Corona: Johnson was released from the hospital – “I owe you my life”


Abroad Corona virus

Johnson released from hospital – “I owe you my life”

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Boris Johnson has left the hospital.

British Prime Minister Boris Johnson, who has Covid-19, was released from the hospital. However, on the advice of doctors, it will not resume government business directly.

The corona virus brought British Prime Minister Boris Johnson into intensive care. Now he has been released from the hospital. His thanks to his helpers shows how bad it was.

DBritish Prime Minister Boris Johnson was released from the hospital on Sunday. A government spokesman in London said he would not immediately start working again on the advice of doctors. Johnson wanted to thank everyone at St. Thomas Hospital for the “brilliant care” he received, the spokesman said. The 55-year-old man will relax at the Prime Minister’s official country house, Checkers, near London.

Johnson had thanked London hospital staff the day before for spending several days in intensive care after being infected with the coronavirus. “I can’t thank them enough. I owe my life to them,” Johnson said in a short message Saturday night.

Johnson had previously made “good progress” in recovering from his 19 Covid disease on Saturday, the London government. As the British PA news agency reported, citing government circles, Johnson received letters and ultrasound images from his pregnant girlfriend Carrie Symonds and thousands of recovery cards every day at the hospital. He also spent time with movies like “The Lord of the Rings” or “Kevin – Home Alone”.

The 55-year-old politician was hospitalized last Sunday. He now spent three days in the intensive care unit at St. Thomas Hospital in London after his health deteriorated. On Thursday he was again transferred to a normal room.

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Johnson is currently represented by Secretary of State Dominic Raab. However, Raab does not have the powers of the Prime Minister. Britain’s unwritten constitution does not provide clear rules should the head of government fail.
