32,000 crown deaths: sad record in Britain


Britain has overtaken Italy in terms of crown deaths. According to the statistics agency, 32,313 people died there from Covid-19, more than in any other country in Europe.

The number of people who died in the UK after being infected with the Sars-CoV-2 coronavirus has risen to 32,313, according to the British statistical authority.

The UK has overtaken Italy in Corona’s deaths, making it the country most affected in Europe by the Corona pandemic.

In the United States alone, there are more Covid 19 deaths worldwide. To date, more than 68,000 people in the United States have died from Covid-19 coronavirus-induced lung disease.

Consultations on flexibilization scheduled for Thursday

Some experts caution against direct comparison of these numbers: the methods used for the survey, population, age structure, and other factors are too different. But there are many signs that the London government has massively underestimated the pandemic.

In early March, Prime Minister Boris Johnson boasted of shaking hands in a hospital, including Covid 19 patients, and will continue to do so. Government action on this point was limited to advising that you wash your hands frequently and thoroughly. The government continued to vacillate thereafter. More recently, he had assumed that the height of the Corona crisis had been overcome.

On Thursday, Johnson and his ministers plan to gradually relax the crown’s restrictions. According to media reports, he did not want to present the exact schedule until Sunday.

Strict regulations

UK exit restrictions will apply until at least May 7. The British are hardly allowed to leave their homes. The purchase of essential items such as food and medicine is allowed.

All stores that do not provide basic services are closed. Sport is only allowed once a day and only with members of the same household. Meetings of more than two people are prohibited.
