still overloaded. The regulations have been in force in France since March 17. People are only allowed to leave the house for the necessary things, such as shopping, walking, or sports activities, and you can only go one hour per day within a one kilometer radius of the apartment.
