Sarah Connor: New photo of her son Tyler – Fan: “Krass, how did you develop”


Tyler Terenzi divides fans with a new photo: will it come after Mama Sarah Connor or rather after Papa Marc Terenzi?

Just two months ago, Tyler Terenzi (16) celebrated his birthday. Mama Sarah Connor (39) enthusiastically congratulated her “big little boy” and slapped him on Instagram. Since that day in February, Tyler has also been allowed to post and is increasingly becoming an internet star. 33,000 Instagram followers in a few weeks, that’s something to be proud of. So your latest post is very well received and someone is writing: “Crass, how did you develop”. Many are concerned about who is most like Tyler now: Mama Sarah or Papa Marc Terenzi (41)?

But convince yourself in the video above.

Mama Sarah Connor shows her pride for her son Tyler

The singer couple once made a splash with the ProSieben documentary “Sarah & Marc in Love”, but that was in 2005, about 15 years ago. Sarah always likes to give ideas of her daily life or her vacations, like in the following video, but is the image intentional or unnoticed? Because its upper part is suddenly transparent …

Intention or carelessness? Your top is suddenly transparent

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