Former national goalkeeper Lehmann suffered from Covid-19


Jens Lehmann has successfully defeated crown disease. In a report, the former soccer goalkeeper now talks about the course of the disease.

Former soccer goalkeeper Jens Lehmann became infected with the corona virus in mid-March. “I suffered from a cough and a mild fever for a day and a half,” said journalist “Bild,” 50, “After two weeks in quarantine, the authorities declared me healthy again.”

The course of the disease was “easier than with the flu,” “but of course people at risk have to be careful. It probably helps to live reasonably healthy, too.”

Lehmann: “We have to drive back to Germany”

Lehmann, however, repeated his recent request to partially open the stadiums to fans if the Bundesliga season continued. “I have never heard a reasonable counterargument,” he said: “If only every fourth seat is filled, there is enough distance between them. Anyone who violates the distance rule will be expelled and expelled from the stadium.” The German Football League (DFL) currently expects play to resume soon, but will be closed to the public.

In general, Lehmann supported the statements made by the President of the Bundestag Wolfgang Schäuble. “We have to get Germany back on track for the economy to survive. That applies to all sectors of the economy, including the Bundesliga,” Lehmann said.
