92 years vaccinated against coronavirus as the first woman from Rhineland-Palatinate – SWR Aktuell


Corona vaccines have started in Rhineland-Palatinate. A 91-year-old resident of a nursing home in Koblenz was the first person to be vaccinated Sunday morning.

Lieselotte Ziegler received her corona vaccine at 10:08 am at the “Maria vom Siege” home. The 91-year-old woman was amazed at how quickly the vaccination was carried out: “How? That was it?” She asked in disbelief in front of the assembled press representatives. Prime Minister Malu Dreyer (SPD) described Ziegler as a “role model” for other very old people. It is only fair that these particularly vulnerable people get vaccinated first.

Immediately after Ziegler, the head of home care, Sabine Hermes, received her corona vaccine. The home manager, Jutta Kettermann, said she was glad the vaccinations had started. He hopes that at some point it will return to normal in its facilities. A total of 36 residents and 25 employees will be vaccinated today at “Maria vom Siege.” The facility has 111 places.

Lieselotte Ziegler, 91, speaks at the Maria de las Victoria retirement home in the Koblenz district of Wallersheim before the crown vaccination with the Prime Minister of Rhineland-Palatinate, Malu Dreyer (SPD).  (Photo: dpa Bildfunk, picture alliance / dpa / dpa Pool | Thomas Frey)

Prime Minister Malu Dreyer (SPD) in conversation with 91-year-old Lieselotte Ziegler.

dpa Bildfunk

image alliance / dpa / dpa Pool | Thomas frey

Residents are the first to get vaccinated

The first nearly 10,000 doses of vaccine from Mainz-based manufacturer Biontech and its US partner Pfizer arrived in Rhineland-Palatinate on Saturday as scheduled. According to federal government requirements, people in the country who are at very high risk of becoming seriously ill or dying from the coronavirus are vaccinated first.

As a first step, this should be done through mobile vaccination teams in stationary care facilities. First, it will be the turn of nursing homes and facilities for the elderly in those regions where infection rates on December 16 were above the country’s seven-day average incidence. Residents and employees are vaccinated.

Who is after the residents of the retirement home?

Once the vaccines have been expanded to include other nursing homes, medical staff in hospitals will be vaccinated. People over 80 are also in line. There is no exact date for this yet. The only certain thing is that people do not have to wait for their turn to arrive at the 560 nursing homes in the country with its 42,500 inhabitants and 35,600 employees.

Those over 80 are vaccinated at vaccination centers. A phone appointment system is expected to be established in early to mid-January. However, the details have yet to be determined.


Vaccination symbol image (Photo: dpa Bildfunk, picture alliance / dpa | Karl-Josef Hildenbrand)

From making appointments to giving the injection: Little by little the details of the organization of the corona vaccination will become clearer. Here you will find an overview of important information.

Saxony-Anhalt is the beginning

The nationwide vaccination campaign was launched at a home for the elderly in Saxony-Anhalt on Saturday. First, a 101-year-old woman was vaccinated. This was reported by the Central German Broadcasting Corporation (MDR). All other federal states will follow today.

Storage in a secret central warehouse

The vaccine was distributed to the federal states of Germany on Saturday. The federal government has tens of thousands of cans of Biontech delivered to a total of 27 locations.

The first delivery of Biontech’s corona vaccine arrived in North Rhine-Westphalia on Saturday morning. According to the North Rhine-Westphalia State Chancellery, the vaccine doses were transported from a vaccine factory in Puurs, Belgium, and taken to a secret central warehouse in the country.

The quantity of vaccines in Rhineland-Palatinate is initially limited

The quantity of vaccine against Covid-19 is initially limited, Bätzing-Lichtenthäler said before the start of vaccination. Initially, the districts of Bad Kreuznach, Germersheim, Kusel, Neuwied, the district of Rhein-Pfalz and the district of Vulkaneifel, as well as the independent cities of Frankenthal, Koblenz, Ludwigshafen, Mainz and Speyer would be supplied. There, more than 200 facilities are supplied, in just under 70 of which vaccination is carried out with mobile vaccination teams as a first step.

On December 28 and 30 there will be additional deliveries of around 25,000 and 34,000 doses of vaccines. By January, Federal Health Minister Jens Spahn (CDU) announced weekly deliveries of around 34,000 doses of vaccines each for Rhineland-Palatinate.
