300 million doses assured: Spahn awaits vaccine approval in mid-December


The first vaccines against the corona virus are about to be approved. Health Minister Spahn expects this in mid-December. He is particularly pleased that there is also a German development between them. But the government depends on more than one manufacturer.

Based on the current status, Federal Health Minister Jens Spahn assumes that the first corona vaccine will be approved in mid-December. “That makes me proud that with Biontech a German development is right in front and, above all, not only in front, but also safely and effectively,” Spahn told the Bavarian broadcasting company.

It is crucial that this has also been proven in studies with tens of thousands of test subjects. However, according to Spahn, Germany has obtained vaccination doses from different manufacturers, a total of more than 300 million. You want to play it safe and not rely solely on one vaccine candidate.

The offer to employees in hospitals and nursing homes to get vaccinated first is received differently, according to Spahn. Some reacted somewhat hesitantly and said they did not necessarily want to be the first. For the others, however, it is clear that they are ahead and want to get vaccinated first. This is an offer, so Spahn, and everyone can decide for themselves whether to accept it. His goal, however, is to wait and ask “that the vast majority of those who work in the health service also get vaccinated.” It’s not just about protecting yourself, it’s about protecting your loved ones as well.

Countries must provide staff

Meanwhile, the German Association of Cities has asked the federal states to quickly provide enough medical personnel for the corona vaccines. “If the vaccine is there, the vaccines must not fail due to understaffing,” said City Council Speaker Burkhard Jung. “The federal, state and local governments want vaccinations to be a success,” emphasized the SPD politician. They are a crucial component in the fight against the corona pandemic.

“Cities, of course, actively support the establishment and operation of vaccination centers. They can quickly make the necessary organizational arrangements,” Jung said. The costs incurred by the municipalities would have to be offset by federal, state and health insurance companies. The vaccines themselves are the responsibility of the legal health insurance associations and their resident doctors, according to the mayor of Leipzig.

“The medical personnel of the health authorities will remain fully occupied for the foreseeable future due to the pandemic and will not be able to take care of the vaccines,” Jung said. “We call on the federal states, together with the statutory health insurance associations, to quickly take care of enough medical and nursing staff for vaccination centers and mobile vaccination teams.”
