2020 US elections: stricter rules for the latest television duel – politics


Americans will elect their president on November 3, 2020. Will it be Donald Trump again? Or will Joe Biden, who won the Democratic primary, win? All news and updates at a glance:

New rules for the last Trump-Biden duel

Tuesday, October 20, 2:19 am: Before the last television duel between the president of the United States, Donald Trump, and his rival Joe Biden, the responsible committee established new rules of conduct. If one of the two candidates submits a two-minute response on topics of debate, the other’s microphone will be turned off, the independent commission for presidential debates said. Consequently, the 90-minute duel will be divided into six 15-minute stages. Each candidate was given two minutes to speak uninterruptedly before the debate began. In the discussion part there is no button for the microphones, but there is a deduction of the time account for the candidates in case of interruptions.

The first debate between Trump and Biden three weeks ago was characterized by chaos and savage insults. The president, in particular, continued to interrupt his rival and the moderator.

Supreme Court allows extended voting in Pennsylvania

Tuesday, October 20, 2:16 am: In the US state of Pennsylvania, ballots received up to three days after the November 3 election also count. This makes a Supreme Court ruling possible. There was a vote stalemate of four to four justices, but that leaves a decision by the Pennsylvania Supreme Court. The court had allowed an extension of the deadline for the acceptance of ballots until November 6, even if they do not have a clearly recognizable postmark.

Republicans, including President Donald Trump’s campaign, opposed an extension of the deadline. They see it as a violation of a federal law that sets the Tuesday after the first Monday in November as the election date. By the way, according to the Constitution, the deputies should make that decision, not the courts, they argued.

Pennsylvania Democrats wanted more leeway in the mail-in vote counting, as far more supporters of their party than Republican voters want to vote this way.

Trump Complains About “Fauci And All These Idiots” Virus Experts

Monday, October 19, 9:55 pm:

According to media reports, US President Donald Trump described prominent American health expert Anthony Fauci as a “disaster” and accused him of making mistakes in the pandemic. Trump said that, according to reports from CNN and the New York Times in a phone call with his campaign team on Monday. “Every time he appears on television there is always a bomb, but there is a bigger bomb when you shoot it. The guy is a mess,” Trump said, according to the newspaper. New York Times. “People are sick of listening to Fauci and all these idiots, all these idiots who made mistakes.” President Fauci also mentioned a “nice” guy in the change.

According to CNN, Trump said with a view to Fauci: “If he had listened, we would have 500,000 dead.” The number of deaths in the US after being infected with the coronavirus is currently around 220,000. More than eight million people in the United States have contracted the virus since the pandemic began. In polls, most Americans have given Trump bad marks for his crisis management in the pandemic for months. In polls, Fauci is much more confident than Trump.

Fauci said on CBS Sunday that he was not “absolutely surprised” that Trump was infected with the corona virus. Looking at an event with Trump in the White House rose garden late last month, the immunologist spoke of a “superpreader event.” When he saw on television that there were hardly any protective measures there, he thought, “Nothing good can come of it.” Fauci again criticized that Trump’s campaign team had used his statement without permission and in a misleading way in an election commercial.

Fauci had also told CBS that the White House had been monitoring his radio appearances during the pandemic. “I was definitely not allowed to go to many, many, many shows that were asked of me.” White House communications director Alyssa Farah told Fox News Monday that Fauci had appeared on numerous shows. “It’s difficult to turn on the television and not watch it.” It’s certainly not trying to prevent you from sharing important information with the public.

There are signs of high voter turnout

Monday, October 19, 10:45 am: A good two weeks before the US presidential election, more citizens than ever before on Election Day exercised their right to vote. According to data from the “United States Elections Project” at the University of Florida, about 27.7 million American voters have so far cast their ballots by mail or in person.

More than 21.8 million votes had already been cast on Friday, which corresponds to about 15.7 percent of all votes in elections four years ago. A little later, in the race for the November 2016 election, the number of early voters was below six million. The historical course shows that voter turnout in the US is higher, the more controversial the election campaign. “We have to keep up the incredible momentum, we can’t stop,” Democratic challenger Joe Biden said Sunday at a drive-in campaign presentation in North Carolina.

Trump calls Biden’s family criminal

Saturday October 17, 7:35 am: US President Donald Trump has harshly attacked his Democratic challenger Joe Biden and his family. During a campaign appearance in Florida on Friday night (local time), Trump called Biden’s family “an organized crime family.” Trump referred to the business relationships of Hunter Biden, Joe Biden’s son, in Ukraine and China. Trump’s verbal attack on Biden is likely to be more acute due to his rival’s growing deficit in the polls.

During an election campaign appearance in Macon in the US state of Georgia, also on Friday night (local time), Trump demanded that Joe Biden and his family be jailed in front of supporters yelling “Lock them up.” “We have discovered in recent months that Joe Biden is a corrupt politician,” Trump told his supporters. During the 2016 election campaign, Trump had repeatedly called for his opponent Hillary Clinton to be imprisoned. As Secretary of State, Clinton had sent confidential email through a private email server. The FBI reviewed the allegations but did not investigate Clinton.
